"The Purrfect Houseguest" Reviews/Comments [ 29 ] |
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Reviewed By: Kou Haruko (not logged in) On: February 04, 2007 02:18 CST Comment/Review: this is a lovely story!~ i really love that wufeixtreize are together ^_^ your writing style is great!!! hnnn ihope it wont turn into a 5x13x6 though. i like zechs but i like wufeixtreize together more
Title: I like... Reviewed By: Bombayoni [MediaMiner Member] On: July 03, 2005 00:01 CDT Comment/Review: I like this story and would be pleased if you continue this posthaste...
Reviewed By: Nita-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: June 03, 2005 06:20 CDT Comment/Review: OOooooo! Zech heard them. *snickers* Poor Wufei. UPdate soon!!!
Reviewed By: Nita-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: June 02, 2005 08:15 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Yay! You finally updated. Poor Zech got a little too much attention. And the lemon you wrote was great too. Wufei is just as kawaii as Marie and Zech and I love it! Oh, and Trieze being protective is cool to!
Reviewed By: spaceprincess18 On: May 29, 2005 12:44 CDT Comment/Review: I vote lemon! I really like your writing style.
Reviewed By: Beysie, being too lazy again On: May 28, 2005 10:58 CDT Comment/Review: Please, write the lemon! I love lemons! And I love the way this story is going too... I'm glad that Zechs decided to stay... I just want to hug the neko to death! Please update soon!
Reviewed By: C. E. Andrews On: April 20, 2005 16:57 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: noooo, damn cliff-hanger thingy!
Reviewed By: Beysie [MediaMiner Member] On: April 02, 2005 20:33 CST Comment/Review: Ack! You can't lose Zechs! He can't be far, right? Something just distracted him, right? IF someone touched Zechs, I'm gonna have to jump through the computer screen and hurt them! Update soon, please?
Reviewed By: Sminty to lazy to sign in On: April 02, 2005 17:09 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: This is really a great fic! ^_^ Very orginal! I've just finished reading all of it and I wonder what Zech's relationship was with Treize. At first I thought it was like lovers, and Zechs was changed into a neko. Now, he's always been a neko, was Treize part of the group that help crated him, or the other male Nekos? Is that why there's so much guilt? And now that we know he is part human, are you going to make this a 13x6 or a 5x13x6, even though that will still be beastality? (shudders) And what about Wufei? He has a lot of valid concerns, like trying to keep Zech from being sick from a too rich diet or getting proper help, and even though his concerns are valid, he is coming off like an ass. Are you doing that on purpose? Are you creating a rift between 13x6 to make way for the 13x6? And how does Wufei feel about this? About everything? He's not really around in this last chapter. Is he comfortable with the change? It's not like he has any say, its not his house, even though he lives there. Moreover, whatever he suggests Treize gets defensive. And Zechs already distrust him and Treize will bend over backwards for the neko. I can see a lot of fights between 13x5 in the furture if the pattern continues. Maybe that will be good. Because Wu has yet to voice an opinion, except to agree to everything. I wonder when that happens, will Marie point it out, that their relationship is ending like her mama and papa. I hope it doesn't get to that, but I would like to see more Wu. ^__^
Reviewed By: Nita-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: March 12, 2005 14:33 CST Comment/Review: Zechsy no kawaii!!!! You have to finish and let me know what happens next. Don't be mean. Update Update Update!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: Beysie (too lazy to log in) On: March 10, 2005 22:17 CST Comment/Review: Thank goodness, you've finally updated! I was so worried... I hope things are ok. Great chapter, worth the wait! Finally, some hope for Zechs... now to get the right medication and he'll be as good as new again! I can't wait to see that neko bouncing around, purring up a storm... Update soon, ok? I'm looking forward to it!
Reviewed By: Schachzug On: March 10, 2005 21:02 CST Comment/Review: :( Poor Zechs. I know how he feels, my body thinks that my joints are foreign material and tries to destroy them... it hurts lots. Make Zechs feel better!!
Reviewed By: Nita-sama [MediaMiner Member] On: February 28, 2005 07:54 CST Comment/Review: *glomps neko Zech* finish finish finish finish!
Reviewed By: renee_dmrs [MediaMiner Member] On: January 18, 2005 16:17 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 9 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: I really like your fics. I've read "the one-eared neko", this story and I'm very tempted to read some of your other stories.
Reviewed By: Beysie (*gasps* it's letting me review!) On: January 17, 2005 19:20 CST Comment/Review: Well, Zechs can be rather stubborn when he wants to, eh? LOL Such an adorable chapter, but it felt short... could just be me though. It turned into a cliffie though... I want to know how our little neko is doing, and that he'll be alright! Please update soon, ok? I hope that things get better for you.
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