Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Shikanenai ❯ How Much Longer? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Shikanenai - Part 5

Series: Gundam Wing

Standard Disclaimers:

Yes, yes, the rules are still the same . . . we may write fanfiction as long as we don't claim ownership of Gundam Wing or those kawaii little bishounen. To quote from our own Justice Boy's official battlecry (coming soon to a ficlet near you . . . maybe), "Futou!!" No, he didn't just say what you think he did!! Sheesh, you friggin' potty mouths! *audience sweatdrops* But I did, however, write this story. It is born of my own insanity, my views on life, and, of course, those dopey li'l romance novel induced ice-cream urges.

Spoilers: Up to Ep 25, I think.

Rating: for reasons below . . . PG-13


It's a slight AU(ok, alt-timeline), fluff, angst, drama - Duo-chained-up - ( not like that you hentais ;), some violence, lime content (some characters have sex but it's not described play for play), and some swearing.

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- capable of anything

By Duo no Tsuin




The munitions site was where Duo had said it was. He must have reviewed all the profiles, briefs, and transmitted materials regarding this mission. Heero smiled to himself. The more I figure Duo out, the more he keeps surprising me.

Finding enough explosives to blow up the moon, a terrible thought for a Gundam pilot, the two Gundam pilots began the process of setting some up. After all, they knew the place better than the others, except for Duo of course.


"What is taking them so long?" Duo thought outloud.

"It's a large base. There's a lot to do," Quatre chimed in drearily. They were all tired. The battle seemed to go on longer and longer. "Don't worry, Duo. They are coming."

Duo knew that Quatre had said it more for himself than the Shinigami pilot. "Yeah, I hope you're right." Come on, Heero. What's taking you guys so long? Please, please come back. Both of you.

Then as if hearing the radio silent voice, Duo's screen came to life. "Duo," Trowa was strapping into his cockpit. "We have got five minutes to finish and get out."

"Where's Heero?"

"He is coming. He told me to go ahead. Come on, we need to secure our Gundams' evacuation."

"What about Quatre and Wufei?"

"It's covered. Quatre, Wufei?"

"Yes, Trowa?"

"You and Wufei go with Duo and meet me at the airfield. We are getting out of here."

"What about Heero?"

"He is finishing up, Quatre. Now we need to get out of here."

The three Gundams left for the airstrip. There, Trowa was waiting. "I have secured a carrier for us. Now, load them up."

"But what about Heero?" Duo kept looking behind him. Still, no sign of him. "He won't have enough fuel to make it back, alone!"

"He will be fine. Get Deathscythe in now."

When Deathscythe was loaded onto a carrier, Duo radioed Trowa, "How much time do we have?"

"Two minutes."

"Where is he?"

"He is coming. He promised he would. Stay in your cockpit. We need to be ready."

"Alright." Though the situation was one of suspense and quick actions, time slowed down for Duo. Two minutes became two hours. There was nothing he could do but wait. And the wait was killing him.


Two minutes later, buildings exploded all over the OZ facility. A domino chain of flames systematically touched the sky.

Trowa spoke, "Prepare for takeoff," he told Quatre and Wufei.

"But Duo . . . and Heero . . ." Quatre asked worriedly.

"Duo is with Deathscythe."

"And Heero?"

"He is coming. He promised that he wouldn't let Duo down."

"I hope so."

"The explosions are getting closer. We should leave," Wufei measured.

"Have faith, Wufei. Duo does."


"Dammit. Where are you?" Duo searched the area with Deathscythe's sensors. Only darkness and the opposing brightness of the explosions were seen.

"Duo, we have to leave now. This hangar will blow in less than a minute."

"I'm not leaving without Heero."

"But Duo . . ."

"Leave me here, if you have to. But I'm not letting him die here!"

"Duo, you still talk too much . . ." an intense, familiar voice resounded through Deathscythe's speakers.

"Heero?! What took you so long?!"

Wing walked into the carrier. "Get us out of here, Trowa."

The plane's engine hum grew to a whir as the engines prepared for takeoff. Slowly, the plane left the hangar, just short of the collapsing roof. As the plane's speed increased, the explosions behind grew closer and more frequent.

Wufei pounded the control panel. "Can't this machine move any faster?!"

"I'm working on it! Hold on, everyone!"

As the plane fought the pull of gravity to begin it's ascent, the last of the OZ instillation burst into flames. The flames danced in the wind . . . almost as if waving goodbye.


When the plane had leveled out, Duo quickly leapt from Deathscythe to the cabin floor beneath. He regarded Wing with a quiet intensity. Why hasn't Heero come out yet? "Heero, come out!" No answer. Oh, God. What if . . . "Heero!"

Duo ran to Wing. Fortunately Wing was kneeling and not standing at it's full height, so Duo climbed up to the cockpit with some ease. He found the switch and opened the cockpit using the full force of his fist. He climbed inside.

"Heero!" Heero was sitting slumped forward limply. "He-Heero?" Duo could do nothing to hide the tremor in his voice. Tears swelling in his eyes, he gently lifted Heero's head. "Heero? Speak to me."

His eyelids tremored and opened warily. "Duo . . ."he breathed.

"Heero, are you hurt?"

"Nothing I can't handle," his lip nearly quirked into a half smile.

"Dammit. Don't start joking with me now," his eyes, hot and wet, stung.

"Are you crying, Duo?"

"No. Who do you think you're talking to?"

"Duo . . ." Weakly, Heero reached up one hand to Duo's face. He wiped the tears away.

"Oh, is that what that was?"

"Why are you crying, Duo?"

"I-I came in and saw you . . . you were so still . . . so quiet . . . I thought that you . . ."

"What, are you kidding me? You know who you're talking to."

"Don't do that to me, Heero Yuy!"

"Do what?"

"Act like you're the Perfect Soldier. Don't you wonder how I knew to be here? After you left, I read your brief, the two mission profiles, and the communicays. I looked at any and every piece of information you had. It was there, Heero. How could you miss it?"

"I-I don't know. I . . . " Was so worried about you . . . ". . . overlooked it." It's a bad excuse, I know, but . . . "It's the truth."

"It was all my fault. If I hadn't . . . then you would have . . ."

"Stop it, Duo. It wasn't your fault. Understand? I should have been more focused on the missions."

"If you were any more focused on the mission, Heero, then you'd be no better than one of those soulless mobile dolls." A look crossed Heero's face at that moment, one of realization and . . . Regret? Heero?

Heero's heart sank, If I had a heart at all, he thought glumly. For the second time in his life, he realized just how much he had sacrificed. My . . . humanity? "Duo . . ." I'm so sorry. "When I was learning to pilot Wing, I was careless and a civilian was killed because of my blind dedication to the mission." Now, I try to protect those that I care for and the mission suffers. "Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it."

"If what's worth it?"

"Our trade of our humanity for our missions."

This is Heero I'm talking to, isn't it? "Are you kidding me? Of course it's worth it. When the war is over, the colonies are free, and peace reigns, it will be worth it. You'll see."

"How do you do it, Duo?"

"Do what?"

"Dismiss the bad and embrace the good."

"I have to, Heero, just as you have to save the colonies. What good would humanity be without a world to live in?"

"You save the humanity; I will save the place for humanity to thrive."

"Yeah, that's one way of putting it."

Heero was smiling. Actually smiling.

"You know, Heero, you don't have to lose your humanity. You can keep it with you."

"But I don't know how." Heero regarded Duo thoughtfully. "Duo?"

"Yeah, Heero?"

"Teach me how to keep it?"

Duo smiled. "Of course. All you ever had to do was ask."

Heero, that was the name of the pilot before him. He had opened up to him and after so long. I'm the one he talks to. It wasn't really ever Relena. He comes to my rescue and I let him, but this time I was the one doing the saving. Oh, God, how could I . . . "Are you sure you're not hurt, Heero? God, how could I not ask again? You were slumped over in your chair looking . . ."

"Dead," Heero added flatly.

"Yeah," Duo looked down, ashamed. What if he had been dying, and I just overlooked it? I'm so ashamed.

"Say it, Duo. Whatever it is, just say it."

"I'm sorry. Please tell me you're alright."

"I'm fine."

"Now, don't you lie to me. If you even have one bruise on you, then I'll . . ."

"You'll what? And how would you plan on finding out, exactly?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Huh? Oh, well, I guess . . . okay. So, I won't know, but that's no excuse. Just because you're the Perfect Soldier and you've got a perfect body, is no reason for you to . . ."



"Do you know how irresistible you are?"

Again, "Nani?"

"You don't need to compare me to you. There's no contest."

"Yeah, I know." Duo sighed. How could I be so foolish. "You're . . . perfect."


Heero could say nothing. He could not understand how Duo could possibly compare them. "No, Duo . . . you misunderstood."

"Misunderstood what exactly?"

The situation was becoming more complicated. I thought Duo was so self-confident. I guess even Gundam pilots have their insecurities. Heero leaned closer to Duo and lifted his face to meet his gaze. "Can't you see how beautiful you are?"

The question surprised Duo. Had he heard correctly?

Heero brushed Duo's bangs out of his eyes. "I can't stand seeing sadness in your eyes. Those big, deep, bright blue eyes. Do you have any idea how easily I can lose myself in their depths. You're hair . . ." Heero fumbled for Duo's braid. "I've always wanted you to wear it down. Just once." Heero sighed as he closed his eyes. His breath lingered on Duo's lips. "I wanted you from the first moment I saw you. You were so . . . bright and full of life. Your sheer vitality hovers around you, encompassing all those around you. But especially me. When I'm with you . . . I feel like I do with no one else. Life . . . it seems liveable . . . and enjoyable," his voice lowered. "You are not Death to me. You are life. . .and hope. How can someone so bright believe himself so dark? You are anything but Death. With you, the ideas of hope, peace, and. . . love," Heero's voice became husky as the new word rolled off his tongue and past his lips, "They all seem accessible for the first time in my life. And it's all because of you. Tell me now, if you can, how can I compare to you, my beautiful, dark angel."

It was many times greater in length than all that Heero had ever said to the long haired pilot. Or to anyone, for that matter. Duo hung on every word. He could scarcely believe his own ears. For once . . . he was speechless. But all doubt left his mind as the Wing pilot's lips went down on his.

This kiss was different. It was not rushed or hungry . . . or at least in the matters of the flesh. Heero's heart was crying out to Duo. And Duo's lips sent back an answering plea. "I want you, Duo," he breathed through the small space between their softened lips.

"Oh, Heero . . ." A small tear fell from Duo's eye. Heero kissed it away with his lingering lips. Rubbing his head against Duo's, his lips brushed Duo's cheek before hovering agonizingly close to Duo's ear.

"I want you, Duo." He kissed Duo's ear. "And not just as a friend. I want you in the most intimate way." Duo's sigh blew across the skin of his neck. He shivered.

"But Heero . . ." Breaking the knowing silence, he whispered, "What about. . ."

"The others? They won't be back here. They know . . . somehow. I just want to be here with you . . . and express what I feel . . . " he drifted off in a breathless whisper.

"Not here." Duo pulled away slightly. "I want you, too. I want you now. But it doesn't feel right . . . here. It would be too rushed, too . . ."

"Dangerous?" An evil grin covered his usually passive face.


Heero sighed, "Alright," as he leaned back into his chair. "As you wish."

"Heero, don't be mad. I'm just a little . . ."

"A little . . .?"

"Well . . ."


"Yes. I've never . . . ever . . ."

"Say no more, Duo."

"Please don't hate me-"

Quickly, Heero leaned forward. "Hate you! How could I hate you! Did you think that because I . . ." He smiled as he shook his head. "Come here, Duo." He reached down and with his strong arms, brought Duo to sit in his lap, encircling him in his unwavering embrace.

"Heero! We can't . . ." Duo's hand was poised on Heero's chest, preventing further closeness. The tips of his fingers brushed against what little skin was exposed to Duo's wandering gaze.

"Can't what? We don't have to rush things. It's better to start with something less . . . less physically taxing."

"Well, maybe you couldn't handle it, but I . . ."

"Still have bruised ribs and many other countless muscles all over your body. Quatre would kill me."

"Heero, are you really alright?"

"I am now."

"Aren't you even tired?"


"No, dishonestly," sarcasm lining his voice.

"When I piloted Wing onto the plane and landed, all of me just went limp. I was so worried about you. But you . . . you saved us. You saved me. And at that moment I wanted nothing more than to simply hold you . . . just like this. Thank you, Duo, for everything, for all that you've said and done, and, mostly, for just being you."

"I'd do anything for you, Heero. I'd cross Hell in death, just to be with you again. I'll never leave you, no matter what."

"I don't know what I'd do without you. I can't imagine my life without you."

Am I imagining this? This seems so unreal. But it is real. As real as the arms around me, the eyes boring into mine, the husky voice whispering into my ear, the lips that fit mine perfectly, the lean body beneath my own, the hands gripping my braid, the breath mingling with my own, and the soul that is at peace with my own. Duo laid his head against the firm shoulder and sighed contentedly. Arms winding around Heero, Duo asked sleepily, "How much longer until we're home?"

Not wanting the moment to end, Heero kissed Duo lightly and whispered, "Not long enough, Duo. Not long enough."

Owari? Heh, you wish. That's not all, folks.

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*sniff* Awwwwwww . . . I can't help it if I'm a softie, okay? So what if I'm in Fluffy Land? Don't worry, it's not gonna last. If you have any beefs or C&C send them to: