Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Day spent in Duo Maxwell's Brain ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Hey everyone! It's been along time since I've written in this one. I've been busy with One Fateful Night, which now is complete and I only have one more chapter to post. So, now that I'm done that fic, I'm going to finish this one which is only going to be one more chapter.

Before I forget…* pushes disclaimer to the front of the room*

Disclaimer- Wishful Thinker doesn't own anything related to gundam wing. She just likes to torture the characters.

Thank you. If you haven't figured out who disclaimer is, read the fic I'm writing with my friend Duo's ONLY Chick and you'll understand better. It's called One Last Time. Okaies, I'm done with my advertisements and on with the fic!

Wait, maybe I should explain somethings before I continue. I have decided to send all the pilots on a mission as most people asked. Their mission is to…clean the house. *evil music in the background * *looks around * Now where did that come from? Oh well, that's their mission. I also have decided that I just can't have a one sided conversation in Duo's brain so I have decided to add in other pilots. Now, the brains can communicate with each other without the pilots knowing and most likely I won't use the pilot's voices directly. Whenever I switch brain's, I'll write the person's name because I just use the first person in all of them. I hope that's clear enough for everyone! I've decided to use the pilot's voices after all.The Day Spent In Duo Maxwell's Brain

Duo's brain- Whew. I think we should be okay now. As long as we don't have to go up anymore stairs or actually do anything today, we'll be fine. I think I should contact the others though to see how they're doing. I'll try Quatre first. Hey you with the baseball cap! Pass me the brain phone! *dials the numbers 444 *. Hopefully someone will pick up.

*Quatre's brain looks like a meditation place with velvet throw pillows and about 50 million candles burning. Someone reaches over and picks up the brain phone that is disturbing the peace and quiet *

Quatre's brain- ummmmm, we are one with the phone. May I help you? Ummmmmmmmmmm

Duo's brain-yeah, hi. I just wanted to know how everything is going over there

Quatre's brain- ummmmmm, we are one with peace. We are fine, very relaxed and content with being one. Ummmmmmmmmmmm. Come, chant with me. We are one with the wall, ummmmmmmmm.

Duo's brain- okay, no thank you. Don't call me, I'll call you *quickly hangs up the Brain phone *. Hmm, whom should I try next? I think I'll try Heero. *dials number 111 * * gulps * I better be prepared.

* Heero's brain looks like a battleground. There are trenches and bomb holes filled with thick mud. Thick smoke filled the air and made it hard to see. Suddenly, out of a trench, a cell sprang up and ran across a muddy field. Ducking several bombs, he finally reached his destination, a small side trench where the general was*.

Heero's brain, runner- *panting * sir, there's a call for you on line one

Heero's brain, general- Alright, give me it! * snatches phone away * Yes, what is it? It better be important. We're at a very crucial part in this war!

Duo's brain- * in a very quiet voice* I just wanted to know if everything is all right.

Heero's brain- WHAT DO YOU THINK? I'M ABOUT TO WIN THIS WAR. DOWN WITH PERSONALITY! STOIC CELLS RULE! Now, if there is nothing else to discuss, I must go. My army needs me. *sounds of bombs flying over head * EVERYONE DUCK!!! INCOMING! *BOOM! *

*phone goes dead *

Duo's brain- *stares at receiver *. Interesting. Oh well, let's try Wuffles and see what he's up to. *dials number 555 *

*Wufei's brain looks like a teenage girl's room. It's totally power pink and blue and there are a bunch of girl cells having a slumber party *

Wufei's brain- Like Hello! Who is this? Johnny, or Paul?

Duo's brain- No, it's Duo

Wufei's brain- Hey Duo! *everyone stands up and grabs their pompoms * Ready? Okay. H-E-L-L-O, hello…DUO!!!!!

A.N-I have nothing against cheerleaders so don't flame me

Duo's brain-okay, this is weird. I just wanted to know if everyone is okay over there.

Wufei's brain- everything is just peachy keen over here! Just doing each other's nails. Want us to do yours??

Duo's brain-um, no thanks. Gotta jet! *quickly slams down the phone * I'm almost afraid to call Trowa now. But it has to be done. *slowly dials 333 *

*Trowa's brain just looks like a normal room. There's not much to describe. There are a few desks and some doors that lead to who knows where and a few chairs. All the cells are just kinda sitting around but when the phone rings, they jump to life *

Trowa's brain-hihihihihihiwho'sthis?????Wannachatwannawchat!?!?!Huhuhuhuhuhuh?

A .N-for anyone that doesn't know what that last sentence was supposed be, I'm trying to show that Trowa is talking really really really fast.

Duo's brain-whoa! Can we hit rewind and start again?

Rewinder-allright, if you really want. *presses a button*

Trowa's brain-?huhuhuhuhuhuh!?!?! Tahcwannawtahcannaw????? Sihts'ohwihihihihihih. *in normal mode * hihihihihihiwannachatwannachat?!?!?!?! Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh?

Duo's brain-okay. I still don't understand. I just wanted to know if everything's all right.

Trowa's brain-yeahyeahyeahyeaheverything'sfinfinefinefinefine.goodgoodgoodgood.happ yhappyhappy.wannatalkwannatalkwannatalk???

Duo's brain-actually, I have to go take my cookies out of the oven. So, bye-bye! *hangs up * Whew, talking to him wear's me out.


A.N-in this scene, the guys are actually speaking and remember, they can't hear the brains talking.

The five pilots were gathered around the table, finishing up breakfast. Duo was on his fifth helping, Trowa was staring into a half-drunken cup of coffee, Heero was tapping away at his precious laptop, Wufei was polishing his katana, and Quatre was drinking his 10th cup of tea, staring straight ahead.


This unnaturally loud noise startled all the pilots out of their own thoughts and back into the present.

"I'm almost afraid to ask, but what was that noise?" Quatre asked nervously.

"Hn" Heero grunted, moving his mouth around the screen.

"Um, translation please? I don't speak grunts" Duo commented cheekily. Heero tore his gaze away from the screen and flashed a famous death glare at the braided boy.

"It means we have a new mission" Heero replied grumpily, going to read the e-mail. After scanning the first few lines, the normally stoic boy's face paled drastically.

"What's the matter Heero?" Quatre asked worriedly. But Heero couldn't seem to get the words out. Wufei leaned over to read the e-mail for himself.

After 2 seconds, Wufei's face turned beat red out of anger. "INJUSTICE!" he screamed. Trowa calmly looked up at him.

"What is it now?" Trowa asked calmly. Wufei's was having a very hard time controlling his rage.

"Our mission…. is…to clean…THIS HOUSE! I REFUSE TO DO ANY SORT OF ONNA'S WORK!" he roared Duo had to stifle a laugh. Wufei looked really funny when he was angry.

"With the 5 of us working, it won't take very long to do it" Quatre commented hopefully, standing up. "I'll go find us some aprons so we don't get our clothes dirty".


A.N-this is the brains talking

Duo's brain- Well, I guess it won't be so bad. But I refuse to do anymore stairs for awhile. We can't replenish cells that fast.

Heero's brain-NONONONONONON! Cleaning takes personality! We're losing!!!!!!

Trowa's brain-ohohohohohohohohohoohohohohohohoh!!!! Funfunfunfunfunfufun! letscleanletscleanletsclean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Quatre's brain-ummmmmmm, we are one with the mops. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we are one with the cleaning liquid

Wufei's brain- come on girls, let's put on our frilly pink aprons!!


A.N-back to normal talking.


"But Wufei."

"NO. I refuse to wear that fluffy pink apron. I'd rather break my katana first" Wufei argued stubbornly.

Quatre sighed. "But Wufei, if you get your clothes dirty, you'll have to do the washing. And don't you qualify that as woman's work also? Wufei thought about this for awhile then grabbed the dreaded apron out of Quatre's out stretched hand.

Heero was looking over a carefully plotted map with a bunch of red squiggles and lines that only he could seem to decipher. "It seems that there are 5 areas for us to attack. The bedrooms, the kitchen/dining room, the basement, the bathrooms, and the living room/hall closets. Who wants which one?" he asked monotonlesly.

"I'll take the kitchen/dining room!" Duo blurted out hurriedly. Heero nodded and crossed the spot off with a x.

"I'll do the bedrooms" Quatre suggested cheerfully. Once again, Heero nodded and crossed it off.

"I'll do the basement," Trowa said calmly. Another nod, another x.

"I'll take the bathrooms" Wufei growled as he finished tying up his apron.

"That leaves me with the living room/closets then. Mission accepted" Heero replied seriously just as duo pulled out a camera and snapped a picture of Wufei in the frilly pink apron.

"INJUSTICE!" Wufei roared as Duo giggled and fled out of the room. Wufei was about to chase after him when Heero stopped him.

"Don't bother. I'll get the picture later. We have a mission to do" he grunted. Wufei stopped struggling and went to go collect his tools for the mission. Each person went to their designated post.


A.N-brains talking

Duo's brain- oh yeah! What a great picture of Wuffles! I'll have to guard it with my life. I know! I'll stick it in my braid. Now, to get cleaning.

A.N-sorry for all of these, but I forgot to mention that it was a Polaroid picture. The ones that develop instantly.

Quatre's brain-ummmmmmm, we are one with the stairs. The stairs are our friends. Hmmm, must think positive vibes. Ummmmmmm, let's do our bedroom first.

Trowa's brain-ohohohohohoho, it'sverydarkandscarydowninthebasements!nogonogonogo!!!!igottaigottaigotta.

Wufei's brain-oh, put on your rubber gloves ladies! We don't want to chip our nail polish!

Heero's brain-hmmm, we'll have to hide out in the deepest, darkest part of the closet. NO MORE PERSONNALITY! THEY WILL KILL US ALL!



Duo was wiping down the counters in the kitchen when he heard a muffled thump and a yell from the downstairs bathroom. "Is everything alright Wufei?" Duo heard Heero call out from the living room.

"Yeah. I just forgot about the wet floor and I fell and.." Wufei called back grumpily.

"And what?" Duo asked curiously.

"None of your business Maxwell" The Chinese boy yelled back. Duo shrugged and went back to his wiping of the counters. When he was done that, he moved on to the stove that someone had forgotten to turn off all the way….

Having finished the downstairs bathroom, Wufei was moving to do the upstairs one when he met Quatre in the middle of the hall.

"Are you sure you're okay Wufei?" he asked worriedly.

Wufei sighed. Quatre was one of the pilots that he could tolerate except when Quatre was worried. "I'm fine. Now get out of my way! The sooner I'm done, the sooner I can take this ridiculous covering off" he growled menacingly. Quatre stepped to the side and let Wufei past. As Quatre stared as his retreating back, he noticed something very strange about the way Wufei was walking. Instead of going to the bathroom, the Chinese man went into his room and closed the door. 2 minutes later, it opened and Wufei came out wearing a new pair of pants. He noticed Quatre at the end of the hall and tossed the old pants down to him.

"Give these to Barton. He's doing the wash, right?" Wufei demanded. Quatre caught the pants with relative ease and nodded.

"All right then" and with that, Pilot 05 went into the upstairs bathroom. Quatre shrugged and went to the top of the stairs.

"Duo, come here!" he called down.

"What did I do?' Duos voice came drifting back up. Quatre just had to smile at the hint of worry in his friend's voice.

"Nothing's wrong, just throw this down to Trowa please" he replied and with that, he threw the pants down. Duo went the landing site and picked them up.

"Hey these are Wuffles pants. Hmmm, I wonder what's wrong with them?" Duo asked outloud. He then found what he was searching for, a flaw. Apparently when Wufei had fallen, he had ripped his pants down the middle. Duo started to laugh hysterically.

Upstairs, Wufei's rage was still growing. His face was an even darker shade of red than before. "I'll get him back, oh yes I will. Just you watch Maxwell. I'll torture you beyond belief!"

As soon as Duo dropped the pants down to Trowa, he went back to the kitchen, where he had left his cloth on the still turned on burner. It was smoking slightly. Letting out a small yelp, Duo ran forward and yanked it off. The cloth was slightly crispy but no real harm done. Duo gave a sigh of relief and turned off the burner.

"I won't tell anyone about that one" he thought nervously, moving to do the dishes.



Duo's brain-LOL! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is so much fun! Oh yeah, I rule, I rule!!

Quatre's brain- ummmmmmmmmmmmm, we are one with the bed. Ummmmmm, inner peace is the key. Ummmmmmmmmm

Heero's brain- *sounds of machine guns * ACK! We're under attack! NOOOOOO, we need help! We're losing!!!!! Stoic's rule, we'll go down fighting!

Wufei's brain- total meltdown. Embarrassment Rama! Oh, what a tragedy. But revenge isn't nice. Not for us prim and proper ladies!

Trowa's brain-I'MDONE!I'MDONE!I'MDONE!



"I'm finished" Trowa announced, coming up the stairs, and going into the living room, where Heero was sitting typing on his pet laptop.

"I completed the mission 10 minutes ago" Heero grunted, fingers flying across the keys. Duo came waltzing in, and threw himself into the lazy-boy.

"Oh yeah. I'm done!!" he cried triumphantly.

"OH DUO!!!!!!!" Quatre yelled from upstairs. Duo's face paled, he didn't like the tone of Quatre's voice.

"Yes Q-man, my bestest buddy in the whole wide world?" Duo called back sweetly.

"What is my good pink shirt doing behind you dresser all crumpled up?" Duo went as white as a sheet and bolted out the back door.



Duo's brain-oh no, oh no. I am so dead!!!!

Trowa's brain-duo'sintroubleduo'sintrouble!!!

Quatre's brain- Ummmm, we are one with the baseball bat , ummmm we are one with the idea of hurting Duo,ummmmm.

Heero's brain- Serves him right! Stoic's RULE!

Wufei's brain-poor widdle Duo. Let' bake him some cookies girls!


Oh boy. This was an extremely weird chapter. Please review!

Wishful Thinker