Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Skin ❯ Fallout ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: Skin 4/4

Author: Talaquinn

Disclaimer: Not mine, just pretending

Rating: PG13

Warning: sap and Duo angst, but he does get better.

Pairing: 1x5, 4xR, 2+5, and 1+2

Summary: They've moved on in their relationship, they should be happy, right?

A/N: It's over! My longest piece so far at over 8,000 words, and I loved writing it! Hope you enjoyed it s well. I was tempted to make this an R fic, but I know if I tried it, that then it would end up being NC17, so I stayed safe with PG13.

Thanks to Solain Rhyo (Sorry this one's done, but the next one is a direct continuation), Vic (yes! 'pairings' that aren't really so, trio just doesn't give the same connotation), Kelp Soda (I am writing a sequel, but you can bribe me anyway, I have a weak spot for M&M's), WuffieLuver (glad you got a new comp, it's so sad when the old one's die. Hope you stay on that sugar high!) For reviewing! I really appreciate you guys.


Wufei opened his eyes to a tanned, well-muscled chest, lightly covered with reddish marks; he blushed to think that he had caused them.

He hadn't expected their union to be so passionate, his prior engagements had been more clam, more mechanic, more of a release he guessed, less of a union. He smiled; Heero and himself had talked as well last night, not a lot, but enough to let each other know that they meant this to be a long-term union, to be together as long as they could.

Wufei moved back in Heero's protective hold, so that he could look at his lover's relaxed face. He hadn't expected this to be the outcome of a peaceful existence. Actually during the war he hadn't expected to live at all. None of them had. After it all, after he had accepted that peace could work he had reverted to his old self, his more scholarly self.

All of them had changed, Heero had been able to find his humanity, Quatre had been able to revert back to his gentle nature, and Trowa had accepted his past, and discovered a wonderful personality of his own. Duo, Duo had changed the least of all of them, he had stopped calling himself Death, but Wufei was certain he hadn't stopped thinking it.

Wufei shook his head to clear his mind of the deep thoughts residing there; today was a day for relaxing, for loving.

A sappy grin spread across his face, and he leant forwards to give his lover a kiss, loving the taste of sweat and sex on Heero's skin.

He put all of his energy into his good morning kiss, wanting Heero to wake up in a good mood. As his lover's lips began to respond to his own, he guessed that his idea had worked. Heero opened cobalt blue eyes and without releasing Wufei's lips, he smiled, and small smile. He then rolled on top of Wufei and started the morning on a very good note.


Wufei was busy gathering information to bust a terrorist located in what had been formerly known as the American Northwest when a blonde head poked into his cubicle.

"Good Morning Quatre, can I help you with anything?"

"You had sex!"

Wufei's eyes widened at this statement, but he managed to keep his composure and raised a dark eyebrow. "And you came to this conclusion how?" He had a sinking feeling it had something to do with Quatre's 'space heart', but perhaps Heero had been gossiping, never mind.

The blonde smirked, it was rather unfitting, but nonetheless, he smirked.

"Well the fact that you actually look relaxed, and Heero is also looking quite relaxed, and there is the small clue of him wearing your shirt. The entire branch has been talking about it, it'll be all over the planet by lunch."

Wufei sighed; he really regretted that Preventers had nothing better to do then to gossip about other's sex lives. Last week it had been Quatre and Relena, perhaps that was why the blonde was looking so smug.

He decided to retaliate.

"Jealous that now you're no longer the center of attention? Are you and Relena going to pull something else out of your hats now?"

Wufei smirked, and decided that he would start a rumor about the blonde couple regardless, he had spent most of his life faceless, and he would rather not change that aspect of his nature now.

Quatre shook his head and put his smile back on.

"Anyway, the lady from 'Bad Boys Unlimited' is due here in fifteen minutes, we should get to the interview room now."

Wufei didn't bother to stifle his groan of annoyance; he hadn't wanted this interview but had been talked into it by Duo, like most things.

He stood up, shut down his laptop, and followed his Arabian friend down the hall to the interview room.

Duo was the only one there when Wufei and Quatre walked in, and the Chinese Preventer made sure to throw a smile at the braided man, as he looked quite unhappy. He hoped that Duo would be able to push whatever was bothering him away, as the American usually was charismatic enough to keep the attention away from the pilots who were less, well, sociable.

"Hey Duo, ready to dazzle the lovely lady with tales of our 'bad boy' days?"

The violet-eyed man looked at him with a weak smile and pain in his eyes.

"Of course Fei-chan, but we gotta wait for Heero and Tro to show up, then the show will go on."

Oh, mask time. Wufei hated the fact that Duo still felt that he couldn't relax and be himself. Out of all of them, Duo was the least recovered from the war, and Wufei didn't think that was fair at all. And it seemed now that something else was on the braided man's mind, something that was not good.

Wufei opened his mouth to ask what was wrong when Heero and Trowa entered the room.

"She's at the information desk, we have about five minutes to come up with a game plan. Une has informed me that this is going to be more about our personal lives then about the war." Heero looked over then all, blue eyes piercing. He then focused in on Duo who looked even more upset then before. "Duo can you distract her or something?"

Duo valiantly tried to put on his smiling joker's mask, but failed miserably.

"Not today Heero, get Tro to seduce her or something, I'm not up to it."

Wufei walked over and sat beside Duo, he owed it to his friend to provide some moral support. Ancestors knew that Duo had stood up for him often enough.

He smiled lovingly at Heero and then smirked at Quatre.

"Or Quat could torture the woman with tales of Relena and his escapades. They could probably fill half the magazine with them."

He knew that he was picking on Quatre, but he knew the blonde understood that it was to protect his privacy, and Duo's delicate psyche.

Quatre nodded once.

"We can do both, Trowa and I can take the heat off the rest of you. Duo deserves the break and the last time we let Wufei talk to an interviewer, he made the poor man cry."

Heero nodded once and sat down, Trowa followed suit, which meant they were ready for the interview.

The woman that entered the room not a minute later was nothing to sneeze at. She was just about six feet tall, dark hair and eyes and of obvious Southwest Asian descent. Wufei saw Trowa smile widely at her, and had a feeling that everything would be all right.


Two hours and three Tylenol later, Wufei lay his head down on his desk, and hoped with all his heart that the article would not get printed. He also hoped that Heero would not kill Trowa. Or that Relena wouldn't kill him.

The interview had started out well, Trowa had flirted, Quatre had prattled, and then Duo had piped up. Apparently all he had needed was a bit of time to get back to the annoying Duo they all knew and loved, but he had managed in less then a minute to let out that Heero and Wufei were in a serious relationship together and that Quatre and the Queen of the World were thinking about taking the next step, and that they had a very strange home life.

Trowa hadn't helped. Pointing out that Heero was wearing Wufei's shirt, and that Duo was actually celibate no matter what others might say.

Wufei had retaliated with a few little comments about females, and Relena's obsessive personality combined with slightly nymphomaniac tendencies. It had gone downhill from there.

Wufei groaned again, then looked to the entrance of his tiny office. There stood a softly smiling Duo.

"Hey 'fei, headache?"


Duo walked over and took his customary seat on the edge of Wufei's desk, trying and failing to keep his mask up. This alerted me that something was really wrong; I had thought he had put whatever was bothering him away during the altercation with the interviewer.

"Duo, want to talk about it?"

Their eyes met, and the pain in those violet orbs stabbed Wufei to the depths of his soul. The young man was his best friend, and he should have picked up on whatever was bothering Duo earlier.

"It's nothing 'fei, I just should have said something before, but hey, the past is the past, eh?"

Damn what had he missed?

"Duo, whatever is bothering you, you know you can talk about it, you're my best friend, we can talk about anything, right?"

With that he broke into tears, whispering something about boys not crying, but Wufei being too damn nice sometimes. All the dark haired Preventer could do was pull his heartbroken friend into his lap, and help him weather the storm.

During this completely surprising outbreak, Wufei looked inside of his own heart. He knew that he loved Heero as much as was humanly possible, and he couldn't ask for more in their blossoming relationship, but his was finding that seeing a hurt Duo was more then he could take, that wasn't how it was supposed to be, was it?

Half an hour later Wufei was trying to figure out if he should try to move Duo, as his legs were going numb, and he had to get some work done today. It occurred to him that he could just throw Duo off of him, but the quiet snuffles next to his ear banished that thought from his mind.

A small blocking of light from outside his door made him look to see who made that disturbance.


Wufei offered a small smile to his silent boyfriend, who strangely was not glaring or making a fuss. But then again, perhaps Heero could see the tear tracks on Duo's face, and the worried expression on Wufei's.

Heero entered Wufei's office with his usual cat-silent steps and asked a question with his eyes, then looked up at the clock, following his glance Wufei realized that it was indeed quitting time, and he needed to tell his boyfriend what was going on.

But first, Duo. "Duo, work's over, so we should leave before Une realizes that we haven't done anything all day."

Duo lifted his head off of Wufei's shoulder and looked at the clock, then at Heero.

"Oh! Sorry Heero, I -"

Heero shook his head and lifted Duo out of Wufei's arm and into his own for a quick hug, whispering something into the braided man's ear. Duo nodded, looked back at Wufei, who was trying to shake feeling back into his legs, and offered a true smile this time.

"See ya later 'fei, it's time for me to go home. Thanks for everything, I'll see you tomorrow."

Then he walked out of the office some of his usual spring back in his steps.

Wufei looked with amazement in his eyes at Heero, what had the blue-eyed man do that he couldn't?

So he asked.

"Just let him know that I wasn't mad, and that everything would work out. I promised."

Wufei nodded at this, he knew Duo took his promise very seriously.

"Do you know what was bothering him, he didn't tell me."

Heero shook his head. "You have to figure it out yourself."

Wufei frowned, but stood up and went to Heero anyway.

That night, back at his apartment, Wufei lay wrapped happy and sated in Heero's arms. He knew he should have been content, but although the parts of his heart, and soul, that Heero resided in were happily filled, but there seemed to be parts that were labeled 'Duo' that were achingly empty. He snuggled in closer to Heero, and vowed to himself that he would find a way to make everyone happy.


Oh my, that was harder then I thought. I hope you all enjoyed it, and the sequel to come! Review and let me know what you thought.