Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Ultimate Sacrifice ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Warnings: yaoi, angst, AU, alternating POV's
Pairing:1x2, 1+R (nothing romantic though), implied 3+4
Disclaimer: Would I still be working if I owned GW?
Archive: GW on the Sanctuary Anywhere else, please ask first. Feedback: Send comments, good and bad, to lady_yaoi @ (remove spaces)
Ultimate Sacrifice

AC 199
[Heero POV]

Why. That's a question I've asked myself a hundred times the last two years. I can no more answer it now than I could then. Then... when he walked, no, snuck, out of my life. In the small hours of the morning... before the sun had risen... before I had a chance to tell him 'ai shiteru'.

He knew I cared for him - I think - but not that I loved him. I never said the words. I couldn't say those words! Not while we were in the middle of a war... not when one of us could die in the blink of an eye. So I locked those precious words away, promising myself I'd say them the moment the war was over. But I didn't. Despite the emotional advancements you helped me make, Duo, I couldn't get past that final block and say the words. And it cost me. Kami-sama, it cost me dearly.

Duo... you who showed me how to acknowledge my emotions. How to express them in ways other than anger and silence. Why did you leave me? I don't know how to deal with all this alone. I'm drowning in a sea of emotions I still don't understand completely.

Odin told me to 'follow my emotions'. He should have stuck around and shown me what he meant. Doctor J managed to 'train' the emotional content out of me. Soldiers don't have emotions... they get in the way of your mission. But emotions is what makes each of us human. Isn't the ability to feel remorse, guilt, even love a vital part of being a soldier? Guess Doc J didn't think so. But you proved him wrong, Duo. You showed me how much more there is to life besides missions and how emotions play a part of that life. And then you left me to deal with it alone.

Dammit, you baka! I need you! You are the other half of my soul, the keeper of my heart... the only thing that truly matters to me. You told me once my life has worth. But without you, without your glowing radience of life beside me, it does not. You pulled the emotions out of me and I can't stuff them back in. And I can't do this much longer. I can't go back to the stone-faced person I was, and I can't go forward, alone, any longer. The third anniversary of the wars end is coming up. A week after that, the third anniversary of the day my soul was torn from me. I won't make it past that date again, Duo. I don't have the strength anymore.

Let me find you, let me bring you back......
