Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Nine


A couple of days after the strange strip poker incident, Duo was laying on his side on the couch, D.C. on his hip, watching TV. They'd changed safehouses once again, and while this one had TV, it didn't have cable. So Duo was waiting for a comedy program to come on, something called Friends. He'd never seen it before, but from the commercials he saw earlier, he thought it would be pretty good.

He bit back a sigh when he glanced at the empty chair that was usually occupied by a Japanese assassin. Heero had been conspicuously absent for the last two days, only showing up for mealtimes and at bedtime. He still held Duo to him, but his whole aura Not wrong, necessarily, just different.

Duo wasn't quite sure what was going on. Heero had been weird ever since he'd taken his hair down during the freaky poker game.

He was startled out of his reverie by the front door slamming open. WuFei stumbled in, loaded down with mission gear and some boxes, and Trowa followed shortly after.

"You've got the room down on the hall on the left," Duo informed him. "You're the single. Trowa, you're with Quat, left side two doors down."

"Thank you," WuFei said tiredly, and Trowa merely nodded. The two of them, exhausted from their missions, disappeared. In minutes, Duo heard the shower start and got up long enough to heat up some dinner before leaving it in the microwave to stay warm with a note explaining what was what. He pittered around the kitchen a bit more, stalling for time until the show started. After he'd washed, dried and saved the few dishes, re-organized the pantry shelves and cleaned out the expired foods from the refrigerator, he had five minutes left.

As he was walking back into the kitchen, he head Heero's low voice speaking to someone.

"Oh, so you like having your throat scratched? Mangy beast...I don't know why you like me so much. Come here...No, don't bite, it's not nice.....There we go. Comfortable? You should be, you're nearly on my face, you monster...Oh, hush, you know I don't mean it..."

Duo smiled as he peered around the wall to see Heero sitting lotus-style on his favorite chair, D.C. perched half on his shoulder and half on his chest, purring continuously. Heero's face was softened and gentled, and he had a very slight smile on his face as the little furball nuzzled his neck.

The American coughed to make himself known and stepped into the living room, pretending not to notice that Heero was cuddling a kitten. "A comedy's about to start, if you want to watch it with me," he offered, trying to sound as casual as possible and not as tense as he felt.

"All right."

Duo stretched out onto his back again, this time on the floor, pillow underneath his head for cushion. "So...what did you do today?"

"I installed a harness in Wing and one in Deathscythe," he replied calmly, and Duo sat up in a split second to glare at him.

"You went inside my Gundam?"

"Just to put a harness in."

"A harness? For what?"

Heero seemed to blush and he chose to look at D.C. as he spoke. "If we have to get away again, she has to have somewhere to sit."

Duo's anger drained immediately. "Are you saying you put in a *cat* harness in our Gundams?"



"No problem."

"No, Heero...I mean...Really, thanks." Duo scooted closer to the chair so he could lean against it, voice soft. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know I didn't. Here. Take her." A kitten plopped onto Duo's head and jumped into his lap, meowing a bit. Duo scratched her thoughtfully before shifting, cheek resting against Heero's knee.

"This show's called Friends. It's supposed to be funny. You might like it."

"Maybe." Slender, tanned fingers reached out and softly touched the braid. Duo turned to look at him, a bit curious.

"What is it?"

"Duo...I don't suppose you could...You couldn't maybe..." Heero stumbled over his words and finally just shut his mouth, shaking his head. "No, never mind."

"No, Heero. What is it?"

"Your show's on."

Duo blinked. "You're trying to distract me. What's with you? You've been acting weird."

Heero's cheeks deepened in color again. "I don't mean to. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine," he said, brushing off the apology. "I just want to know what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. You'll miss your show."

The American sighed. "Fine. You don't have to tell me. But if you feel like it later, just spit it out. I like talking, remember? I'll always be willing to talk to you." He leaned back again. In a few more minutes, once the show had gotten started, Duo felt fingers touch his hair again and stayed still.

Heero cautiously swiped the bangs out of his eyes and Duo made no protest. After a few more moments, he took to sifting his fingers through the strands he could, occassionally brushing past the curve of an ear, the line of Duo's jaw, the soft skin of his neck. Duo nearly fell asleep.

After the show was over, Duo put it on the news for WuFei to watch, and sure enough, the Chinese boy came in after finishing his dinner and settled himself in a corner of the couch, watching in silence.

Heero's fingers stopped their movement and he stood up, walking towards his room without a word. Duo followed him, D.C. in his arms, and the two went about their nightly routines. After all was ready, they slid into bed in their usual position, except this time Heero coaxed Duo to rest his cheek on his chest.

Duo obliged, though his heart beat a little faster. Heero's chest was strong and smooth, skin soft and scars hardly visible save for light pink lines. A strong arm wrapped around his shoulders and Duo took the chance to sling his arm across the slim waist near his.

"Good night, Duo."



"What were you going to say?"

He paused. "It was just a question, and after I thought about it, I knew you wouldn't give me permission."

Duo's heart positively thundered. "Permission to what?"

" touch your hair."

"You always touch my hair," he smiled, amused. Heero shook his head and tightened his hold.

"No. I meant with your hair down."

There was a pause the space of a heartbeat before Duo replied. "You're right, I wouldn't have given permission. Not yet. Seeing it down and touching it are two different things."

"I know."

He huddled closer to the warmth that was Heero's strong, youthful body. "Maybe another time. Later." Much later, he added silently.

"Okay. But may I touch the braid?"

Duo laughed outright. "Yes, you can touch the braid."

Heero's fingers immediately closed around said braid and he shifted a little more to get comfortable, finally reaching down and taking Duo's knee, sliding it over his own. "Comfortable?"

The American thought he would combust. "Yeah. You?"

"Mm hmm. Good night. Again."

"Yeah. Good night."
