Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-Three ( Chapter 33 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-Three

Warnings: 1x2, 3+/x5.

A/N: Reiko has not struck the boys dumb with her charm. Heero doesn't like her. WuFei doesn't like her. Trowa tolerates her. So you people that have been e-mailing me telling me that she's a stupid Mary Sue-GET OVER IT. I'm telling you RIGHT NOW that she isn't. I don't like Mary Sues, so I don't write them. IT WILL ALL END UP AS YAOI. So just calm down-there's a LOT more of D.C. to go.

To those of you that liked Reiko-WEE. She's not going to play a huge part, because the story centers around Duo and Heero (and D.C., of course), but she is in it for the long run. And yes, we are Astros fans. How could you tell? ::wink::


"Reiko's nice, isn't she, Heero?"

"She's hospitable, yes."

"But she's nice."


Duo rolled over in the dark and tried to look at Heero, but it was impossible-he couldn't even see his own hand in front of his face. "You don't like her, do you?"

"Duo, I don't know her," came the patient response. Duo managed to poke him in the shoulder.

"But you don't like her."

"I don't like anyone I don't know."

"You didn't like me when we first met?"

"Duo, you shot me."

"Oh. Right."

"I like you now."

The American discovered then that even if no one could see you, you still blushed when embarrassed. "Thanks, Yuy."

"You're welcome."

From the crate in the corner came a sound of whimpering, and Heero was out of bed in seconds, padding directly to the crate and soothing the puppy. D.C. grumbled her displeasure and, to spite Heero, took his spot in the bed next to Duo, who cuddled her close and told her how much he loved her.

"Have you named him yet?" Duo asked the corner, where he knew Heero still was.

"The puppy?"

"No, your Auntie May."

"She already has a name."

Duo had to snort a laugh. "Smartass. Seriously, though. Have you named him?"

There was a thoughtful pause. "Yes. I have."

"Well, what is it?"


"Why Holden?" he asked curiously, voice soft lest he wake up the others. "I thought you'd pick a Japanese name."

"I like Holden better. It's the name of a character in a book I highly enjoyed." He paused, as he was prone to do. "I like him."

"I'm glad. Now you have something you can really love."

"Why would I need that?" Heero questioned, innocently curious.

Duo sat up and propped up on an elbow, D.C. crawling to sit on his hip. "Because everyone needs something to take care of, I think. It gives you a purpose."

"My purpose is the mission."

"I know that, gives you something to nurture, to care for."

"I care for you."

How the hell does the asshole make me blush so damn much? "Heero, you know what I mean."

"But I don't." And there was real confusion in his tone. "I really don't. Why would I need something to care for when I have you? I just happen to like this puppy."

"You want to take care of it?"


"You want to love it?"

"Perhaps, yes."

"Heero. Yes or no."

Duo was startled out of his wits when Heero's voice appeared closer than he'd predicted only seconds before. "Yes." He sat down on the edge of the bed and D.C. pawed at him until he scratched her once or twice behind the ears. Duo's heart began to pound at Heero's proximity, for some odd reason. He couldn't understand it.

"Well, then that's another purpose for you," the braided boy said, voice a little shaky. "To take care of that dog."

Fingertips brushed across his cheek. "And what about you? What's another purpose for you?"

To keep you human, Heero...I want to keep you human...if only so I can let myself go and admit that yes, I could so very easily fall in love... "To kick some OZ ass."

He received a soft laugh for his efforts. "Duo, may I kiss you?"

Duo had not been expecting it and it flustered him. "What-now? Here?" His voice squeaked and he cleared his throat.

"Yes. Is it not all right? No one can see. They don't have to know."

"I know, but..."

"All right." He nudged Duo over until he could lay down and he didn't press any further. For some reason, the American was slightly disappointed.

"You're...never mind."

"What is it?"

"It's nothing." He turned over with his cat, but Heero touched his shoulder lightly.

"Duo. Tell me."

"I...I guess I want you to. I mean...I don't...oh, never mind, I'm just an idiot."

"You aren't. When you choose to be, you're quite intelligent."

Duo gave a snort. "Don't flatter me-I know when I'm being an idiot."

"But you aren't."

"I can't win with you, can I?"

"No, I don't think so., no you can't."

He laughed outright and felt much more comfortable suddenly. "I do want you to kiss me," he informed Heero quietly, "but I...I don't know. I can't explain it."

"I'd like to," came the soft reply. "I just want you to know that I'd like to."

There was a pregnant pause between them. D.C. shifted and yawned, a strange little half-mew escaping her. The puppy shifted around in his makeshift, open-air cage, letting out a few more whimpers in the silence.

Duo felt a hand slide around his waist. He moved a little bit closer, eyes shutting, then opening, then shutting again. He couldn't tell the difference, anyway.

Warm breath fanned across his face and his stomach flipped inside him. A nose bumped his. He angled his head to the side, blood raging, breathing increased, and hoped he wasn't doing something stupid.

Lips touched. Softly, chastely, almost nonexistent. For the span of a heartbeat they stayed still. Heero pressed forward a little more firmly and, not to be outdone, Duo pressed back with equal pressure.

They parted, met again, parted, and repeated. Many times, Duo lost count, their lips touched in a simple gesture of affectionate. They eventually kicked the covers off-even with the fan on, their minimal actions heated them up.

Then Heero's tongue darted out to tickle his lower lip, and without thinking he opened his mouth.

And nearly lost it when Heero's tongue, wet and warm, slid against his. It wasn't fire or electricity-it was warm, thrumming, like starting up Deathscythe and getting ready for a battle. Exciting, but familiar-home.

The Japanese pilot pushed him down onto his back, propped up above him, and stroked the inside of his mouth, examining, memorizing, tasting and committing to memory the little noises Duo made, unconscious but not unwelcome. He craved them, these sounds of pleasure that Duo didn't know he was murmuring. It incredible. He'd never experienced anything so...heartening.

"Heero, stop-"

"What?" He pulled further away and tried to see Duo, but sight was unattainable. There was only touch-touch, taste, emotion. He loved it.

"We have to stop-I can't breathe-I'm-"

"Okay, okay, it's all right..." He heard the near-panic in Duo's voice and, not knowing how to calm him, merely stroked his hair. It seemed to work, though, because moments later he felt lips touch his own once more.

" rush...let's just take it slow..."

"All right..."

"Sleep now?"


They curled up together and Duo couldn't resist stealing one more kiss before closing his eyes. "Good night."

"Oyasumi. Suki da, Duo-kun."

"What's that mean?" he questioned sleepily, and was silenced with a kiss.

"Another time. Go to sleep. I'll see you in the morning."


"Good night."


A/N: Ack! I have been molested by the sap monster! >< At least we got some action. ^^ ::feels special:: Read and review, please!

p.s.: Told you I'd get chapters out faster...::smirks:: ^_~
p.p.s: BRAD AUSMUS IS BACK ON THE ASTROS! Cheer with me, damn you! ::Nomi is happy::