Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Two ( Chapter 22 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Two


A strange creaking sound woke Heero up shortly after he'd fallen asleep. He glanced at Duo and saw that the boy was still sleeping. Another creak. He sat bolt upright, dislodging Duo from him and subsequently waking him up.

"What the-" Duo glared up at Heero, hair mussed and eyes half-lidded. "What the hell was that for?"

"Shh," Heero snapped. "Listen."

They both fell quiet. Creeeeeeeeak. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Duo's eyes grew huge. "Heero…those are footsteps!"

"It's probably just Quatre," he said dismissively, laying back down, but Duo refused to cuddle in his arms again, completely adament.

"No, no, no! Listen! Quatre doesn't walk like that and you know it!"

The Japanese boy narrowed his eyes. Thump. Thump. Thump.

Then they heard a scream.


Duo charged out of the bedroom, hair tangled and flying, and saw Quatre running towards them in his silk pajamas, sea-green eyes nearly filling up his whole head. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," the boy panted. "Oh my GOD, something came into my room!"

"You're shittin' me!"

"No! Something opened my door and it suddenly got really cold, and I felt…I felt something breathing on me! I have never been so scared in my life!"

Heero was the only sensible one. "Quatre, did you see what breathed on you?"

"No! It was just…really cold!"

"What happened after that?"

"It sort of went away and my room went back to normal."

"Then whatever it is, it's gone. Go back to bed."

Duo gave him an evil look. "You are an insensitive jerk, you know that? Come on, Quatre, you and I will find another room to sleep in while Mr. Skeptical here sleeps alone."

Heero shrugged. "Fine. Your choice." And he went back into his room and shut the door. Duo blinked at his blonde friend.

"That asshole. Let's go, Quat."


Heero was just curling up with the puppy in his arms when his door started to open. He hid a smile. "Too scared to sleep by yourselves, huh?"

But there was no answer. And when the door shut, Heero didn't see Duo or Quatre. But then…

The puppy began to shiver and whimper before burrowing closer to his warm skin. Heero wondered if the other two boys had turned down the air conditioner just to frighten him.

Then little fingers began to touch his heated flesh and he nearly yowled like an alley cat. Completely freaked out, Heero stumbled out of bed and charged out of the room, trying to figure out where Duo and Quatre would be hiding out.

"Duo?" he called cautiously, trying to look everywhere around him at once. He heard a child's laughter, but it definitely wasn't one of his fellow pilots. This was a little girl's, and it seemed…it seemed to echo. "Duo!"

"In here," came a muffled voice, and Heero abruptly backtracked and went into a well-lit, cheerful wing of the house before finding the door with the light on. He opened it and saw Quatre and Duo huddled beneath the blankets of a big bed together.

"What happened?" the braided boy asked, and instead of being sarcastic he was dead serious. "We heard something. What was it?"

"It was nothing," Heero said brusquely. He reached the bed and realized that he had nowhere to put the puppy. He dumped the laundry out of the laundry basket and set him in there, grabbing a water bottle that Quatre had brought from the kitchen, cutting the top off of a plastic cup lying around using a pair of scissors, and made a makeshift water bowl. The puppy could be fed in the morning. When he turned to the bed, Duo was climbing over Quatre.

"I want to be in the middle," the American decided. "Quatre wants to be by the wall. He says that if something comes in here, it'll get to you and me before it gets him. So you're stuck on the outside."


They got situated and Duo immediately squeezed himself as close as possible to Heero, turning until he could take Quatre into his arms. Heero felt a sudden surge of jealousy, knowing that Quatre was also seeing Duo with his hair down, but he stamped it away as quickly as possible.

"Guys?" Duo whispered. Only Quatre answered him. "Can we move safehouses tomorrow? Please?"

"We'll try," Heero grunted, burying his face in Duo's hair and inhaling the sweet scent.

There was a pause before Quatre asked, "Heero…what happened to make you come in here?"

"Something touched me."

"Did you see it?" the braided boy asked, and Heero shook his head.

"No. It was cold and it touched me."

"Were you scared?" the Arabian questioned. Heero pondered it for a moment.

"Not scared, exactly…I don't really get scared easily…but it sort of freaked me out. It was completely outside the law of matter, and I don't like when something doesn't follow rules."

"Good night, Heero," Duo murmured, curling up against Quatre's back. "'Night, Quat."

"'Night, Duo. `Night, Heero."

