Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Ten ( Chapter 10 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

1+2, Part Ten


Duo sighed as he looked out into the bright Florida sunshine. It was a hot, beautiful day and he wasn't sure if he wanted to go run in the sprinklers, jump in the pool, or play football. All three were quite tempting, but instead, he settled on having a picnic with D.C. in the backyard. In the very, very big backyard of one of Quatre's estates.

It was right by the pool, so if he felt a little too warm, he could always jump in. This decided, Duo walked out of the room he was in, down the hallway, turned into another dining room, and proceeded into the kitchen, where he checked to make sure the big scary chef was gone before stepping inside.

D.C. appeared at his heel and meowed for some attention, so he talked to her while he prepared a basket of goodies to eat, adding a small can of cat food, a saucer, and a water bottle filled with milk for D.C.

It had been nearly three months since he'd found her in the woods, and she'd grown considerably, though still stayed quite small for a cat her age. She still didn't like flying in the Gundam, but she didn't constantly cry like she did the first couple of times. And for some reason, she preferred Duo's piloting techniques to Heero's while she chose Heero's company ninety percent of the time.

Bedtime had become easier for Heero and Duo, now that D.C. didn't need to be on their faces or their necks to sleep. She would curl up either at the head or the foot of the bed and generally slept a good portion of the night before jumping down to go find something to play with. Duo was grateful. During his weird cuddling sessions with Heero that usually happened after a bad mission, D.C. had gotten into the habit of squeezing between them. It was cute the first couple of times, but when he really needed that human contact to ground him, to remind him that not everyone he touched was doomed to death, the cat got in the way. Duo'd taken to locking her out of the room, but he couldn't stand her pitiful mews.

Heero had been amused the whole time, though he made no comment, something that Duo thought was a smart move on his part. The American could get very angry very quickly, and it wasn't pretty when he was pissed off.

So Duo finished making his picnic lunch and grabbed a blanket before heading outside, cat right at his heels.

He stopped dead when he realized where the other four had been for the last couple of hours. They were in the pool, splashing around, swimming laps, talking and laughing loudly. A sudden pang hit his heart, hard, but he shook his head, trying to forget the sudden feeling of loneliness that'd attacked him. They can swim by themselves without having me tagging along. It doesn't bother me. Not at all.

He spread the blanket on the ground, waving to Quatre when he shouted a greeting and smiling when Trowa nodded to him. WuFei was reading something in the hot tub and Heero was swimming laps, but Duo knew that even if they'd been paying attention, they probably wouldn't have cared. Well, Heero might have said a greeting, but not the exuberant one that Quatre always used.

He unpacked his lunch and set it out, making sure to feed D.C. first, and just as he was taking his first bite of his sandwich, Heero climbed out of the pool and stood up, shaking water from his messy hair.

Droplets of pool water clung to his tanned, smooth chest and the dark green swim trunks stuck to his muscular thighs, and when he stretched, back arching, his muscles bunched and coiled beneath his velvety skin.

Duo blushed and quickly focused on eating his sandwich, ignoring the thoughts and images that flitted around his head. Boys don't like boys. It's wrong, it's very wrong, it's a sin. I don't like Heero like that--he's just my best friend. So what if I think he's good-looking? I think Quatre, Trowa and WuFei are good-looking too, in their own way. Heero's my best friend. I can't think of him as more. It's a sin. Maybe I should do a few Hail Mary's... That had always been his penance at the church--it wouldn't hurt to start it up again.

Heero stepped over to him, glaring. "Why didn't you make me any? I'm hungry."

Duo glared right back. "I didn't even know you were out here. How was I supposed to bring you something?" He took another bite of his sandwich. "You want to eat lunch with me, you go get your own damn sandwich."

Heero snorted and walked off, swimtrunks clinging tantalizingly to his firm--

Duo began saying Hail Mary's in his head.


Heero left the towel sitting on the lawn chairs and wandered into the house, making his sandwich and getting a glass of milk. On an afterthought, he grabbed a few cookies and placed them in a plastic bag, walking back out and towards Duo, who was sitting with his legs stretched out on the weird checkered blanket.

Heero watched him for a few minutes, admiring the bright violet-blue eyes, the shining chestnut braid, before shaking his head and joining his friend. They ate their lunch in silence, and when Duo pulled a small jar of honey and some fruit from his basket, Heero immediately relieved him of all his strawberries. Duo chuckled, Heero smiled a little, and they made short work of the fruit.

Heero offered to share his cookies and Duo accepted, stealing some of his milk as well since his tea just wasn't "right for cookies, man". As they were finishing up, they heard the snap of a photograph being taken and both turned to see Quatre holding up his camera, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry, but you two looked pretty cute."

Heero glared ferociously. "Boys aren't 'cute', Quatre."

"Yes they are," the blonde said, grinning. "I'm cute. You're cute, when you want to be. Duo's cute all the time. So boys can be cute." He turned and walked off. "I'll make some copies of these so you can't burn them, Duo."

"Damn. You know me too well, Quat."

"Yes, I do. Now clean up and come on inside, we're going to play poker."

Heero and Duo both turned interesting shades of red, and as Trowa climbed out of the pool, he caught it. "You don't mind playing poker, do you?"

Heero shrugged. "I guess not."

Duo shrugged. "Nah, we'll play." He carefully kept his gaze away from Heero's face as he cleaned up their mess, Heero insisting on taking the basket and blanket back. D.C. followed him, winding in between his legs and nearly making him fall, and Duo watched, smiling.

I do not have feelings for my best friend. I don't. I am straight, I like girls. I do. I just think Heero's handsome, that's all. And he's nice--of course he's nice, if he wasn't he wouldn't be my best friend. And it may not be exactly normal for two sixteen-year-old boys to sleep together in the same bed, but I never said I was normal. I'm a terrorist, I can't be normal. No, I do not like Heero Yuy. I mean, I like him, but not like that. I just don't. Nah...not me...

"Duo, are you coming or not?"

Duo nodded, once again noting how Heero's muscles seemed to shift beneath his silky skin. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee...
