Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Nine ( Chapter 29 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Twenty-Nine

Rating: Eh...PG-13 still.

Dedicated to: Animyth and p (it was an anonymous review, but damn, it was a good one!) for their reviews. Animyth...::holds out hands:: Gimme the pocky! ^__^





"SHIT!" Duo jumped and spun around, nearly dropping the plate he was holding, and glared daggers at his cat. "You mangy beast, you scared the hell out of me. What do you want?"

"Meow..." D.C. trotted over to him and curled around his legs, butting her hard little head against his calf and nuzzling him. He softened instantly, placing the plate in the sink and picking her up, cuddling her close.

"Aw, my baby...You've missed me, haven't you?"

She purred and leaned into his touch, nipping lightly at his fingertips in affection. He walked into the darkness of the living room and sat in his favorite chair by the window, illuminated by the barest patch of moonlight that flowed through, D.C. curled against his chest. "Baby doll, you would not <i>believe</i> what happened tonight!"


"That's right," he cooed, though he had no idea what she was mewing at. "Heero and I went on a date. A date! It was actually pretty fun, though I was so nervous through the whole thing that I couldn't stop trembling."


"Yeah, I know. It was awful. But he was totally calm about it, the asshole." He rubbed D.C.'s velvety ears and she butted against him again. "We had ice-cream-you know how much I love ice-cream-and we just kinda...talked a little. Well, not even really talked. We mostly just spent time together, you know? It was pretty nice. But That song must've really gotten to him, D.C. I minute, he's totally fine and the next...he's almost spouting poetry to me. It was weird.

"And then-you're not gonna believe this, baby-he...he kissed me. He actually kissed me. Like, right on the lips. My first kiss."


"Oh yeah, it was kinda weird, but when he pulled I've never seen him looking <i>human</i> before. And as we walked home, he took my hand and didn't say another word. Not the whole time after the kiss did he speak again. Is that a little weird?"

"Meow. Purrrrrrrr...."

"Ah, what do you care? You're just a mangy beast who's attention-starved." He flipped her onto her back and curled his fingers in the soft fur on her belly. She fell back limply, purring like a well-oiled motor, and pawed at his hand every now and then. "But anyway...yeah. So I got my first kiss ever from my best friend. What's it mean now, D.C., my girl? Are we know...together? Are we still friends who do stuff? Are we just friends and it didn't mean anything at all?" He sighed in frustration. "I'm so confused. I don't know what's going on in that head of his..."

He glanced down at the crucifix that hung around his neck, an everpresent reminder of his failure and the one good time he'd ever had in his life. Well, maybe not the <i>one</i> good time. Any time with Heero was usually pretty good. "I wonder what Father would say if he would see me now...Knowing that I'm falling for my best friend...who's a male..." He sighed again, this time feeling helpless. "He would never condone it. He'd tell me to banish the feelings, but...

"D.C., what if I can't? What if it never goes away? I'd be miserable forever. And does he <i>really</i> feel strongly enough about me to kiss me the way he did? I'm not an expert on kissing or anything, but that was a nice kiss..."

A sleepy purr was all he got in response, but that was okay. He folded D.C. up in his arms, made himself comfortable, and fell asleep in the chair. He knew he'd eventually wake up and go back to Heero, needing to feel his body close while he slept, but for now...he was peaceful. Peaceful, if still confused.

Heero watched from the doorway and waited until he knew Duo was asleep before walking in and scooping him up. Duo awoke instantly and pierced the Japanese boy with his indigo gaze.

"What are you-"

"You need real sleep, baka. I'm carrying you to bed."

"You don't have to do that..."

"I know."

They fell quiet and Heero walked into the bedroom, placing him down next to Quatre before crawling in beside him.

"Heero, I-"

"Shh. We won't talk tonight. We have the morning for that."

"All right. Good night."

"Oyasumi, Duo-kun."


Minutes later, Quatre slowly turned over with a wide grin on his face, seeing his two friends curled up together. "Oh yes...they're gonna hook up....If it's the last thing I do, I will hook them up."

D.C. just purred.
