Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Six ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Six


Duo woke up with a start without really knowing why. He blinked blearily and managed to shift enough to look at the alarm clock. Four nineteen a.m. Way too damn early to be getting up.

He sighed and slithered closer to Heero, wondering where D.C. went before hearing her purring and seeing her out the corner of his eye. She was atop their pillows, resting quietly by their heads. Duo had to smile at the ultimate adorableness of it all.

Heero was fully, deeply asleep, dark lashes still against his tanned cheeks, face expressionless yet somehow calm. His hand was curled up near his chest, the arm beneath him bent almost uncomfortably. Duo shivered in the cool air and huddled still closer. Heero's arm snapped out and curled around his shoulders, holding him close. Duo smiled. Even in his sleep, Heero looked out for the well-being of his friend and fellow pilot.

Duo thought about what Heero meant to him. Sure, they were friends, but what else? Best friends? Maybe. Heero could tolerate him more and more, and their friendly touches were increasing in number. But more than friends? Duo frowned. Duo wasn't sure. At sixteen and a pilot in a war, nothing was stable and sure. Nothing except for Heero, who would be as solid and reliable as a rock till the end of time. Only Heero could be counted on time and time again to be the level-headed one of them all.

Duo leaned in and touched his forehead to his fellow pilot's, closing his eyes and synchronizing his breathing with Heero's. In moments, he was drifting off, unaware when Heero's arm tightened and enveloped him further.

D.C. yowled as her tail was squashed beneath Duo's head, and the loud sound in the bleak silence of the room made both boys jolt upright, looking for their guns.

Heero froze when he heard Duo's sudden laughter and turned to stare at the braided boy.

"Heero, it's okay...It's okay, it was just D.C. It's nothing..."

The Japanese boy's heart thundered wildly in his chest. "Jesus Christ..."

"Yeah, you're telling me." He was shaking slightly, breathing a bit too fast. "Scared the hell out of me."

Heero fell boneless onto his back, ceiling swimming as hi vision cleared. "God..."

Scratching the back of his neck, the American watched his bedmate. "Hey. I think I had a nightmare."

"What about?"

He hesitated. "I'm not quite sure. It was a lot of different things, but I don't think it was exactly a nightmare-nightmare. Maybe just a mini one."

Heero quirked a brow. "A mini nightmare?"

"Yeah. woke me up, but it didn't scare me half to death. You know?"

"Yeah...I know."


"Hmm?" He was already shifting around to get more comfortable.

"Remember when you asked me why I kept my hair long?"

He stopped. "Yeah. Why?"

"I'll tell you if you tell me about that nightmare you have."

"No." His voice was sharp and flat, and he refused to embellish. Duo bit his lip.

"What if I tell you first?"

"No. I can't."

A nod. "All right. I understand. But I still think it would help you to talk about it."

Heero said nothing. Duo exhaled lightly. "I guess I can't force you." He laid back down, surprised to find an arm beneath him. He looked over at Heero and saw that his face was, of course, blank.

"Heero? What...?"

"You had a nightmare, didn't you?"

"Well, yeah..."

"You said touch helps to ground you." He wound his other arm around Duo's shoulders and tugged him closer, until they were nestled together from neck to knees. The American took his chances and slid his knee between Heero's, but his Japanese counterpart didn't make a remark, so he finally allowed his tense, taut muscles to relax.

Heero ghosted a hand along his bare back. "Go to sleep. Don't dream."

"Is that an order?" Duo smiled.


"Yes, sir. No more dreams tonight."
