Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Three ( Chapter 23 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Three


Morning dawned and Quatre woke up first, yawning and rubbing his eyes. He shifted from Duo's embrace and sat up, eyes roaming blearily over at his two sleeping companions. Duo was firmly pressed against Heero's chest, and Heero had the look of someone very calmly content on his sunlit face. Quatre had to smile. I wonder if they know how they feel for one another. I can feel it myself...but can they?

Duo would deny any romantic feelings towards his best friend, and Heero would just shrug indifferently. But Quatre knew. In his heart, he knew. I hope after this horrible war is over that they can truly find each other...

They were so funny together sometimes. Duo would do his best to pester Heero, and Heero would just be patient as a rock and take all the teases and playful insults with a grain of salt. When Duo would fall asleep on the couch, Heero would quietly tuck a blanket around him so he wouldn't get cold. If Heero forgot to eat dinner while on the laptop, Duo would make him a plate--and he would also check to be sure that no foods were touching, the way Heero preferred it. Heero added a dollop of honey to Duo's tea when he thought no one was looking. Duo could be found placing a towel conveniently outside for Heero to use after his exercises.

Little things that made them friends could also make them more, Quatre knew. It was always the little things that mattered.

Like now. Fully awake and starting to become quite chipper, he smiled down at his fellow pilots, entwined together without a care in the world. It seemed as if the strange paranormal happenings the night before were just vague dreams that he couldn't quite grasp. Duo mumbled a little in his sleep, starting to shift around a little too much and Heero's arm tightened around his waist. Dark blue eyes snapped open instantly and Heero put his lips close to Duo's ear, whispering in Japanese, voice low and almost sensual, like velvet. The braided boy quieted down immediately.

Wing's pilot looked up sharply, having not realized that Quatre was there with them. "He has bad nightmares," he explained, and Quatre nodded without further question. Nightmares. Those he understood well.

Heero was awake, and whenever he awoke, he hardly ever went back to sleep. "Breakfast?"

"I'll make it. What would you like?"

"Anything will be fine."

"You asked for it," Quatre joked, and Heero gave him a brief smile. The blonde crawled to the end of the bed and hopped off, trying not to jar his still-sleeping friend too much. Duo just rolled over in Heero's arms, burying his face in his partner's neck.

As Quatre shut the door, he saw Heero press a chaste, ghostly kiss to Duo's temple, eyes dark and tender. He smiled to himself. At least Heero knows where his feelings lie...
