Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Four ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Blame Gravitation's song "Super Drive" on this next piece of D.C. fluff. This is my favorite line in the whole song: Nee, koi ni natte, ai ni natte, hane hirogetai...It translates as "Hey, I'm falling in passion, I'm falling in love, and I want to spread my wings." Isn't that just beautiful? ::sighs:: I love Gravitation so much, and three of their songs (Super Drive, Rage Beat, and Blind Game Again) are among my favorites, like, EVER. They're just amazing!

So yes, for this part of the D.C. Saga, blame Gravitation.


Duo realized that during the daytime, the house wasn't nearly as scary, so he could explore without having Heero right at his side. Though Heero had situated himself inside the foreboding library, saying he didn't want to be disturbed, but Duo knew that if he needed him, Heero would come running.

He found a room that scared him to death--it was one with crucifixes literally covering every inch of the walls. He'd gotten out of there--as fast as he possibly could--and made a mental note to inform Quatre once again that his sister was a weirdo.

He also discovered a secret passage, but he didn't feel like going down there without a flashlight. Or some explosives. Or Heero. Heero himself was like a damn explosive.

Argh! There I go again, thinking about Heero. What is it with me today? He shook his head, dispelling the thoughts and wandered into the library, hovering near the door. He knew that Heero knew he was there, but he didn't say a word in an effort not to bother him.

"Come in," he said quietly, and Duo obliged, leaning against the back of Heero's chair with his arms resting on the strong shoulders.

"Whatcha workin' on?"


"Nothing? Then what are you doing?"


"That's work," he pointed out. Heero tilted his head back to meet violet-blue eyes, his messy bangs tumbling away from his forehead and revealing his entire face for one of the first times Duo'd ever seen.

"It's not work, I enjoy this. I'm learning about this house we're staying in."

Duo shuddered and used the tip of his fingers to flick away a stubborn lock of brown that had hidden half of Heero's right eye. Heero glared at him, which looked completely different upside-down. Duo wasn't fazed. "So what have you learned so far?" he asked, resisting the urge to curl his fingers through the mop-impression Heero called hair. It was far too tempting.

"Nothing at all." Heero returned to the book he was perusing and leaned back almost imperceptibly, gaining more of Duo's touch. "It's all myth and mish mash hashed together...I can't sort out the fact from fiction."

"Maybe none of it's fiction."

"Maybe none of it's fact."

"And that's what you're determined to figure out, right?"


Duo dropped his chin onto Heero's head, sighing. "You're weird when you get obsessed with something."

"I'm not obsessed, I'm just curious."

"Curiosity killed the cat."

"Then you should've died a very long time ago."

The braided boy laughed raucously and gave into the impulse to loosely wind his arms around his best friend's neck, pressing his cheek against Heero's temple. "You know me too well, Yuy."


"Hungry yet?"

"We just had breakfast."

"That was four hours ago. I'm hungry. Let's go get something to eat."

"Fine." Heero stood up and shut his book, but Duo hadn't let go of him. Since they were roughly the same height with Heero just a bare half inch taller, it wasn't awkward, but Heero found it a little...intimate. He wondered what the American would do if he was suddenly, soundly, kissed. He chose (wisely so) not to push his luck, especially since Duo had once been so uneasy about homosexuality.

Heero had been thinking about that for a little while, a few months, in fact. He'd looked up the term in a dictionary (Homosexual: of or charactized by sexual desire for those of the same sex as oneself--a homosexual individual, noun), and thought about it some more. Did he want Duo sexually? He wasn't sure. Yes, he liked looking into those big violet eyes, touching that braided hair, wrestling just for fun. Yes, he enjoyed it when he was able to pin Duo beneath him and felt a muscled, virile young body aligning with his. He enjoyed that very much.

He did not, however, enjoyed his body's reaction to these encounters and had started limiting his contact with his new-found love interest. That hadn't worked--Duo, as a tactile person by nature, hadn't even noticed Heero's distance and touched him like he usually did, curling up with him at night to sleep. Heero had just given himself more discipline and hadn't had a reaction in a few weeks, maybe less. He was quite proud he'd gone so far.

But now, with Duo hanging on him like a Christmas ornament on a tree, he kept thinking...

What would he do if I kissed him? Would he hate me for it? Why can't I just do it? No, I shouldn't. I have to respect him, he thinks it's a sin. I don't think it's any worse than killing, but Duo can be bizarre sometimes with the way he thinks...

"Hey." Duo slipped around until he was facing Heero, arms still around his neck. He had to tilt his eyes up a little more than he originally thought. "Hey! Are you in a growth spurt or something? I could've sworn we were eye to eye a couple of weeks ago..." He looked down and saw that they were both barefoot before pouting. "That is so not fair. At least Quat's still my height. Once he passes me up, that's when I'll really get pissed."

"I'm still short," Heero placated, and Duo huffed.

"Not really. You're what...maybe five-five now? I'm only five-three. Five-three! Heero, I'm a goddamn midget!"

"I thought you said you wanted to stop swearing?" He was getting a little annoyed having to keep his arms at his side, so he figured Duo wouldn't mind and curled his hands around the slim waist. He pulled the American a little closer to him, causing him to stumble, but made no comment even as he found himself nearly nose to nose with his slightly shorter best friend.

"I--I do want to stop," the braided boy whispered breathlessly. "I'm trying, but it's really hard...I've been cursing for as long as I can remember..."

"I don't curse."

"That much," he corrected, relaxing into the gentle, tender touch. Heero could be so intimately affectionate at the most perplexing times. Hard hands, calloused and rough, were light as a dove's touch on the small of his back, and the chest that touched his was certainly hard enough to cut a diamond on.

"That much," Heero agreed. They were quiet. Duo found it almost soothing, and Heero just was glad that his friend hadn't flitted away by then.

"Guys?" a voice called from downstairs. "Lunch is ready!"

"Okay!" Duo hollered back, trying to untangle himself but found that he was caught. He gave Heero a playful glare. "Not going to let me go, are you?"

"No. You did it to me. I only think this is fair." He stuck his hands into Duo's back pockets and was rewarded with a yelp.

"Heero! I didn't grope you, though!"

"I'm not groping you." He squeezed lightly. "That's groping you."

Duo squeaked and tried to wriggle away, but Heero had an awful good hold onto his rear. "Heero! You lecher! Let go of my ass!"

"You said you were going to stop," the blue-eyed boy said mildly, a hint of a smirk on his lips. Duo jerked backwards again and succeeded in tripping over his own feet and falling down, taking Heero with him.

They tumbled to the floor and Duo suddenly found himself with a Heero sprawled on his chest, legs spread open in a not entirely uninviting pose, and Heero directly between them. Heero was in his cut-off shorts again, easily removable, and a blue shirt as well--also easily removable. Duo, dressed in khaki shorts and an undershirt, didn't have much clothes on him either. If they had been naked and somewhere other than a cold library floor, and in the same position...Heero could have easily gotten ins--

This all happened in a split second; Duo nearly screamed at his own self to stop that train of thought, derail it, and burn the metal. NONONONONONONONONONONONONO! Bad Duo! Oh my GAWD, I cannot believe I am even CONSIDERING this! Oh dear God, oh my lord...This is not good, oh no, this is not good at all...

"Duo?" Heero murmured, noticing immediately the increase in breathing. "Are you all right? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He struggled to remove his hands from beneath the trapped body, fingers splaying on either side of Duo's shoulders. Duo still had his stupid, uncooperative arms around Heero's neck, and he berated himself royally for it.

"Duo?" Heero questioned again, and the braided boy finally snapped back into reality.

"Oh, um...huh?"

"I asked if I hurt you."

"Oh, no! No, you didn't. It was my own clumsy ass--"

"Stop cursing."

"--that got us into this position anyway." He flushed uncontrollably. And what a position it is.

Either the Japanese boy didn't notice the predicament or he chose to ignore it, because he quite simply let his body drift down until it was snugly on top of Duo's, and his face was pressed into his companion's soft neck. "We need to go eat lunch."

"Then why don't you get off me?"

"Get off you or get you off?"


Heero laughed. It wasn't a chuckle, it wasn't a little snort meant to show amusement, he actually laughed. Duo felt the breath against his neck and thought he would explode. "I was merely joking. Come on." He pushed himself upright, hooking an arm around Duo's waist, and hauled them both to their feet with his seemingly unlimited strength. Sometimes Heero was just...

Duo dusted himself off, trying to ignore his hard-on, and headed out of the library. "Are you coming, Yuy the Ass?"

"Yes." Almost, Heero whispered in his own head. I'll have to tell him how I feel sooner or later before things like this keep happening. He waited a few moments until his burgeoning erection had decreased to unnoticeable. He was relieved that it didn't take more than ten or fifteen seconds and hurried out of the room to find Duo waiting at the top of the stairs, still flushed and a little disarrayed.

Heero gave into an impulse, something he hardly did, and kissed Duo's cheek lightly before walking down the stairs, not looking back.

The American stood there, stunned, and touched his cheek where he could feel a faint tingling. Did Heero Yuy just kiss me? The continuous electric pulsing in every pore of his body told him yes, his best friend had just kissed him, even if it was only on the cheek.

As Duo bounded down to get lunch, he realized that it wasn't a bad feeling at all.
