Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Seven


Heero'd been outside in his Gundam when Quatre came barreling in, frantic and freaking out. "HEERO! WE'VE BEEN BREACHED! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!"

The word "breached" did it. Heero was landing on the ground, catlike on all fours, even before Quatre had finished speaking. "You get in your Gundam, I'll go get Duo," he said tersely. "Don't pack--no time. Load up your weapons and get the hell out. We'll follow behind."

Quatre nodded his acquiscience and Heero raced flat-out from the clearing to the house an eighth of a mile away. Quatre must not have been in the house at the time when he got the warning--he'd probably been at the barn with the animals--which was why he hadn't warned Duo. Heero cursed his laxed security. If he hadn't gone nearly a month without any missions, he would never have let himself fall so low as to be unprepared for a security breach.

He reached the house in no time and caught Duo as he was just coming out of the bathroom. "Get in your Gundam and let's go," Heero snapped, grabbing his laptop and his disks.

"Right," Duo said, but he suddenly stopped at the door. "Heero...D.C...."

"No time. Go!"

Duo looked pained but followed orders and left in a heartbeat. Heero gathered the few supplies they'd need while they went house hunting and was about to leave when he heard it.

A little meow right behind him.

He turned and glared at the kitten. "You goddamn animal, you're going to get us killed," he hissed, right before he scooped her up and started running as fast as he could towards his Gundam. Sandrock was long gone and Deathscythe was just powering up as Heero got there. He jerked up the zipline and crawled into the cockpit, placing the kitten on his lap and strapping her in with him, hoping there wouldn't be a battle where she'd get hurt. Going with his better instincts, he fished around until he found a few elastic bands and belted her in the dark corner of his cockpit. She meowed and he shushed her, giving her a scratch behind the ears to calm her down.

He powered up and lifted off, Deathscythe in his view.

There never was a battle, but Heero didn't doubt Quatre's words. They had been compromised and he had been unprepared for it. That was unacceptable.

Many hours later, they touched down in one of Quatre's desert estates. Quatre and Duo were waiting for him as he shut down and unbuckled, remembering at the last moment that he had a passenger.

"Come here, you foul thing," Heero admonished, unstrapping the frightened, trembling kitten. She clung to him with her sharp little claws and hung on for dear life. He gave a light laugh and opened the cockpit, ziplining down easily.

Duo had the most hurt, heart-wrenching expression on his face as he talked to Quatre. Heero approached and caught the last of his words.

"...said I wouldn't become attached, but God, Quat, I loved that little furball..."

"Take her," Heero said calmly, and Duo whirled around, shock evident in his violet eyes.


Heero pulled the cat off of his t-shirt and handed her to Duo. "I picked her up. She's scared to death. Go give her something to eat."

" saved my cat?"

"Let's get inside," he said, changing the subject abruptly. "I need to figure out what happened, find us another safehouse, and contact Dr. J." He was caught unawares when a pair of arms wound around his neck from behind.

"Thank you," Duo whispered. "Thank you so much."

Heero merely smiled.
