Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Skin ❯ Distractions ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Skin (02/?)

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing

Rating: PG so far

Pairings: 1+5, 4+R

Summary: Four ex Gundam Pilots two innocent bystanders, and a half-decent restaurant.

A/N: I wish this could have been out a bit sooner, but we have this awful virus around here and I managed to catch it…. Oh, and this is set at around AC 199, so that the boys are nineteen. Oh and I'm not really nice to Relena in this chapter, but as she is the ex-girlfriend it can't be helped, much ^_^

Thanks to lw, Sandra a.k.a Wufei Lover, Dreamer (you have my heartfelt sorrow for being plagued with dial-up), ionis (I'm much better at sap, then again for my next story….), Khiara, Jean, ^_^, Dune (ah that's Heero to me, but I won't go into the long explanation now), Solian Rhyo, and judi for all of the reviews! You all are really wonderful for taking the time to review! (More wouldn't be looked askance at either; I like to know how I'm doing.)

Skin Chapter Two - Distractions

He had been standing in front of his closet for half an hour. And still did not know what type of outfit he wanted to wear, let alone decided on any specific articles of clothing. So he stood, towel around his waist, hair nearly dry on it's own, and fretted about what to wear.

Normally he wouldn't care; but then again, normally he wasn't going on his second date with Heero. Second date. Wufei's eyes unfocused and he smiled a sweet, sappy smile. Then he mentally slapped himself; he was acting like a weak onna.

He turned back to the matter at hand. Mission; find something to wear. Heero was going to pick him up in an hour, so he had to hurry.

Sweeping his eyes over the clothes inside the closet, he finally chose a pair of white leather pants and a tight black T-shirt. He also decided that he needed to go shopping, his selection was okay for single life, he would stay in his uniform most of the time, but now with Heero, Heero, he would like to have some nice things to wear, that weren't white.

He was just putting the final touches in his hair, when the buzzer to his apartment rang, and glance at the clock confirmed that Heero was three quarters of an hour early.

He pressed the code to accept and opened his door to wait for Heero to arrive.

When the elevator at the end of the hall opened up, the person wasn't Heero, or even male, or even someone Wufei wanted to see.


He pasted on a neutral expression, as she stalked towards him. He didn't expect this, and tried to have as little to do with the Vice-Minister as possible as, well she was really annoying.

"Hello Preventer Chang, you look nice, going out this evening?"

"Yes actually, is there a reason why you are here?"

She gave him that withering glance she was so good at, that one, which made you think she was looking deep into you, but really, she was just checking you out.

"Are you going to invite me in?"

Like he could refuse.

"Sure, Miss Relena, would you like to enter my humble abode?" He sketched a slight bow, and she accepted it with a smile and swept into the main room of his apartment.

Wufei stifled a groan and followed her inside; he really didn't feel up to dealing with her today.

She took a seat on his couch, crossing her legs, and smoothing her skirt, and then she turned deep blue eyes on him again.

"Who is it that you're seeing?"

He just stared at her, she was fishing, and she wanted something from him. And there was probably no way to escape his fate.

He sat down on the chair across from the couch determined not to make her day.

"A friend."

She frowned at his clam, evasive answer.

"Going out alone?"

"No, six of us are going for dinner."

"Triple date?" Give the girl a prize, she must have been talking to Heero or Quatre, she couldn't have guessed it without being told first.


"Let's cut the small talk, you're dating Heero. Why?"

Ah, now she got to what she wanted to know.

"Because I like him as a person, and respect him as a man."

"That's no answer. Are you sleeping with him?"

Her blue eyes snapped as she asked the question, biting each syllable as it escaped her lips. Wufei was almost intimidated. Almost.

"No, of course not, what do you take me for, a slut? Sleeping with someone on the first, date." He tsked softly, and Relena exploded.

"You boys, you're all alike what's wrong with a girl having a bit of fun?"

Oh no. He had gotten her started he was really in for it now.

"Just because-" She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Wufei leapt out of his seat and rushed towards the door praying that it would be Heero.

It was, Wufei smiled at his friend, his boyfriend, and pulled the other man into a tight hug. The other stiffened a bit at the unexpected contact, but relaxed when Wufei spoke. "Save me, please. She's insane!"

Heero disengaged from Wufei and looked a Relena who was now just behind Wufei, and glaring.

"Relena." Heero's voice was almost pleasant towards his ex-girlfriend. "What are you doing here?"

Wufei turned around to face her; he wanted to hear this. He was slightly surprised when Heero pulled him back against his chest, wrapping his arms around the Chinese Preventer.

Relena sputtered for a moment and then answered. "Well, I just wanted to make sure Wufei had honest intentions. And it looks as though he does. Well bye!"

She shouldered past them and hurried down the hall to the elevator.

Heero chuckled. "She is amusing, you have to give her that."

Wufei shrugged and turned in Heero's arms, "I guess, I like you much better though."

Icy blue eyes stared down at him, melting just a bit. "I'm glad."

He then leant down and kissed the sole-eyed man.

Warmth. All he could compute for the first few moments, was the delicious warmth, then softness, and, oh wow, strength. Wufei near collapsed into the other's arms, kissing back with all he was worth, his heart beating painfully within his chest. This was how it was supposed to be, mutual, warm, and passionate.

He pulled back a bit to regard his Japanese boyfriend. "I hate to say this but don't we have to meet Duo and Co.?"

Heero sighed and nodded. "I guess, shall we?"

Wufei grabbed his keys off the counter and followed the other down the hall.


The restaurant had a line a mile long waiting for tables. Wufei groaned at the prospect of having to wait an hour or so it sit down, and then another hour to eat. He was hungry. Maybe Duo had made reservations. Where was the braided pilot anyway?

Wufei looked at Heero who was better at searching out their violet-eyed friend then he was. Then Wufei remembered that Trowa was supposed to be here as well, and that boy was a head and shoulders taller then most people. So he scanned for the strangely banged head, and sure enough Trowa was standing there, looking like, well Trowa.

They headed over towards their tall friend.





Introductions over, Wufei asked if Trowa knew where Duo was, and received a negative.

"Do you think he made reservations?"

"Hopefully, but this place seems pretty high class, he'd need connections, to get reservations." Trowa looked thoughtful for a moment, and then smiled his slow, easy smile.

"Connections, like Winner connections?"

Wufei broke into a grin as well, and looked through one of the restaurant windows, trying to spot the braided man in there.

Sure enough Duo was standing by a window, waving his arms fanatically, much to the apparent amusement of the two men sitting inside.

Wufei caught Duo's glance and nodded curtly to show he had noticed him.

"Trowa, Heero, he's inside, let's go."

He grabbed Heero's hand and headed to the entrance, he was hungry.

Greek music assailed his ears as he entered the restaurant, obnoxious, yet strangely compelling, he gave Heero's hand a squeeze and headed towards the section of the restaurant where he had last seen Duo.

"Excuse me sir, may I ask where you are going?"

Startled Wufei glanced at the concierge who had stopped him, he was not used to people questioning him most just took his habitual scowl as a sign to back off.

"We are meeting a friend, he probably had reservations under the name Maxwell-" He stopped realizing that she wasn't really paying attention, instead she was staring at his body in a frank appraisal he did not appreciate.

He opened his mouth to rebuke her, but was cut off by a low growl. "Can you stop ogling my boyfriend so we can go eat?"

Heero glared at the woman, and headed towards Duo's table, pulling Wufei along with him.

Wufei was shocked, he didn't know if he liked the possessive streak Heero was showing.

His trepidation vanished upon reaching the table, he felt thankful for Heero's hand in his, as the three sitting at the table were eyeing him like he was the main meal at this dinner.

Duo spoke first "Wow 'fei looking good tonight." The braided man gave a low whistle, but was but was cut off by Heero's low growl.

"Well take a seat. Tro this is Mik, you escort for this evening and the lovely next to me is Sam." Trowa walked over to his date, "Hello, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." The husky voiced pilot then took up his date's hand and laid a kiss upon it, before taking his seat.

Wufei was impressed; it seemed everyone else was as well because the table had fallen silent. Taking a moment to assess the strangers, Wufei leant back in his chair and pretended to listen to Duo babble on about the specials.

Mik, Trowa's date was definitely someone that Quatre would pick up, tall and slender with pale eyes, and brown hair, the man looked to be about twenty but was probably closer to twenty five. The other, Sam was it? Surprised Wufei, he'd always thought that Duo would go for obnoxious ditzes, not a scholarly type. The man wasn't old but his fine boned face was weathered, like he spent a lot of time outdoors, and he was rather non-descript with brown hair, and eyes. The faded outfit he was wearing didn't help matters much.

His musings were interrupted by the waitress arriving, a young woman who looked eager to serve six good looking men. "Can I take your orders?" Trowa answered in Greek, a language Wufei had never bothered with, and seemed to be enjoying himself; he named to dishes motioned to the entire table said something else and then smiled flirtatiously at the flustered young woman. Mik looked uncomfortable and Duo looked amazed at his skill, which as soon as she left he mentioned.

"Trowa, my man! You had her hook line and sinker. I usually can't get that far. Is it speaking a foreign language? Come on you've gotta teach me!"

Heero snorted. "Maybe he just has more charm then you, baka."

Trowa smiled enigmatically in response, and Sam and Mik looked uncomfortable. Wufei decided to keep his mouth shut this time, the evening would melt into chaos without his help.


"I don't understand! They seemed like really nice guys! Why would they ditch us like that?" Duo seemed genuinely upset, and totally clueless as to why his date would have left like that. So Wufei decided it would be prudent to explain.

"Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that you and Trowa decided it might be fun to seduce every server who come within ten feet of us? Or perhaps that when Heero threatened to kill the waitress for having the balls to ID him, and then making her so nervous that when she did bring the drinks she spilled the pitcher of beer all over Sam, and you offered to walk him to the washroom to 'drink him all up'?"

"Well it was a fun evening wasn't it?"

Trowa smiled in silent agreement and Wufei could feel Heero next to him, shaking in silent laughter. Wufei just shook his head in disbelief, "Maxwell, you would find a train wreck amusing."

That ended that conversation. The four boys walked towards the apartments that served as living quarters for the Preventers, which is where Duo, Trowa, and Wufei all lived. Wufei didn't know exactly where Heero now resided, but he hoped it still wasn't with Relena.

The sky was clear that night, and you could see the bright pinpricks of light that were the colonies through the ever present miasma of pollution that shrouded the city at all times, and the soft conversation was comforting. Wufei tightened his arm around Heero's waist and sighed happily, he could get used to this in fact, he didn't know why he had isolated himself for so long.

TBC…Trouble in paradise next chapter, and what does Duo have to do with it?