Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Thirteen ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Thirteen


In the morning, Duo awoke first and found that he and Heero had shifted positions as usual during the night and he was spooned up against his Japanese partner's warm, strong back. Heero was sleeping curled up, as usual, in that strange little ball that seemed to give him some sort of protection. Duo was half on top of him with his legs trailing off the bed, so he righted himself onto his back and listened to Heero's light breathing.

Heero would be leaving in a few hours for his two-week mission. Duo wasn't sure where, Heero never disclosed it, and the American knew better than to ask. But still...Two weeks? Duo sighed. I really, really hope I can make it...

Heero shifted and turned onto his other side, facing Duo, still asleep. His features, as usual when he was sleeping, were softened considerably, and some of the small little boy that resided deep inside of Heero shined through--his lips weren't drawn in a frown, but relaxed and very nearly curved up into a slight smile. There weren't wrinkles between his eyes where he would scowl. His lashes, long and dark, fluttered a few times as he dreamed.

Without warning, Heero cried out in Japanese, a heartbreaking sound. "Yamero! Oka-san! Yameroooooooo!"

"Heero, wake up!" Duo whispered urgently, afraid to put his friend into soldier mode. "Heero, it's me, it's Duo! Wake's okay, buddy, wake up...."

Slowly, dark blue eyes opened and Duo was stunned to see them glistening. In a flash it was over and Heero sat up, trembling a very tiny bit. He got himself under control quickly, regulated his breathing, and looked over at his bedmate. "Gomen nasai. Bad dream."

"I can tell."

Heero quirked a smile. "We have two hours until I leave. Want to play a game or something?"

Duo, attempting a joke, said, "Let's not play poker."

He won a true laugh from Heero and felt pleased with himself. Getting Heero to really laugh was not an easy task.

"Then what?"

"We could go back to sleep for another hour or so. Are you packed?"


"Then an hour and a half." That decided, Duo settled back down. This time, for one of the first times, Heero snuggled into his side and Duo was the pillow instead of the other way around.

Heero listened to his heartbeat for a few moments, concentrating on it. Before he knew it, he'd started to regulate his own breathing in tandem with Duo's.

The American's arm tightened around him and he asked a question, but Heero didn't hear it. His heartbeat had slowed to match Duo's and he started to tune into every detail about the boy he was nestled against. He could nearly taste the American's scent, like sweet spices and a slight hint of musk. He could hear his stomach grumbling. Heero was super-sensitive to the soft skin that his arm was resting on, the way Duo's chin brushed the top of his head. In no time at all, he was sure that it was Duo's nervous, jumbled thoughts he was hearing, so deeply focused was he on this long-haired boy.

he's not responding what do i do i hope it's not a long trip i wonder if he's really all packed maybe i can help him do something why isn't he breathing where are my shoes i can't find them man i really need a haircut maybe heero can do it i don't like hairstylists why isn't he breathing

Heero jerked away, looking stunned, and Duo merely looked curious.

"What's up with you? I've been trying to get your attention?"

"Your shoes are underneath the bed," Heero said quietly, trying to think rationally.

Duo brightened. "Thanks! When did I ask you?"

"...Last night. You must have been too tired to remember."

"Oh yeah. I hate it when that happens."

"Aa." Did we just...did I just meditate with him? I must have gotten so far under that I connected deeply enough to...No, that's impossible. I didn't just hear Duo's thoughts. That's impossible... Thinking rationally, Heero nodded to himself. No way I can hear his thoughts...Ridiculous...You're growing soft, Yuy...

"Hey, Hee-chan?" Duo yawned. "Let's go back ta sleep..'M tired...."

Heero felt himself stiffen and he growled low in his throat, surprising his partner. "Don't you ever call me that again, do you hear?"

Duo looked extremely surprised and flustered. "But I thought...I went online and it said that it was used as an affectionate!"

"For little girls, Duo! For boys, it's an insult."

He managed to look contrite and gave a half-smile. "Sorry, man. I didn't know. I'm sorry." And he was. His smile broaded. "So what's more of an affectionate, buddy-buddy term that I can use?"


"You call me that, don't you?"


"Okay, then. Heero-kun or Hee-kun?"

Heero hesitated. "Hee-kun is fine if we're alone. It's a little more...affectionate than Heero-kun."

"All right. Hee-kun, only in private. Heero-kun in public?"


They settled down again to sleep and Duo nearly gave into the suddenly tender urge to drop a kiss on Heero's temple, but he resisted at the last moment. These feelings that I have are evil, he told himself sternly. I must stop feeling this way about him. No matter how much I'm starting to really like like Heero, I must stop. He is a boy, I am a boy. I will not fall in love with Heero Yuy.

"Oyasumi, Duo-kun," came a tired, breathy voice. "For another thirty minutes."

Duo laughed and held him tighter. "Oyas--what was it?"


"Oyasumi, Hee-kun."
