Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Serendipity ❯ Settle Softly ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Heero felt as if he had joined the circus, suddenly becoming part of the sideshow if the strange looks were any indication. Secretaries opened their mouth as he approached only to sit back, mystified by what they heard and saw. The meeting had been arranged prior to the arrival, Duo having an active role in getting the small group together. The well-oiled door opened smoothly, only a small show of how the entire Preventer organization ran... with a little help.

There were four occupants of the room, all of which he was well acquainted with. There would have been more, but the other two agents, Wufei Chang and Sally Po were currently off the planet. Trowa Barton, always available with his valuable skills at one end of the room, sat next to the expectant looking Duo. Across from them was Quatre Winner, not a usual occupant of the building seeing as he had his own corporation to look after, but at the same time he was no stranger to it. The last person was Lady Une, the fine lines of her face drawn up into something resembling surprise, echoing the faces of both Trowa and Quatre. Duo, on the other hand, now looked smug.

"Never let it be said that Duo Maxwell can't keep his mouth shut," Duo said with a smirk.

They were not looking at Heero, no, but at the now quiet girl who clutched his hand.

"Good afternoon," Heero said, tugging Lauren along with him as they approached the meeting table. She had been chatty all throughout the trip and had now suddenly turned shy. "This is Trowa," he said, gesturing to each person in turn. "Quatre, and Lady Une. Everyone, this is Lauren."

"Hey, kid," Duo grinned at her. "Come give a guy a hug, would ya?"

Lauren smiled suddenly, happy to see a familiar face among the group. That display of encouragement from Duo gave her the ability to make her own way around the room and say hello, taken by Trowa's quiet smile, and the kindness in Quatre's eyes. It was Lady Une she was most in awe of, having heard from Heero that she was the top boss. Woman and girl considered each other.

"You're the... eeleet of the eeleet," Lauren said quietly.

Trowa raised his eyebrows at her over the child's head and Lady Une smiled, at both of them.

"I'm sure my daughter would like to hear that one."

"You take care of each other just like Heero and me," Lauren stated.

This brought a laugh from the too often sober commander. "It's very nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too!" the girl chirped as she scooted back to Heero's chair. Duo held out his hand for hers and away the two went, leaving Heero with the ability to explain their situation to those whose opinion and help he needed most.


Heero was lost in thought. Duo peered at the man in curiosity but had not yet reached the point where he was prepared to drag his friend out of his head. One saved skin that way, plus it wasn't every day that one was summoned by The Yuy, and he had to assume it was to ask a favor. He casually crossed his arms over his chest in defense at that thought.

"I need to ask you something..."

The look on Duo's faced did not spell disbelief, Heero acknowledged. The reaction to his request would be, for lack of a stronger word, interesting. Lauren had come to him with little more than the clothes on her back. She called a bare and empty room her home, and slept on a cot with old scratchy blankets. There was not a doubt in his mind that she would stay with him. There was no way he could let her go, not now. And she deserved so much more than what she had now, even if she wasn't there permanently.

"I need things. For Lauren. Ah..." Heero looked a bit at a loss for words, but Duo wasn't dense. He stared at Heero in disbelief.

"Why are you asking me what you should buy for a little girl?" Duo demanded. "I don't know any more about them than you do."

"Maybe Hilde..."

"No," Duo said sternly. "Relena would give her right foot to help you, and I'm not going to have you hurting her because you're too chicken to ask."

"If she wanted to help, why didn't she offer? She's the one who gave me the determination to do this in the first place." Heero was being stubborn, that was it, not pouting at all.

"It's not her fault you're chicken. She didn't offer because she didn't feel it was her place, and it's difficult to be where you're not wanted."

"I never told her she wasn't wanted."

"You didn't tell her she was, either," Duo pointed out, infuriatingly.

"Lauren took to her..."

"Ehhh. Wrong answer. If she's going to get close to you she wants it to be the right thing, not 'cause your kid thinks the world of her."

"But she liked Lauren..."

"She'd bring down a star for the kid." Duo gestured wildly, mocking Heero's non-movement. "But again... not her place, and she'd feel she's not wanted."

"How do you know all this?" Heero asked crossly.

"I listen well," Duo said matter-of-factly. "And it's so obvious I'm surprised you still have a nose."


Relena's eyes widened as she opened the door, not seeing at first anyone waiting there, but then noticing Lauren face to face with the kneeling Heero who was clumsily attempting to straighten the child's coat. She smiled at the care he was attempting to give just by that one act.

"Relena!" Lauren squealed happily, twisting away from Heero's efforts to make her presentable. Relena bent down to hug her, feeling the warmth of being so genuinely liked, and with such childish enthusiasm and joy. She smiled at Heero over Lauren's shoulder, acknowledging his presence, and reveling in it. He brushed at his knees to remove some microscopic dust, and stared back at her. Or rather... at them.

"What gives me the honor of this visit?" Relena asked, set free from the tight hug.

Lauren looked to Heero hopefully. He shook his head.

"You told me not to," he reminded her.

Lauren's mouth tweaked, showing her displeasure in Heero remembering and taking her words seriously when she'd asked him to be allowed to ask herself.

"Chicken," she mumbled at him.

One eyebrow twitching was the only sign Relena could see that he was affected by being called a chicken by a 7 year old.

"How can I help?" Relena asked, taking Lauren's hand in her own, and giving her the full benefit of her attention. Lauren loosened up immediately. This was her fairy princess. This was Relena. How bad could a silly old question be anyhow?

"I get to get new clothes," Lauren said quietly, excitement shining in her eyes, but imparting a very big, important piece of news. "And all sorts of things. But Heero's stupid when it comes to things like that." As Relena's eyes widened noticeably, she amended, "Or that's what Duo says. We were wondering if you could... help us."

"You want me to go shopping with you?" Relena asked, looking from Lauren to Heero.

Lauren nodded vigorously, hair bobbing like a boat in rough seas, all but hopping up and down in her enthusiasm. Heero's hands inched toward his pockets as he digested Lauren's un-waning excitement and Relena's question.

"I don't know how," he began. "That is, if you could show... If I could watch..."

Relena felt a grin begin to spread on her face.

"You want me to teach you how to shop for a girl?"

He was going to be scuffing his toe in the dirt in a moment, she thought in awe. She'd never seen him so singularly uncomfortable in all the time that she'd known him.

"If it wouldn't be too much trouble," he said finally.

"Please," Lauren pleaded. "He'll buy you dinner, and make it worth your while."

Relena blinked, as did Heero.

"Let me guess," she said, amusement coloring her voice. "Duo told you that one as well."

"Yup! You're a good guesser, Relena."

"I have experience." Relena smiled as if letting Lauren in on some big secret. "I'd be glad to help. Just let me get my purse."

"If now's a bad time, it can wait," Heero broke in.

"Now is perfect. I'll be right back."

Her eyes met his once more as she turned to enter the house. 'Don't worry,' her eyes seemed to say. 'I want to help you.' And goodness knew he wanted her help. Children were a mystery to him, and a little girl was a mystery and a half. She needed clothes, shoes... things. He wanted her to feel as if she belonged, and the bare room she was staying in wasn't any great sign of comfort. She should have a pretty bed, with loops or fancy trimming, and girly things. Dolls, toys, books... things all children needed. It was like starting from scratch, only instead of a new baby, he had a walking, talking imp of a girl. A little sprite who, to his amazement, saw right through him, and his tamped down need to see Relena. It didn't hurt that she adored Relena, but he was never quite sure just what ulterior motives Lauren was cooking up. Woman she adores, man she adores... was it somehow equaling the recipe for one happy family in that tousled head? And just what exactly was Duo feeding into her anyway?


The mall was alive with pre-Holiday activity. Lauren, instinctively understanding just who had the ability to navigate the crowded passages, and knowing who exactly was responsible for making sure she returned with clothes that fit, stuck right with Relena. Heero trailed after them, distracted by the people moving with great purpose, but still doggedly trying to keep up. He stared in something akin to horror as a group of screaming children and one lone mother went dashing by, but realized the error of his ways as he almost plowed over a woman with a baby carriage. After that experience he stuck close to Relena's back, seeing immediately who, between he and Lauren, had it all figured out from the beginning.

Relena maneuvered them off to one side, and turned to look expectantly at Heero.

"Is there some place you want to start first?"

He returned the look meekly.

"Clothes?" he suggested, as if he wished to yank the word back.

The fine art of clothes shopping, he later learned, was often not going just for what one needed. For instance, when he needed socks, he waited until the last possibly second as they were falling apart, and then he bought socks. Or shirts, pants, shoes... whatever the case might have been. It was one concession to not being a soldier any more. His shoes were not shined. His bed was not made. He had become a bachelor in a super human amount of time. This was simply life as he knew it. But this shopping... was a different creature entirely. He knew they were going from scratch, but as he followed them from store to store, observing and giving the occasional obligatory comment, he realized this was what she needed, what she might need tomorrow, and what she might fit in next week after she grew out of what she needed now. It was enough to make his head spin.

Jeans, pants, shirts of all varieties and sleeve lengths, socks, underclothes, sneakers, dress shoes, tights, hair ribbons, nightgowns, skirts and blouses, slips... all in several colors and styles, accessorized and color matched so even the least knowledgeable color matcher couldn't screw up too badly. After he'd muddled that a bit he realized it was a not so subtle doubting of his skills as a... whatever one might be who organized clothing. Quite possibly deserved as he couldn't even come up with a name for it. By some common agreement "The Dress" was left till last. From their secret girl smiles he imagined it was something faintly important. In the cheaper stores they got life necessities, shampoo and conditioner, hair brush, hair detangler, tooth brush, toothpaste and floss, soap, special wash cloths and towels... a seemingly never ending supply of things she would need.

The food court was the second most eye opening experience of his life. People lining up everywhere like animals to slaughter, talking, laughter, people milling around, children toddling after parents, teenagers hanging around like a bunch of half-starved wolves. How had he not experienced this? There was food from a dozen countries, and an almost bizarre amount of people waiting to eat it. It was like... a cultural center in the middle of a pointless shopping complex.

Relena noticed he had slowed, and took his arm so they could find a table without him falling over some unsuspecting people. He was, in his stoic faced amazement, rather child-like. A child tripping over a dog because he was fascinated by the forest.

They were thankful that the bags were safely tucked away, and they were free to sit in comfort. No amount of persuasion could get Lauren to take her own seat, instead she insisted on taking Heero's lap after they had gotten their food. With a little maneuvering they managed to situate themselves so that both were happy and that Heero could eat without bringing his food over Lauren's head.

She squeaked as her fingers encountered a fry that was too hot, and he had the lid off her drink and her fingers cooling in the carbonated liquid before either of them could blink. When she started giggling from the carbonation tickling her, he knew she was ok. All the same he brought her fingers up to his mouth and kissed them. She giggled again and snuggled into his embrace.

When he looked up to Relena he wondered at the look on her face as she stared at him. It was as if she were longing for something, but how could that be? She looked so vulnerable. And then she realized he was watching her watch him and her eyes turned to her plate, her cheeks flushing along her delicate bones.

"Do we get to do the dress next?" Lauren asked, her eyes wide with anticipation.

"If it's all right with Heero," Relena said.

After all that they'd encountered, could dress shopping be any scarier? He shouldn't have asked.

It was decided that they were looking for something green, with her coloring it would go smashingly well and nothing could have persuaded them otherwise. Three stores later he found himself watching yet another wall. The last store they were in he had taken the chance in looking around. He had been amazed by the skimpiness of a white sheath dress, and upon further inspection realized it wasn't a dress at all, rather underclothes. A shade of red later and that had been the end of that. Relena and Lauren were talking to an attendant and with his ear half tuned he started.

"We have some lovely mother-daughter sets this time of year. Green velvet. Would you like to try them on?"

Not one of the three people who knew the truth of not being a mother and daughter spoke up, instead the two shoppers looked at each other.

"Could we?" Lauren nearly begged. "Wouldn't it be neat to have matching dresses?"

Relena hadn't come out today particularly looking for a dress, but it was so very hard to tell her no. With an "Oh well!" look to Heero, the two were swept back into the dressing rooms. Lauren was the first to emerge. It was a dark, bold green, suited to the winter months and ripe in the beauty of the velvet. The dress Lauren wore had a skirt long and full enough to appeal to a young girl's dreaming of princesses, but still functional. But Lauren wasn't looking at him as she came out, instead she moved to the side, allowing Relena to step out, ever so hesitantly. The skirt of her dress fell in waves, catching the light in the softness, reaching almost to the floor in a slimming sweep of fabric. It was a halter neck, but cut higher than some for both modesty and warmth, but leaving enough of a hint of cleavage to further enhance the line of the dress in accentuating the more feminine attributes. The curve of her hips, the dip of her waist, the slope of her rib cage, were all hugged lovingly by the material. It came with a shawl, dark silver and filmy to protect the exposed skin of the wearer, without detracting from the dress at all.

It made the green in Relena's eyes stand out starkly, he thought, and making her skin look very pale and fine in the deep color. With her hair down around her shoulders and unadorned she was beautiful, but he could see her with emerald drop earrings at her ears, her mouth painted a fragile pink, eyes accented and dark, the dark gold of her hair swept up to show off the line of her neck, and an emerald choker at her neck, a fine silver chain sparkling like diamonds as it trailed down to her breasts. It was embarrassing to admit to himself that he had seen dresses before and imagined them on her, imagining how she'd look. On the other hand in this dress she'd look just as fine with no makeup, no shawl, with bare feet... it was just her gift.

Now Lauren looked to him for his opinion, coming to stand next to Relena. Her skin looked just as pale, her own eyes glowing brightly. She was going to be a beautiful woman, he could see that. She ran into his arms as he got down to his knees.

"What do you think?" she asked, breathless.

"I say we take them both."

"Relena, you hear?"

Relena had heard all right. She had seen every play of expression over Heero's face, from when he had first seen her until Lauren had run to his arms. When he looked at Lauren his face showed affection, a look so endearing on him that it was hard not to feel the urge to hug him. When he had looked at her it had been so different. His eyes had been dark, almost guarded, his expression one of all seriousness as he had seemed to inspect her top to bottom. It had made shivers race down her spine, that expression, making her wish his eyes had shown a little more of what he had been thinking. There was no doubting she loved the dress, it was a purely feminine feeling she had while wearing it, the luxury of the velvet making it so. The obvious joy that Lauren took in being in the same type of dress as she also gave it value. The attendant had thought them mother and daughter, that the three of them had been a family. Lauren did not look so much like either Heero or Relena, but it was not uncommon for couples to have adopted children. It was the bond of affection that was so obvious that made them appear to be so, instead of any great outward likeness.

"I heard." She smiled.

Heero smiled back, a much lighter version.

"Why don't you two go change, and I'll pay for them."

Relena opened her mouth to protest but Heero cut her off with a look. Lowering her head in defeat, for the moment, she took Lauren's hand and they disappeared in a wave of green. The attendant, happy to see such a lovely family happy with their selections, gladly took Heero's money. And so the dress was done. Had it been scarier? Not in a sense. But in the knowledge that he knew that every moment together sent him falling deeper into the want of Relena's presence, oh yes, it was terrifying. Especially now that he had not only himself and Relena to hurt, but a child.
