Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The D.C. Saga ❯ The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-Four ( Chapter 34 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Title: The D.C. Saga, Part Thirty-Four

Warnings: Same as always-1x2, 3+/x5

A/N: I am going to get a lawsuit, I know it. I'm downloading the entire new Blink 182 CD that just came out on the 18th. I can't help it! It's only, like, twelve bucks at Sam Goody, but I'm way too goddamn impatient. There's no way in hell that I can wait until Christmas for it. It's pretty good so far-I've only downloaded Feeling This, their single, and Obvious. The lyrics are more powerful than they've ever been, I think. They said it was their most emotional album to date, but damn! I'm really liking it so far.

Oooh...just got Violence as we speak. I love it too! Damn. It's so awesome...all right, I'm done. So just to warn you all, be prepared for a chapter to a Blink song. I love doing that, for some very strange reason, as long as the song fits with what I'm doing...

A/N 2: I put myself in here. ::laughs:: I had to do it. So I guess it's now a self-insert. I just want to help the boys move along, and since I've discovered that I'm a perverted, cynical little smartass, it might be fun to make them squiiiiiiiiirm. ::evil grin:: So let's get the pants down and the lube on! ::cackles::


In the morning, Heero woke up instantly when he heard a short knock on the door. Spooned up behind Duo, he turned over and glared at the door. "What?"

"It's six-thirty," came the girl's voice-Reiko, he reminded himself. "I didn't know if it was too early or not, but Quatre said this is actually late for you to be up." There was a pause. "I made breakfast. I'm sure it's crap-I don't cook very well-but I tried. If you want, there are pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs." There was a soft pad of feet as she left and Heero continued to glare.

"Did she say bacon?" a muffled voice asked, and Duo rolled over and looked at Heero with still-sleepy indigo eyes.

"Yeah. Want some?"

"Sure. Bet Quatre's not all that happy, though. He tries so damn hard to be straight with his religion. I'm surprised he's doing as well as he has been, considering it's so hard for him to go to mass."

Heero made a soft sound of agreement, but his dark blue eyes were trained on Duo, who flushed a little. "What?"

"Your eyes are very purple today," the Japanese boy mused. "Usually they're just a darker shade of blue, but today they're purple."


"Yeah. I've never seen them that color before." He tilted his head a little, dark hair tumbling across his forehead, a small smile lighting his lips. "Any plans for today?"

"I should probably service Deathscythe, but I don't feel like it," Duo sighed. "Why haven't we gotten any missions lately? That's just weird. And no word from the docs?"

"It's not too unusual, if you think about it. OZ has been lying low as well."

"Then shouldn't that give us more of a reason to fight?" he questioned. Heero shrugged.

"I don't do anything unless I'm told. I don't want to risk getting caught or getting any of the others killed. So we should wait."

"It's been too long," Duo insisted worriedly. "Way too long..."

"Give it another week, two weeks, maybe. Then we'll investigate to see what the problem is. War isn't always about fighting constantly-there are lulls where we aren't the ones on the battlefield."

"What if we get rusty?" Duo teased, poking Heero's hard abdomen. "What if you fail to exercise and get flabby?"

Heero grabbed his wrist and gave him another small smile. "Impossible. I still do my designated exercise routines three times a week."

A little more banter ensued as they rolled out of bed and dressed, finally ending with Duo reaching up those bare two inches to give Heero a chaste kiss on the cheek. When he pulled away, his eyes were narrowed. "How in the hell did you grow so fast?"

Heero shrugged. "I don't know. I just did."

"How come I'm not growing?" he grumbled, and when Heero opened his mouth, he held up his hand. "No, don't answer that. I know why. It's because in my youth I was denied nutrients when I was young, so I'm doomed to be a freaking midget."

"You aren't that short, Duo. You're still going to grow."

"But when? I want to grow now!"

Heero chuckled a little. "You will. Don't worry about it." He kissed Duo's forehead briefly. "Let's go. I think I'm hungry."

When they finally entered the kitchen, it was to see Reiko grabbing her backpack and picking up a few books.

"You have school?" Duo asked, a little shocked. He hadn't even realized that it was time for school to start yet.

"Yeah, it's the second week. My friend's about to-" There was a honk outside and Reiko peered through the blinds to see a Jeep Wrangler parked at the curb. "Yeah, that's Nomi. I'd better get going. You guys'll be okay today, right?"

Quatre smiled at her. "We'll be fine. Please have a good day."

She laughed. "Considering it's my junior year, I'll try to." She grabbed a piece of toast before heading out the door. "Later, boys!"

They waved her off (or rather, Duo and Quatre did-the other three were stoic) and sat down to finish eating the breakfast that really wasn't half-bad. Once done, they went about their separate activities, Quatre going to unpack his things in the room he shared with Reiko (separate beds, of course), while Trowa and WuFei hid out in their little cubbyhole, doing whatever it is the two quietest pilots did together.

Heero, for his part, was devoting his time to Holden, who had taken a tremendous liking to him and refused to leave him for longer than the time it took to use the restroom. D.C. had, subsequently, avoided Heero for the same reason. When Duo sat down in front of the TV to play video games for a bit, she was in his lap and curling up to sleep.

While the game loaded, Duo stole one hand down to pet her soft fur, talking to her in that low murmur he used while Heero made himself comfortable in a corner of the couch, puppy at his side and a book on his lap. He'd been meaning to read The Catcher in the Rye again, but every time he had spare time, he'd chosen to occupy Duo instead. So now was a perfect time to read.

He was just getting into it when Duo called his name. "Hey, Heero?"


"Did the others just leave?"

Heero blinked and looked around. "...I don't know."

"I heard the car starting. And I thought they said something about getting groceries for later...I wasn't paying attention, I was trying to kick some ass on this game." He glanced back at the couch, looking a little nervous, for some reason. " and I are alone, right?"

Heero shrugged. "I suppose so. They should be back soon, though."

Duo licked his dry lips and swallowed hard to wet his parch throat. " wouldn't...I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't, I'm such an idiot sometimes, but-"

"Duo. Spit it out."

"Could we...I mean...I don't know, just maybe....could you...could you kiss me again?"

He looked so anxious then that Heero nearly smiled. "I don't see why not." He started to stand, but the puppy whined and pawed at him. The Japanese pilot picked him up and took him outside, shutting the door after scratching his belly a bit, and returned. D.C. was nowhere to be found (Heero figured she was off napping somewhere), and Duo was looking up at him with a strange anticipatory/restless look on his face.

Heero knelt down and wasted no time in brushing his lips across Duo's, curling one strong hand around the nape of his neck and tilting his head back, lips plundering the sweet mouth.

The controller dropped from the American's hand as his eyes closed and he succumbed inevitably to the kiss, hands reaching up uncertainly to slide around Heero's waist and, encouraged by Heero's seeming confidence, slipping beneath his shirt a little.

Heero pressed forward, pushing Duo down onto his back and settling between his slightly spread legs, lips still insistent, tongues battling, bodies sliding against one another. Without meaning to, he matched Duo's quickened breathing, and in moments-though it seemed like hours-it happened again. Like that first time, months before, almost like a lifetime now. He felt something brush like a feather across his mind, and he heard it clearly...Duo's voice...breathless and excited...

he's kissing me i can't believe it it feels so good i don't know what to do why can't i control myself i don't know what to do i don't know what to do god it feels so good i can hear his heart pounding it feels so good kiss me again heero kiss me again and don't stop i am really loving this god it feels so good

Heero pulled away and stared down at him, elbows propped up on either side of Duo's head, his breathing becoming uneven from the one beneath him, and the passionate whispers faded away. "Did you say anything?" he demanded, and Duo shook his head, eyes wide and bangs disheveled.

"No. I kind of couldn't, actually..."

"Oh." He leaned in and started kissing him again, and they worked the passion up a little more, until Duo's keening murmurs brought Heero out of his reverie.


"I heard the car door," Duo whispered urgently, and sure enough there were sounds heard outside the door. Heero reluctantly moved off of him, more than a little disgruntled, and watched as Duo straightened his clothes and his hair and returned to his game like nothing had happened. Heero went outside to get Holden, and by the time he was back, the other three pilots unloaded the few groceries they'd gotten.

"Anything happen while we were gone?" Quatre asked, far too innocently. Heero straightened his shirt again, just for good measure.

"No," he responded, a tad colder than usual, and received only bright sea-green eyes in response.

"You sure? You look a little flushed, Heero..."

Is he smirking at me? He better not be smirking at me. "I feel fine. Perhaps it is a bit warm in here."

"Perhaps," the blonde grinned, glancing at Duo, who (Heero suddenly realized, a bit late) had an unraveling braid that for some reason neither had noticed. Heero ignored this and sat on the couch with an ecstatic Holden while Quatre watched him for a few more minutes, finally turning to put things up in the kitchen.

After a few minutes of Duo's muttered curses while he played his video game, Quatre walked back into the room and sat down on the couch. He glanced at Heero again, who was glaring at him, then at Duo, who seemed too into his game to be real.

Quatre grinned again. "You sure nothing interesting happened?"

"Positive," was the curt reply. Quatre couldn't help but to laugh.

"All right, whatever you say. I believe you."

Heero had a sneaky suspicion that Quatre actually didn't. "Nothing happened."


"Really. Nothing."

"Whatever you say, Heero. I totally believe you."

"You don't sound like it," he accused, earning another happy little laugh.

"You're right. I don't, do I?"

"No, you don't."

"Good. I wasn't supposed to."

As he left the room, still laughing his blonde head off, Heero had to wonder when sweet Quatre became such a smartass...


A/N: There. Done. It's two thirty and I'm tired, so good night. Review, please. I know you must think I'm a heinous bitch for repeating it so often, but reviews really and truly do make me write more. And if this is on comments make me write more. Thanks to everyone who's reviewed so far-especially the ones that review often as hell (you know who you are, and you know I love you, ::wink::)-you've really helped me out with the muse.

Speaking of the muse...He needs a name. Anyone want to name him? I'm totally up for suggestions. ::wink:: Oyasumi, minna-san! ::goes off to sleep, Tigger curled up in her arms::