Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Maxwell Murder Mystery ❯ Crime Scene Investigation ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Standard Disclaimer: I do not own the Gundam Wing characters or the city of New York or the police or hotels, so don't sue me if you happen to own the GW characters or that other stuff. Also, if you really like Relena I would suggest you don't read this…

Onto the story


It was a little before one o clock when the squad car arrived in front of the hideously pink limo parked in a small hotel parking lot on Wabash Street. Heero turned off the siren and got out, Duo hopping out through the car window and following close behind him. When they got to the passenger door of the limo they saw Relena slumped against the other door, blood dripping down and pooling around her, staining the car seat and her pink dress.

"The murder was reported by the limo driver after he discovered her like this about twenty minutes ago." Heero read from the file report that the officer on the scene had given him. "She was scheduled to be at an official meeting with several important dignitaries at one thirty pm. Apparently from the coroner's report the body was here all night and day until discovered, and the coroner will remove it shortly after the pictures. Prelim survey says that she died by a sniper shot to the head, probably from one of the windows in the hotel, not quite sure which one yet." Duo spent some time looking over the limo, searching out possible clues. After the coroner came and took the body away Duo put on his plastic gloves and got a better look inside the vehicle. A stack of papers and a briefcase sat on the other seat; yet some of the papers were also on the bottom of Relena's seat. Detective Maxwell picked up one of the pieces of paper, only to find it soaked with blood and therefore unreadable, as were the others.

"Any witnesses Officer Yuy?" Duo asked as he leaned in farther, trying to sound as professional as possible.

"Just two possible," Heero replied, looking over the notes. "The hotel clerk and a doctor who responded when the limo driver shouted for help." Duo looked at the bullet hole in the window of the other door and closed the other door, finding another bullet hole in the other window of the car.

"So if Relena was sitting here," Duo said, motioning his hands down to the bloodstained seat. "And using these two bullet holes we might just be able to find which room the shot was fired from." Duo steadied the pointer right behind the lowest bullet hole and turned on the beam, a red dot appearing on a window on the second floor. "Well well, room 113, what did I tell you? Am I amazing or what?" He said, putting the pointer back into his coat pocket.

"Hn." Heero replied, as usual, walking into the hotel. Duo sighed and straightened his hat, walking into the hotel after him.

Inside the hotel was buzzing with police officers, at least five from what Duo could see. Two of them were talking to the hotel clerk, who had a piercing stare and long brown hair. Another two were talking to a guy in a white coat, Duo thought it was most likely the doctor. He had short blond hair and fair skin; both of which were slightly marred with blood, obviously from helping out the limo driver with the body. The final cop Duo saw was writing in a small notebook, obviously taking an inventory of the hotel's rather shabby lobby.

"So, where do we start?" Duo said, looking at Heero and taking out his own notebook.

"Lets find out about the room that you pointed out." Heero replied, staring straight ahead. Duo nodded in agreement and walked over to the clerk's counter with him, Heero motioning the other two cops away. They both introduced themselves and showed him some identification, and the clerk nodded in understanding.

"So, Mr. uh…" Duo squinted at the brass nametag on the clerk's purple jacket. "Trowa Barton, could you please tell us who is registered in hotel room 113 for last night?"

"Sure, no problem." Trowa replied, turning to his computer and punching a few keys. There was no talking as the computer hummed, searching within its databanks to fulfill the clerk's request. When the electronic hotel receipt came up Trowa turned back to the two.

"The room was rented out to you Detective Maxwell…" Trowa's replied, looking at Duo. Heero and Duo looked at each other, then at the clerk, who shifted uneasily. "You reserved it through our computer service, and it says here that you checked in already." Duo looked at the nonchalant clerk in shock, then turned the computer screen to look for himself, as though expecting nothing to be there and someone was just trying to play a trick on him. His name was right at the top of the green screen, followed by his personal information and even his credit card and driver's license information.

"Duo…" Heero said, pulling the detective off the desk before he made more of a scene then what he already caused. "I'm sure it was just a computer error, but…" he put his arm around Duo and turned their backs to the confused clerk, "this could be a huge break for us, we wouldn't need to get a search warrant then."

Duo grinned at him, "great idea." The two turned around and Duo leaned forward, resting his arm on the desktop.

"Now I remember, of course I registered for that room. Oh, and I seemed to have lost my key. Could I get another one?" Trowa gave Duo a curt nod and ducked under the desk, coming back up with an electronic key card. Duo thanked the clerk and walked out of the hotel, running through the parking lot to room 113. He slid the key through the card reader and the door opened with a soft click, admitting him inside. What first struck Duo was how clean the room was; the bed looked as though no one had touched it during the night, all the complimentary crap that they put in the room was still there, save two or three Irish cream instant coffee bags, and there was no litter anywhere. The second thing that came to the braided wonder's attention was the sniper rifle sitting on the table next to a bottle of vodka.

"Let's process this crime scene…" Heero said as walked inside, snapping on a pair of latex gloves. "You know what to do." Duo grinned and nodded, looking over the bed. He found a few long brown hairs on the bedspread, which he took and put in a clear plastic bag.

"I found something you can run through the DNA department." Duo said, holding up the bag. "Whoever shot Relena may have lied down on this bed, but they sure didn't sleep on it, at least under the covers."

"Hn." Heero replied, dusting the gun and bottle with fingerprint powder, then lifting the prints with special adhesive tape. He took the bottle and gun and bagged them, putting them on a bed.

"Nice rifle, that's a 50 caliber sniper rifle with a telescope lens and laser site." Duo said as he examined the weapon on the bed sheets. "I have one like it at home, no collection is complete without one."

"Hn." Heero replied, dusting the sink taps and TV controls.

"What I want to know is who comes into a hotel room and doesn't take all the complementary stuff that's in here." Duo continued, even though he was pretty sure that Heero wasn't even listening to him. "The soaps are all here, the towels… the only thing that's missing are a few coffee packets, they didn't even take the sugar!"

"Someone was here on a mission, not to rest or for free stuff." Heero replied, snapping the fingerprint powder case shut. "You've done all you can, write your report and send it into headquarters by tomorrow."

"No problem Officer Yuy." Duo replied, giving Heero a mock salute and the hair he collected off the bed. He headed out into the bright afternoon sun and stretched slightly.

"All in a day's work." He said quietly to himself, adjusting his hat before putting his hands in his pockets and walking down the street.


Riptor: Is this the end of the story already? Awwww…

Rya: Of course it's not the end, they still have to announce who did it, and don't you be giving anything away, I'm sure you know already.

Riptor: *grins evilly* Mayyyybe… by the way, you never did anything with that awful looking pink limo.

Rya: You're right… *sighs* Anyway, to all you readers out there, have fun with this chapter, review, and don't chew on tinfoil.