Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Eight ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Eight


"I won."

"Damn it. I'm going to bed, I'm too tired to play."

"You're just saying that because you lost."

"No, I'm saying that because I now owe you fifty credits." Duo glared at his poker partner. "Let me alone, Yuy. I'm exhausted."

"One more game," Heero wheedled, scooping up the cards and shuffling them expertly. "Or are you afraid you'll lose *again*?"

"What part of 'I'm too tired' don't you understand?"

"One more game. Let's up the stakes."

Duo raised his eyebrows. "Meaning what? I already owe you enough money."

"No. No money. This time we play for clothing."

The American barked out a laugh, picking up D.C. as she sauntered by and placing her on his lap where he stroked her soft, mottled brown fur. "What, like strip poker?"

"Yeah, I guess. If I win, you take off a piece of clothing. If you win, I take off a piece of clothing."

"Heero, you have the *weirdest* sense of humor, you know that?"

"Come on. Are you afraid to get naked? Don't want to show the goods?"

Duo laughed so hard that his violet eyes crinkled up and nearly disappeared. "You're nuts, Yuy."

"Come on." Heero stopped shuffling and looked him in the eye. "What have you got to lose?"

"My clothing."

"Haha, funny. One game."

Duo sighed. "Fine. Deal me in."

Heero dealt and Duo looked at his cards one by one.

Heero raised an eyebrow. Duo grinned. "Hit me with two."

The Japanese boy obliged, taking one for himself. No expression crossed his face, but Duo was expecting that.


"Ready as I'll ever be." Duo spread his cards out. "Four aces. Beat that, hotshot!"

Heero gave a weird little smile and set his cards down, one by one. Duo's eyes nearly bugged from his head. "It looks like I've got a royal flush."

"No way! There's no way you got a royal flush! You asshole!"

Heero's smirk widened. "Strip, loser."

Duo grumbled and untied his shoe, flinging it off to the side. "There. I'll deal this time, cheater..."


"Ha! Three of a kind! How about you, Yuy?"

"Four of a kind."


Duo's other shoe hit the wall.


"You go first. I'm not going again."

"All right. I got a straight."


"What did you get?"

"Nothing at all."

Duo's sock joined his shoe.


"Spread them."

"Why Yuy, that could be taken a totally different way."

"I meant your cards."

"I know that. I was going for the sexual term."

"You're stalling."

"Yes. Yes, I am."

"Spread the cards, Duo."

"Do I have to?"



Another sock landed somewhere in the room.


An hour later, Duo was down to boxers and the ribbon on his braid, not to mention the scowl on his face. Heero had only had to remove his shoes, socks and shirt. He was smirking widely and Duo was just glaring.

"Last hand," Heero said casually.

"You're trying to get me naked, aren't you?" the braided boy accused.


"I hate your sense of humor."

"Thank you." Heero dealt, Duo picked up the cards in a huff and let the blank mask slide on his face. This was good...this was *real* good. Four, five, six and seven, all in the same suit. Very, very good. No *way* Heero could be this. No way. Duo would be able to keep his clothes and his pride.

"I'll go first," he offered, and Heero merely nodded. Duo slapped the cards down, grinning. "Take that, jackass! I win! Take off the jeans!"

Heero smiled again and set down his own cards. "I win again."

Duo blinked in disbelief. "No way! NO! There's no fucking way, Heero! NOOOO!"

The pilot of Wing merely pointed to the cards. "Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Jack. All of hearts. I believe it beats yours, Duo. Now take off the boxers."


Heero lost the grin. "Come on. Don't be a sore loser now."

"I'm keeping the boxers on," Duo blushed. He hesitated before pulling his braid over his shoulder and snapping off the elastic. He ran his fingers through the chestnut braid, loosening it, and in moments brown-hued waves spilled across his chest to pool on his thighs. "There. I took a piece of clothing."

Heero's mouth had gone dry. He stood up abruptly, nearly knocking the chair over. "I...I think I'm going to go to bed."

Duo looked up, confused. "What?"

"You're right, it's late...I'm tired...Good night." And he sped off. Duo cleaned up their mess of dinner and cards, giving his quiet partner time to get his act together before heading up to the room they shared.

D.C. was already there and Heero was against the wall, having left a spot for him. Duo hesitated.

"What happened down there?"

"Nothing. Let's go to sleep."

Knowing he would never get an answer out of the Perfect Soldier if he didn't want to talk about it, Duo slid into bed and shifted until he and Heero were touching. The Japanese boy automatically slipped his arm over Duo's waist, tugging him closer.

The silence suffocated them until Heero spoke. "You look...nice...with your hair down," he said, tripping over the words, his accent a bit more pronounced than usual. " your age. Not so old..."

"You're saying I look old?" he joked half-heartedly.

"Yes. Too old. You look younger when your hair is down."

"...Is that a good thing?"

Heero tucked the braided boy's head beneath his chin, sighing softly. "Yes. A very good thing."
