Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Maxwell Murder Mystery ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Laboratories It was around noon, the fog still had not lifted off the streets of New York and the smell of rain approaching wafted through the window screen into Duo Maxwell's office, being stirred slowly by the ceiling fan rotating lazily above. Duo sat back in his large office chair, his feet up on the desk and his braid hanging down the back of the chair and touching the floor.

"Detective Maxwell." His secretary's voice crackled from his intercom phone. "Officer Heero Yuy is here to see you."

Duo stretched out a bit and pulled his hat off his face, slightly irritated that his nap was interrupted. When it registered in his mind who was there he grinned slightly and leaned over to push the gray button on the phone, saying "send him in Hilde."

"Hey Hee-man." Duo said as Heero walked into his office. As usual, Heero looked like a poster boy for the police office, his blue slacks and shirt neatly pressed and in perfect order, his badge shining and everything placed perfectly on his belt. "Wanna sit down and have a drink? I've got the good stuff this time." Duo said as he pulled out a bottle of scotch from his desk and unscrewed the cap.

"I'd rather stand, and you know I don't drink during the day." Heero replied, his piercing stare fixed on the detective as he poured the amber liquid into a shot glass and quickly downed it. "I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch. You can come in my squad car, since I know your car happens to… break down a little bit yet." Duo smiled as his mind traveled down to his old cherry-red Buick, a rusted hunk of junk that Duo bought a while ago; which actually ran very well despite it's appearance, yet still had a small tendency of stalling out yet at intersections and red lights.

"I'm fixing that problem." Duo replied, taking his raincoat off the wall hook and putting it on as he followed the staunch police officer. "Are we going to the usual?"

"Of course…" Officer Yuy replied, giving a nod to Duo's secretary as he walked by.

The squad car stopped in the front of the diner that both Duo and Heero frequent, the Blue Moon. Duo walked through the door behind Heero; both of them sitting in their usual booth and greeted by their usual waitress, an older, red-haired, woman with heavy make-up.

"Hello boys, what do you want today?" She asked, resting her hand on her hip.

"The usual for me Candice." Heero replied, crossing his arms and lowering his head. The waitress knew exactly what "the usual" meant for Heero, a cold sandwich and a cup of coffee so strong it could lift a car. Duo looked over the menu for a second and ordered a hot sandwich and a Mountain Dew, handing the menu back to the waitress as she went to call their order.

"So Heero, what's new in the force?" Duo asked as Candice put down a cup of coffee in front of the officer. Heero took a sip of the coffee.

"Nothing that you could help with." Was his curt reply.

"Aw, come on man." Duo said as Heero took another drink of coffee. "You know I wouldn't hit you up for any cases, even though it's been a particularly slow month for me." Heero was about to make another attempt to cut Duo off when his radio crackled to life, the dispatcher calling officers out in the field. Heero gave Duo a look and then put an earpiece in his ear, pressing the call button on his radio to signal he was on duty.

After he listened for a while he looked at Duo, his eyes glinting, "well, it turns out we do have a case you can work on with me."

"Alright!" Duo shouted, causing several patrons to look at them for a bit. He put some money on the table and went to the countertop, shouting, "hey Candice, we got to-"

"Get going?" She replied as she walked out of the kitchen, holding two brown bags.

"You are such an angel." Duo replied, grabbing the bags and jumping into the car, Heero already starting the engine. "So, who's the vic?" He asked, grabbing his sandwich out of the bag.

"It's Relena." Heero replied, speeding off and almost clipping another car as they jolted towards the crime scene. "She's been murdered."