Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Shadows of to be ❯ Shadow of to be 7 ( Chapter 7 )
Disclamer: No i do not own so there nah nah!
Warnings: None really...psycotic child maybe thats all and of course OOC.
Parings: 1+2 3+4+5
Notes: umm yes this story is still alive...shawn has not been working with me and he made it hard to get a new part out but i told him i would make him be with Emily in the sequel and he is now working well with others...~_^
Archived: MediaMiner and whoever whats it take it PLEASE!
lol sorry i ment whoever wants it just tell me where it went.
Feedback: yes please! ^_^
###=Change of place
Shadows to Be 7
Emily made her way to see Shawn more calm about what she found out about Adin, walking towards the front door she saw some men looking around the place being a frendly girl she walked up to one of them and smiled at him even though with the beard and greasy hair made him look nasty to her.
"Hello how can i help you sirs?" Emily asked as she looked at the two men who jumped at her sudden apperance, with a look to each other the men smiled at her and walked closer.
"Me and my friend would like to know if an Adin Maxwell was staying here we are friends of his dads" The taller of the two said while the bearded one nodded in agreement, Emily eyes looked at them then a light went off in her head it was dim but it was a light.* This is my chance to get rid of him maybe they are here to take him home at his dad's request*.
"Yes why do you want him...did his daddy sent you for him?" Emily asked as she twirled her hair in her hands and looked at them with a sweet smile.
"Uh yeah we have to take him home" The tall man said as he walked over to make sure no one was looking at them, Emily smile got bigger at the news and she wanted to jump for joy knowing with Adin gone she would have Shawn to herself.
Emily eyes lit up more as she walked up to the house and looked back at the men then smiled and made a movement to tell them to wait there, the men didn't know if what the girl was up to all they knew was to hide in case she set them up.
Adin pelted Andre and Rin with water ballons as Shawn hunted Trent down with his water gun aiming really well at the other boy head which kind of distrubed the adults looking at them but he didn't care he was having fun, what he didn't like was when he saw Emily walking towards them with a big smile on her face.
Duo was looking at the boy's face change when the little girl showed up with a smile as he layed on Heero's shoulder looking at the children play.
"Damn he looks like you when he dose that Heero" Duo said as he watched the playing stop and the boys looked at the girl who he named mini Relena make her way towards the battle ground.
Heero snorted even if he agreed with his lover he had to admit that Adin looked annoyed also but he looked like a mix of them both when he did, truning to Duo he kissed him on the cheek making the long haired young man blush then snuggled up closer to him which he welcomed.
"Let go inside and i will show you how diffrent me and Shawn is" Heero said as he took Duo's hand and lead him inside with one last look at the boys.
Adin jumped from the tree he was standing up in and then he walked over to Emily who stood by the other four were and hoped that it was a short vist for her but he knew that the hope was a pipe dream *now if only she would go down the a drain* with that thought Adin smiled.
Shawn held onto his water gun wishing it was his real one but then again he would not be able to kill her *i wished i knew the idiot who made it a law to kill someone and didn't say it was it was ok to kill off someone who annoyed you to no end or even a mercy killing because he was sure that letting this girl live was cruel and unusaual punishment...for me that is* frowning as the girl took his hand.
Emily was happy to have all of their attention as she looked at all of them, looking at Adin she gave him a nice fake smile before talking.
"Adin i will miss you when you go home" Emily said as she looked at the boys who all have confused looks on their faces. " those men out side said that your dad told them to take you home"
Adin looked at Shawn as they both looked at the girl as if she grew a head beacuse both knew that Duo and Adin was going to move in with Heero so they were wondering what the girl was talking about.
"Idiot what are you talking about?" Shawn said trying to end this foolishness quickly so they could finsh their game, Adin folded his arms and stared at Emily who frowned when Shawn snatched his hand away from hers.
"The mans out front are looking for you they said your dad sent for you" Emily said not liking that this was not going her way, she looked at the boys who wasn't buying what she was saying so she grabed Shawns hand and pulled him along while the others followed her as she marched towards the front.
Adin and Shawn who removed himself from Emily's grip looked around seeing nothing then they all looked at the girl who looked like she was tricked.
" I assume this was just a glitch in your brain to bring us out here for nothing" Rin said un empressed as he truned around and looked at the girl who was truning red from her blush, snorting the boy walked back to the backyard and cursed to himself.
Trent and Andre followed their older brother back with looks of annoynce on their faces while Shawn and Adin looked at the girl making her feel uneasy about it their eyes on her normaly she would have liked Shawn eyes on her but not right now.
"Maybe i was mistaking am sorry about this" With that Emily hurried away and back towards her house leaving them both to stand there and look at her.
"Your friend is in need of something more worth while to do then to spread her crazness to others" Adin said as he shook his head then was surprised when a hand came over his mouth and saw that Shawn was grabbed also and then carried them both fighting to a car.
Andre walked back to tell the Shawn and Adin that lunch was done but all he saw was a car pulling away and his two friends fighting in the back, he raced back to the house and called his parents and Adin's parents name.