Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ 1+2, Part Twelve ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: 1+2, Part Twelve


That Sunday after their nap, Heero and Duo ate dinner with the others in companionable chatter, watching the news and then a movie until nearly midnight. Heero would be leaving in the morning on a mission and Duo would have a tough time sleeping until he got back, so they wanted to have a good night's sleep.

Duo was in the room first, going about his own nightly routine as usual. He brushed his teeth, flossed, and used mouthwash. He unbraided his hair, brushed it out, and re-braided it. He washed his face and used toner, checking for any zits (luckily, he had none). He dressed in the flannel t-shirt, taking off his pants and leaving his white boxers on. He changed socks into some that were a little warmer and walked back into the room, just in time to see Heero pulling the flannel pants up over his hips, boxers peeking out a bit.

"You tired?" the American yawned, going over to their simple bookshelf to find something to read for a few minutes.


"Hard mission?"

"Not really. Reconnaissance. It's just a little bit long."

Duo looked over at him, suddenly suspicious. "How long?"

Heero bit his lip, a strange gesture that Duo had never seen him make before. "...Two weeks."

"TWO WEEKS?!" Duo exclaimed, horrified. He stomped over to the bed and grabbed Heero's shoulders, shaking them harshly. "What in the hell am I going to do for two fucking weeks?!"

"Play Monopoly?" Heero suggested, and suddenly Duo's vehemence drained out of him and he laughed uproariously.

"You're a riot, Yuy. No, seriously though. Two weeks? I can't even sleep alone for one night." He looked a little worried. "At least my mission's going to overlap yours. I'll be gone in four days for thirty-six hours, but still. Two weeks..."

Heero reached out and touched his shoulder lightly, looking up into his eyes. Duo let go of his shoulders and stepped back a little, rejecting the touch. Heero frowned but didn't comment. "It won't be that bad. I'm sure we'll be able to get some sleep."

The American still had that pained expression on his face. "It's hard enough going just one or two nights, but fourteen will be next to impossible."

"Maybe it won't take that long," Heero offered. "I might be able to come back early."

A ghost of a smile crossed his lips. "Thanks, Heero, but don't rush on account of me. I'll just...have to figure something out. I might go sleep with Quat."

The messy-haired boy felt a sudden surge of jealousy that he quickly repressed, nodding instead. "That might be wise."

"It won't be the same, but maybe it'll help enough till you get back." Duo chanced a glance down at him and saw that Heero was looking the most forlorn he'd ever seen him. It wasn't anything big in his expression, which was carefully neutral, but his eyes were hollow. Empty. Heero's eyes were easily the most expressive part about him, and Duo would always watch his eyes for clues as to what he was feeling. Right now...he was unsure and a little hurt.

He thought about the priest's words from earlier that day, then shrugged them off, deciding instead to go with Heero's logic. Best friends. That's all. He sat down on the bed and draped and arm around Heero's shoulder, tugging him close.

"We'll be okay, buddy," he said, reassuring himself as much as his partner. "Can't hold me down for too long, I'm the God of Death."

"Shinigami," Heero murmured.


"Shinigami. God of Death. Japanese."

"Ah. How do you say it again?"

"Shi-ni-gami," Heero said slowly, and Duo repeated it back to him until it sounded perfect.

"Shinigami. I like that. You think you can write the kanji for me one day? I might write it on Deathscythe."

"Yes. If you like."

"Cool, man. Thanks." He pause dfor a moment. "How do you say Perfect Soldier?"

Heero scowled. "You know I hate that."

"Just tell me," he wheedled.

"Fine. Kanzen na heitai."

"Put that on yours," Duo said, "in kanji. That way we'll sort of match."

"I'll think about it."


They moved into their usual positions to sleep, Heero near the wall, Duo on the outside edge, but instead of entwining like they usually did, Duo kept his distance. Heero sighed.

"Do you think I'm going to suddenly leap on you and ravish you?"

"What? Oh, no...Sorry, I'm being silly again." He edged closer until Heero could put an arm around him and they shifted to get more comfortable.

Duo was quiet for a few minutes before asking, "How do you say dragon?"

"In Japanese?"

"No, in English." He poked Heero's side playfully. "Yes, Japanese, you dolt."


"We'll get WuFei to put it on his Gundam. How about Desert Prince?"

"Sabaku Wakagimi."

"And Silencer?"

"I think Nanashi is more apt for Trowa."

"What's that mean?" Duo tried to ignore the guilt that ate away at him as he turned over to face Heero, sliding his thigh between Heero's own to get more comfortable. His Japanese friend didn't seem to mind, though, and only held him tighter.


"Ah. You're right. Nana...what is it again?"


"Okay, thanks." He burrowed his head beneath Heero's chin, sighing lightly. "'Night, Heero."

"Good night, Duo. Sweet dreams."


A/N: My Japanese is extremely rough. I apologize if it's incorrect. I only got it from Rachel's dictionary. ^^