Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Skin ❯ A Good Start ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Skin (1/4)

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing

Rating: PG so far

Pairings: 1+5, 4+R

Summary: Wufei's feeling a bit lonely, who is it that will relieve the feeling?

A/N: This is my first foray into writing in this fandom, and this is actually how I see the characters acting and reacting post war. Please review as well; I'm unsure whether or not to continue.

Skin Chapter One - A Good Start

He was lonely. Not the 'Oh I wish someone were around' type lonely, but the achy skin pulling type lonely where you need someone close, and the absence of almost physically hurts. He could barely sleep at night anymore, the bed was too big, and the lack of body next to him was slowly driving him mad.

So he was on the hunt, there were only five people alive who he would trust enough to sleep in their presence, and he was narrowing his focus.


Wufei sat in the Preventer's Cafeteria carefully watching his comrades. Today was one of those rare days where they were actually all in the same place at once.

Currently Quatre was trying to stop Duo from going and hitting on the six and a half foot tall Amazon from L4. Trying to explain to Duo in kind terms that he probably wasn't her type and that even if it was a joke she wouldn't have a sense of humour to speak of.

Trowa was sitting watching them, carrying on a soft conversation with Heero about the case they were working on, and the comparison of poison and his sister's cooking.

Heero, he was probably Wufei's first choice of prey, and the Perfect Soldier was untouchable. He would have to work on it.

He stewed in his thoughts for a while before they were interrupted.

"Hey 'fei!"

He glanced up at the American soldier's bright tenor just in time to catch the muffin that had been thrown at his face.

"What do you want Maxwell?" The growl in his voice was much softer then it had been during the war, and he had at several points tried to erase it permanently, but there was something about Duo Maxwell that just made him want to bite something.

The American didn't look phased at all. "Just checkin' your reflexes, wouldn't want you to get rusty at your desk job would we?"

It was said with sugary sweetness, but there was a question behind it. After the others had joined the Preventers, Wufei had pulled himself off of fieldwork, applying for a research job, which was more fitting to his scholarly tendencies. He hadn't offered a word of explanation to anyone, but then again no one had come right out and asked. Like now for instance, it was all underlying questions and innuendo.

"Offering to spar with me, Maxwell? I could use a partner for some hand to hand, no one around here has been willing lately."

Quatre laughed at that; he had relaxed the most out of all of them. After handing the business over to several of his very capable sisters, he had been free to do what he wanted, and that was to help people.

"Do you ever think that no one will spar with you because of what you did to Agent Rock last month?"

Wufei felt his cheeks heating up. It had been an accident, it wasn't his fault that the body builder of a Preventer had thought he could beat him with brute strength; he really hadn't meant to break the man's collarbone.

"Leave him alone, guys." Heero. The other had been coming to his defense more and more often as of late, as Duo and Quatre had a way of ganging up on him.

Wufei shot a grateful look at the messy haired Preventer, and went back to his meal, but Heero wasn't done yet.

"I'll spar with Chang. I'm not afraid of a little rough and tumble activity."

Wufei's head spun around to look at he other's face. Emotionless as usual, but was there a twinkle in those icy blue eyes?

"Won't Relena be a little mad to hear that you've been 'sparring' with someone other than her?"

Duo again, the boy really did not know when to shut up.

But Heero stuck again. He was down right loquacious today.

"Why would 'Lena have any say in who I spar with? We broke up three months ago." It was said with perfect calm, but I left the entire table staring at him as if he had shouted it.

"You broke up with 'Lena? Why?"

Quatre asked the question before anyone else could. And it was a good question. Heero and Relena were 'the couple of the decade' as quoted by several trendy magazines around the kingdom, as they seemed so in love with each other, and no one could deny Relena's devotion to Heero or Heero's strange protectiveness of Relena.

Trowa was the only one who didn't look surprised, but then again he never did, it was more of a constant sad look, but he had been more expressive as of late, and right now he had an almost imperceptible smile on his face.

Heero spoke up. " We found that our bond was developing into a more familial type one, and that she was showing interest in dating other people.

At that several expressions flitted across the faces of the ex-terrorists; Duo looked scared that she might come after him next, Trowa was smiling wider, and Quatre was looking hopeful at the thought of a single Relena. As for Wufei, he was almost jumping for joy, inside of course. Heero was single, and with what he had said earlier, he might have even been flirting with the Chinese scholar. Life was looking up.

He looked over at Heero, trying to gauge what he might have been alluding to correctly. The other young man caught his eyes and smiled, slowly, a wonderful sight, his face relaxing completely eyes softening, turning a handsome visage into a downright gorgeous one. It made Wufei smile in response.

They shared a moment before it was broken by Trowa's surprisingly deep and rich laugh.

"It seems you were also thinking of seeing other people as well, eh Heero."

Wufei blushed again, breaking eye contact with Heero and looking instead at the tabletop.

The sound of Trowa's laughter drew Duo and Quarte's attention away from the discussion on how Quat would attract Relena's attention, directly to Heero.

"So Tro, do you know something we don't?" Duo's violet eyes glittered at the prospect of playing with someone else's love life.

"How come you know things we don't?" Quatre whined. The blonde did not like being out of the loop.

Wufei snickered, the two were fairly oblivious, but then again, and after the war what need did they have to seek solace in one and other?

Their interrogation was interrupted by Sally's appearance at their table.

"Sorry to interrupt this party boys, but you were supposed to be back at work half and hour ago, and you're missing your meeting with Lady Une."





"She's going to kill us."

Wufei watched the older Preventer shake her head at them, and then followed the ex-pilots back to the office.


After work Wufei tended to stick around at the gym for a few hours as he enjoyed the peace and quiet a post-work workout afforded versus the busier morning workouts.

He was running through a few of his more offensive moves when he felt a presence behind him.

Whirling around just in time to block a well-placed attack, he fell into the trance he always created when sparring another.

Sweaty, exhausted, and exalted, Wufei fell onto the mat next to his opponent.

"Nice job Heero, nothing's broken, you must be losing your edge."


"Like I believe that."

The other Preventer raised his head a few inches to stare at his opponent. "All I said was 'Hn', is there a reason why you responded to it?"

Wufei grinned; he was feeling less lonely already. "I like conversation occasionally, believe it or not, and you weren't cooperating, so I continued on my own."

"Better solo, then nothing at all?"

Was that innuendo? Probably, but he could safely ignore it Heero was smiling.

"Sometimes, but two sided is best."

"How about more?"

"I tend to fall silent in large groups, I fear getting lost."

Heero chuckled.

"You refuse to play along, don't you?"

Levering himself onto one arm, Wufei stared down at his recumbent friend with innocent black eyes.

"Play along with what?"

Heero threw an arm across his eyes and groaned.

"How about dinner?"

Wufei shook his head, unable to believe what he had just heard.

"Are you serious?"

Heero smiled, "I am, if you are."

That was a loaded statement if he had ever heard one, but he had to take the plunge sometime.

"Yes, I guess I am. How about Italian?"

The blue-eyed man ginned up at him. "Let's go."


He was rewriting a report so that it would be legible, and appropriate for the archives when Duo popped into the cubicle.

"Hey 'fei!"

He raised his eyes to the energetic Preventer, "What do you want Maxwell?"

The violet-eyed demon immediately turned on the charm, eyes widening and moving further inside the cubicle to sit on the edge of Wufei's desk.

"Well, the thing is, I had set up a double date with some guys I had met at a bar last week for Quat and I, but with this whole Relena fiasco going on, he kind of coped out."

Wufei pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and regarded Duo trying to decide what to say. Then he spotted Heero heading towards them, no problem then, he had an excuse, he wouldn't feel to bad about not accepting.

"So you want me, to go on a double date with you, and two barflies you barely know."

"Yup, but I wouldn't put it that way exactly, more along the lines of- hey Heero!"

Heero nodded at the braided man and sat on the arm of Wufei's chair.


"I was asking if he was busy tonight, you see there's this double date thing, and I thought since Quat was busy chasing the Queen of the world, that Wufei could get out a bit and live a little."

Both Wufei and Duo looked at Heero to see his reaction, even though both had different expectations. He surprised them both.

"Why don't you get Barton to come as well, and we can make it a triple date."

Wufei cringed at the idea of a public place, Duo and Trowa's newfound sense of humour.

Duo was dumb struck. "You're dating Trowa?"

Heero smirked. "No not Trowa."

"'Fei's dating Trowa?"

Wufei had had it with the thick-headedness of his friend.

"Wake up Duo, you see Heero practically sitting on my lap, and you ask if I'm dating Trowa? How dense are you?"

Duo paused in his apparent internal argument to look at the two on the chair.

"You two are sleeping together? How come no one told me?"

Wufei groaned and put his head in his hands. He almost liked it better when he was the only ex-pilot at the office.

Heero just glared at Duo. The braided man got off his perch and started backing towards the door. "Nope obviously not sleeping together, or else you two would probably removed the sticks up each other's a-"

He didn't get to finish because he was running down the corridor, Heero hot on his heels.

Wufei just slumped lower onto his desk. Why did he put up with these maniacs? He hadn't kissed Heero, let alone, had sex with him, and it just wasn't fair.

He went back to work, and managed to continue uninterrupted for about five minutes before Heero returned, taking the edge of desk that Duo had recently vacated.

"Did you kill him?"

Heero just raised an eyebrow at him, not answering for the moment.

So Wufei ignored him, going back to work, he wanted to get this done so that he could move onto more interesting activities, like compiling evidence, or cold cases.

Heero interrupted him just when he reached the last paragraph. "I got the information on were we are to meet tonight."

Wufei bit back a frustrated growl and looked up into steely blue eyes.

"You mean we are actually going."



"It's that what couples do? Go on dates?"

The coal-eyed sighed dreading the night ahead, but he would do it, jus for Heero.

"I guess. What time?"

With those words Heero broke into the second truly pleased grin Wufei had ever had the privilege to see.

"Eight tonight, I'll pick you up at you apartment."

He then bent down, kissed Wufei softly on the cheek and walked out of the cubicle.

The young man left in the three sided room was torn between horror at the thought of a public date with three other ex Gundam Pilots, and pleasure, because he had made Heero smile.


Well? Is it worth continuing?