Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Purrfect Houseguest ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )
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The Purrfect Houseguest
Part 2
Treize was just starting to prepare dinner when Wufei walked into the kitchen. The young man slipped into one of the seats by the cooking island, watching his lover for a few moments before he asked: "Do you want me to help with anything?"
"Thanks, but I think I have everything pretty much covered; unless you want to peel and dice those two onions?"
"I had to ask, didn't I?" Wufei groaned, even as he reached for the onions Treize was gesturing at, and pulled a knife from the wooden block. "One of these days I'm going to buy you a food processor."
"Save your money," Treize laughed. "It would only end up in a box in the attic with three or four others that are already collecting dust. I simply prefer to cut my vegetables by hand."
The younger man huffed and mumbled something about being hopelessly stuck in the Stone Age. For a few moments he worked quietly, before raising his head and looking at Treize. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I talked to Quatre this morning. He called me while I was at work."
"Oh really? How is he?" Treize asked. He had only met the young man once, and very briefly, but he knew a lot about him through Wufei. The two of them had met in high school, became friends and stayed in contact ever since.
Initially he had been surprised when he learned that his lover and Quatre Winner went to the same school together. The name Winner was synonymous with wealth and influence. The Winner Cooperation was the largest import and export business, with headquarters all over the world. Quatre was the youngest of many children, but the only son, and heir to the multibillion dollar fortune.
"He is doing great."
"Is he still working in South America?" Treize wanted to know.
Wufei shook his head. "No actually, he told me that his father recently put him in charge of the local main office. He said that he and Trowa found a moderate size estate that they liked right her in Willowbrook, and they moved there last week. That's why he called. They would like for the tree of us, Mariemaia included, to come over for dinner on Sunday. I told him that I would talk to you about it and call him back. So, what do you think?"
Treize gave a little nod. "I think it's an excellent idea. I'm sure you are looking forward to seeing your friend again, and I'm dying to meet his partner."
"We should get them something, don't you think? A little housewarming gift," Wufei suggested. The young man sniffled and put aside the knife to wipe his burning eyes. "I don't think I'll have time to go shopping though. I'll be working late for the rest of the week and on Saturday too."
"Now, now, that's no reason to cry, dear. I'll take care of it, don't worry," Treize teased, and earned himself a disgruntled glare from his lover.
"Keep that up and you might be wearing this onion on your face." Wufei scowled.
The ginger blond man chuckled. Oh how he enjoyed teasing his delightfully prickly lover.
"Burgundy or blue?" Treize held up the two shirts in question for Wufei to choose, as the young man walked out of the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his slender hips.
"I like the blue one. But the red one looks nice on you too."
"That is not very helpful you know," the older man pointed out.
"Well…the blue one then." Wufei shrugged as he walked over to the dresser. The towel dropped to the floor, and he reached into the top drawer for a pair of midnight-blue boxers.
With a soft smile on his lips Treize beheld his young lover's magnificent body, while he slipped into his shirt and started to unbutton it. He admired every inch of soft, golden-tanned skin, letting his eyes roam over a lean back that ended in the firm globes of two delicious looking buttocks, and a pair of strong, muscular legs.
Unaware, or unconcerned, that he was the object of the older man's scrutiny, Wufei slowly got dressed. Just as he turned to reach for his jacket that was handing over a chair his gaze fell upon a large gift basket on the table by the window.
He remembered that Treize had told him that he had ordered the present for Quatre and Trowa at some kind of chocolates and candy store.
"When did they deliver the basket?" he asked, as he walked over to the table.
"Earlier, while you were in the shower," Treize replied.
Wufei nodded as he picked up the small card attacked to the gift. "Dessert's On Me? Kind of an odd name isn't it?" he frowned slightly. "What kind of chocolates do they sell anyway?" He gazed trough the clear wrapping paper, trying to see if he recognized any of the brands. It took him only a moment to realize that this wasn't your average chocolate gift basket. "Edible body paint… chocolate flavored massage oil… vanilla scented condoms…?" The young man turned on his heels and glared at his lover. "Are you out of your mind, Treize? We can't give this to them."
"And why is that?" the tawny haired man blinked innocently. "You told me yourself that they both love sweets."
"This is not the kind of "sweets" I was talking about." Wufei flushed crimson.
"What are you saying? They don't do the 'naughty thing'?"
"Treize!" the young man snapped. The color in his cheeks only intensified. But before he could add anything else he was interrupted by a knock at the door.
"Papa, can you help me with my dress? I can't get it zipped up by myself."
"Just a moment, Sweetie, I'll be right there. Just give me a minute or two." Treize called out over his shoulder before turning his attention back toward his lover. "Relax, Wufei. You are going to give yourself a tension headache. We can, and we will give the basket to your friends. I might now know them as well as you do, but from what you have told me about them, I'm sure they will enjoy it."
"You better be right about that," Wufei growled, as he walked passed the tawny haired man to the door. "Because otherwise, the only thing you will be sleeping with for a while are bedbugs."
Treize laughed. "I have nothing to worry about", he declared confidently. "However, I'm glad I didn't go with my first choice."
Wufei threw a glare back over his shoulder. He didn't ask what Treize's "first choice" was, but he made himself a mental note to never let his lover buy any gifts for his friends again.
"Wow," Mariemaia exclaimed as Treize drove the Mercedes through the automated gate and up a long cobblestone road toward a colonial style mansion. "It's so big."
Indeed, the manor looked large enough to easily house a small troop of soldiers. Not to mention that there were also several outbuildings, stables, a wonderfully maintained front-yard, and a garden behind the house.
So much for moderate size estate," Wufei thought amused.
A tall bearded man approached as soon as they pulled up in front of the house. Marie's yaw almost dropped as she looked at him. "Everything here is large," she exclaimed in utter amazement.
Both, Wufei and Treize laughed.
"This is Rashid Kurama, Quatre's chief of security," Wufei explained as he climbed out of the car. "Rashid, how have you been? It is nice to see you again."
"It's nice to see you too, Mister Chang, Miss, Sir…" The tall man greeted them with a polite nod. "Mister Winner and Mister Barton are expecting you. Let me show you the way."
"The gift basket," Treize reminded his lover.
"You take it." Wufei decided.
"Very well." The tawny haired man chuckled, as he reached into the backseat for the basket.
They followed Rashid into the house and into a small, tastefully furnished sitting room where Quatre and Trowa were waiting.
After some quick, informal greetings, Treize presented their hosts with the gift basket.
"Well, thank you," Quatre told him, as he accepted the gift. "That's very nice of you, although it was really not necessary. But I'm sure we will be getting good use out of it, won't we?" The young man exchanged a suggestive gaze with his partner.
The tawny haired man simply couldn't resist giving Wufei a "told you so" look.
"Why don't we go and sit outside for a while," Trowa suggested.
The small group settled down on the veranda, for some hors d'oeuvre and small talk.
After a good while Treize glanced at his daughter. Mariemaia was at her best behavior, but she seemed somewhat bored surrounded only by adults; and he couldn't help but feel sorry for her.
Their blond host seemed to realize it too, because he suddenly asked: "Mariemaia, do you like animals."
The girl nodded enthusiastically. "A lot. I like dogs and kittens and bunny rabbits..."
"What about Horses?" Quatre wanted to know.
"Oh, I love horses. When I'm a little older I want to take riding lessons."
"I see." The blond nodded. "Would you like me to ask Rashid to show you the stables?"
"I would love that." Marie turned to her father with an excited look on her face. "May I, Papa?"
Treize smiled at her and nodded. "Sure, why not."
Quatre called for the tall Arab. "Rashid, would you please take Miss Khushrenada to the stables and show her around? Dinner won't be ready for at least another half an hour."
"But of course." Rashid nodded, and turned toward Mariemaia. "Shall we go, young lady?"
"Isn't she just adorable?" Quatre smiled, as he watched the girl walk away with Rashid, then looked at Treize. "You must be very proud of her."
"Oh, I am; very much. She is a good girl," Treize assured him. "Well, most of the time at least," he added with a little smirk.
The blond laughed. "I think have yet to meet anybody who is good all the time. And I'm not sure if I would want to meet such a person. It seems rather boring."
"Well, that's true I suppose," the older man agreed.
Treize was beginning to like Quatre more and more. The young man was nothing at all like one might imagine the heir to the Winner fortune to be. He seemed smart, polite, down to earth, and from the looks that he and his partner were exchanging ever so often, very much in love. As for his companion, Trowa; he seemed a very intelligent and quiet young man, definitely not one of those people who spoke just for the sake of hearing themselves talk.
"Now tell me; what else have you been doing since the last time we met?" the blond asked Wufei. "You are still working at IBG, aren't you?"
Wufei nodded. "Yep, I'm still working in the same research team, together with Doctor Po."
Trowa leaned over the table toward Treize. "Should we go inside and have drink, and give those two some time to talk?" he suggested quietly.
Treize nodded. "Sounds like an excellent idea. They probably have a lot to catch up on."
He rose from his chair, and followed the young man into the drawing room. The brunet gestured for him to have a seat before walking over to the bar. "Gin, cognac, whiskey…What would you like?"
"Cognac, with a splash of tonic water if you have it."
Trowa nodded. He mixed the drink and handed it to his guest before pouring a glass of whisky for himself.
Treize took a sip from his cognac, letting the liquid roll on his tongue for a moment before swallowing it. It was an excellent brand. "So," spoke, after a long moment of silence. "You went to high school together with Quatre and Wufei?"
"No, actually, I didn't meet Quatre until college," Trowa clarified. "His father hired me as his bodyguard."
"Oh, really?" Treize raised one eyebrow in surprise. "Not trying to be disrespectful, but weren't you a little young for a bodyguard back then."
"Perhaps," the brunet agreed. "But I had been trained for it, and my age was actually what got me the job in the first place. A former, business partner of Quatre's father, who was disgruntled about some kind of deal gone sour, had been causing all kinds of trouble for the Winner family and the company. Mister Winner was afraid that the man might go as far as kidnapping or harming his son. Since he didn't trust the police to be able to protect Quatre adequately, he hired me. I enrolled in the same college and took the same classes as Quatre so that I could be around him at all hours during the day."
"Ah, I see. The ancient story," Treize remarked humorously. "The protégé falls in love with his bodyguard."
Trowa laughed. "Not for a while though. Quatre was anything but pleased about having a "babysitter", how he called it, watching over him. He can act like a real spoiled brat if he wants to. We were butting heads quite a few times in the beginning."
"A little monster behind that angels face," Treize chuckled. "It's hard to believe."
"You better believe it. I'm not proud of it, but it's true."
The tawny haired man turned his head. Quatre and Wufei were standing in the door to the drawing room.
"He is the true angel." The blond gestured toward Trowa. "And it took for him to almost get killed before I realize that."
"People rarely die from being shot in the shoulder," his lover pointed out. He was somewhat embarrassed it seemed. Obviously he didn't like to talk about the incident.
Treize was curious to what had happened, but he didn't ask. If they wanted for him to know the whole story, he was sure they would tell it on their own.
"Do you mind if we join you?" Quatre change the subject. "It's starting to get a little cold outside"
"Of course not," Treize and Trowa replied almost in unison.
Once Wufei and Quatre had poured themselves something to drink, and settled down, the blond spoke. "Showing off our new home is actually only half the motive for inviting you here tonight," he revealed. "The other reason is that we wanted you to be the first to find out that Trowa and I are getting married." The two lovers exchanged a long gaze that spoke more than a thousand words.
"That's wonderful. I wish you two the best." Treize congratulated.
"Yes," Wufei agreed, "that's great news. Have you already set a date?"
Quatre shook his head. "But yet, but we have narrowed it down to either late spring or the end of summer. And I was wondering, if you would do me the honor and be my best man, Wufei?"
"Yes, of course. I would love to." Wufei was a little flabbergasted, but also honored by Quatre's request.
"Thank you."
When the kitchen staff informed Quatre that dinner was ready to be served Trowa called Rashid to let him know that it was time for him and Mariemaia to return.
The adults had already settled down in the dining room by the time the two of them got back.
"Did you have fun, Sweetie?" her father asked.
"I did." The young girl nodded enthusiastically. She was beaming, as she turned to Quatre. "You have beautiful horses, Mister Winner."
"Well, thank you," the blond replied. "But that compliment should go to Mister Barton. The horses belong to him. In fact, he raised most of them himself."
"Did you, really?" Marie gave Trowa a little smile as she took her seat at the table. "You are so lucky. I would like to have a horse too." She turned toward her father with a hopeful pleading look in her eyes. "Can I get one, please? It doesn't have to be big; a pony will due just fine."
"A horse?" Treize blinked. "What happened to a puppy or a kitten?"
"I'd much rather have a pony. May I?"
"Maybe you should have gotten that puppy while you still had a chance," Wufei chuckled.
As Treize gave his lover another one of his "Aren't you supposed to be on my side" looks, Trowa spoke up.
"How about a compromise?" he suggested. "As long as it is alright with your father you are welcome to visit us whenever you want. And I would be more than happy to teach you how to ride."
"Really?" Marie almost jumped from her chair in excitement. "Papa, is it alright?"
"Well, I would first have to talk about it with your grandfather, but I don't see any reason why he would object."
"Thank you. Thank you, Mister Barton and Mister Winner."
"You are quite welcome."
It was shortly after 7:30 when Trowa and Quatre said good bye to their guests.
"I'm sorry that we have to leave so early," Treize apologized, "but it's a school night for Marie, and I have to drop her off at her grandparents by 8:30."
"Don't worry about it," Quatre replied. "Thanks for coming in the first place."
"We need do this again some time soon," Wufei suggested. "Next time at our house."
The ginger-blond man nodded in approval. "Most certainly."
"Sounds like a plan," Trowa agreed, and his blond lover nodded.
"Good bye," Marie waved at the two young men before she climbed into the car.
"So, what do you think about Treize?" Quatre asked his lover, as they stood by the front door, watching the Mercedes drive off.
"He seems nice enough."
The blond nodded. "He does, doesn't he? And he really seems to adore Wufei. I'm so happy for them. And I do love the way the man thinks," he added with a suggestive smile. "Let's go take a closer look at that gift basket, shall we?"
"I thought you would never ask," Trowa smirked.
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Author's Note: