Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Universal Clash ❯ Explanations and a New World ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: They belong to Sunrise and Bandai and whoever else.

Author's note: I changed few things on the boys. They aren't very noticeable unless you're a hardcore fan.

"We come from the year After Colony 196," Relena said. Everybody had regrouped and were now back in the subway system.
"After Colony?" Rowen asked. "Like space colonies?"
Quatre nodded. "The colonies are us pilot's homes. It's like a different city in each one."
"Where are you from, Miss Relena?" Yuli asked. He leaned against White Blaze.
"The Cinq Kingdom," Relena replied. "It's a kingdom dedicated to total pacifism."
Mia nodded. "Like a peace area. Somewhere to go to when there is a war."
Relena smiled. "Exactly. Although I have been the prime target on several occasions, I have some very good bodyguards."
"Them?" Cye asked, gesturing towards the pilots.
"Who else?" Duo asked cheerfully. "No one but us could survive the battles against the Cinq Kingdom."
"Did you find anything in the Gundanium Aloy?" Wufei asked Rowen.
Rowen shook his head. "Nothing. All I know is that there's stuff in there that I've never seen before."
"Gundanium Aloy comes from the moon," Heero said. "If my calculations are correct, you will not find any for hundreds of years."
"Why were you brought here?" Kento asked. "There must be a reason."
"From what you've told me," Sage said, "you've spent several hours asleep on the plane. But the time lapsed on the plane does not correspond with the flight plan. You would have time to go around the planet several times."
"We came here on vacation," Trowa said. "It seemed like such a nice place."
Wufei sighed. "Somewhere along the way, we all fell asleep. During that time, whatever happened, happened."
"Duo was so keyed up I was surprised he fell asleep," Relena said. She looked over to Duo. "How excited were you?"
"On a scale of one to ten . . ." Duo began.
"Five million," Wufei finished.
"More like six million," Quatre said smiling. "I remember thinking I should have brought along a few tranquilizers."
"I did," Heero said. He reached into a well concealed pocket and pulled out a few pills. "Get a cloth and some water and rub them together with the pills. Enough power to knock out a rampaging elephant. Test proven."
Duo looked hurt. "You were going to use those on me?"
"If the time came," Heero replied curtly.
"We're off the subject," Ryo said. "How are you going to get back?"
"We get the city back to normal," Trowa said. "Then we get a few plane tickets out of here."
Heero shook his head. "No, whoever, or whatever, brought us here has a reason for it. We just have to wait."
Suddenly the ground below them started to glow.
"Looks like you didn't have to wait long," Mia stated.
Energy currents pulled almost everyone down, sucking them into the light.

Ryo woke up groggily. "What? Where is everyone?"
"Huh? What happened?" Mia asked. She was behind him a few feet.
"My head smarts," Kento grumbled a few yards away.
"Funny, I never thought I'd hear your head and smarts in the same sentence," Sage muttered, climbing to his feet a couple yards away. He got up and walked unsteadily towards the others.
Rowen sat up several feet away from Kento. "Where are we?"
"And where are the others?" Ryo questioned.
A piercing scream shattered the silence.
Everyone got to their feet. "That's Relena!" Mia shouted.
They guys armored up and ran over to where they heard the scream with Mia following.

Heero was sitting up, whistling on a piece of grass. Everyone else was still knocked out. He had dragged everyone to one spot, so he could look over them easier.
"Ugh, what a major pain," Duo groaned as he opened his eyes.
"My back hurts," Quatre grumbled.
"Everything aches," Wufei said. "Except my eyelashes."
Relena sat up slowly. "Ouch. Where are we?"
"From what I feel," Trowa muttered, "Hades."
Duo sat up, but was instantly pulled down again. "Ouch! Hey, let go of my braid!" He turned around and raised his hand, about to hit whatever held him down. He dropped his hand, staring at what was sitting there.
It was like a huge squirrel, about the size of a small child. There were little pointy ears on top of its head. The bushy green tail behind it was moving slightly. The face was like a small child's, with a small nose, and a little mouth. The figure was almost humanoid, with small hands that were slender. It had pale blue fur, mixed with green and white, that matched the tail. It sat like a rabbit, its hands resting on the ground. It looked at Duo with big, innocent eyes.
"Uh, hello," Duo said to it.
"Hi," it replied in a high pitched musical voice.
"That wasn't there before," Heero said.
It looked at Heero. Walking slowly up to him, it sniffed his hand. "Are you the leader?"
"No," Heero said. "No one is the leader here. We work as a team."
The creature smiled. "Congratulations, you just passed the first test."
"Test?" Wufei asked.
"What do you mean?" Quatre asked.
The creature walked over to him. "You're kind. I like kind people. We don't have many kind things here."
"Who and what are you?" Trowa asked. "Are you a male or female?"
It smiled at him. "My name is Alla. I am a Palos. I'm a female."
"You're adorable," Relena said.
Alla looked at Relena and smiled. "Thank you."
A low rumble was heard and Alla looked up. "Oh no. He found us."
"What? Who?" Wufei asked.
"Run!" Alla cried out.
Another Palos came up out of the ground. It was huge, twice as big as Alla. It lunged forward at Relena.
Relena let out a piercing scream. She backed up.
Alla leaped at it and slammed her head into it, knocking it away from Relena. "Get away!!"
"Not until they're dead!!" it screamed.
Alla stood like a kind of cat in front of Relena, protecting her. "Leave her alone, Orra. You're fight is with me."
Orra glared at her. "Alla, she dies. You can't protect her."
"Watch me," Alla growled and lunged at him. She bit into his neck and tore at the flesh under the fur.
Orra flung his head and knocked her loose. Alla somersaulted in mid-air and landed on her feet. She stood up like a bunny on her hind legs and sniffed the air. She looked at Orra and grinned.
"What?" Orra asked, glaring at her.
"Flare Up Now!!"
Orra leaped out of the range of fire and looked at the source. "What's that?"
"Wildfire!!" Alla cried out happily.
Ryo looked at Alla confused. "What in tarnation is that thing?"
Alla looked unhappy. "Oh, bullfrogs. You're not Hariel."
"What!?" Ryo cried out. "How do you know about us?"
Alla looked around. "No Blaze either."
"Yuli and White Blaze!" Mia cried out. "Where are they!?"
"I don't think they came with us," Quatre said.
"Alla!! Jump!!"
Alla jumped high into the air. Orra had attacked her, and he went sailing under her.
"Alla! Are you okay!?" a Palos asked as it came running up to them. This one was red, orange, and dark blue.
"Kell!" Alla cried out. "Nice call!"
"Enough already!" Orra shouted. "The girls are dangerous!"
"Only to you!" Kell shouted. "To you unkind ones! To us they're speakers!"
Cye looked confused. "Speakers? What are those?"
Kell looked at him. "They are speakers for the entities."
"Never!!" Orra screamed and leaped at Relena.
Alla leaped forward but wasn't fast enough. "No!!"
Orra extended his hand and was about to kill her, but was knocked away by a kick.
"Don't. Touch. Her." Heero said stonily.
"Why should I listen to you?" Orra growled menacingly. He lunged forward and slashed at Heero.
Heero dodged it and lashed out with his hand and smeared something red over the nose and mouth of Orra. "Because. If you don't you will suffer."
Orra stumbled. He collapsed and looked at Heero with cold, unfeeling eyes. "You'll pay for this, mortal. Ugh," he groaned as he fell into unconsciousness.
"How did you do that?" Wufei asked.
"Yeah," Trowa wondered. "You needed liquid to . . . Oh."
Heero pressed his hand against his arm to stop the blood. "It would have worked better with water. Blood is fine, though."
Duo sighed. "So you cut yourself to stop the bad guy. When will we learn that you'll do anything?"
"If it's for a mission," Heero stated, "I'll die. That's what my life's for."
Alla looked sad. "Your life is not just for death."
"I will die protecting," Heero said. "I'll end my life keeping others safe."
Kell flicked his orange tail. "We should get back to the village. The entities will want talk."
"Yes, you're right," Alla sighed, still sad about Heero's words. "Please, come with us."
Sage walked over to Heero and held out his hand. Heero made a face and placed his arm in Sage's grasp. He watched, trying not to seem interested as Sage healed his arm.
He walked off after Sage finished and followed Alla and Kell.
"Doesn't he ever say thank you?" Kento asked, jerking his thumb at Heero's back.
"Not that we've heard," Duo said.
"Let's go before we lose them," Mia said.
Everyone ran after Alla, Kell, and Heero.

"Where could they have gone!!??"
"We are sorry, Master Talpa!" Anubis cried out.
"Find them!!" Talpa screamed. "I want their armors! I want to know who those young men are! Those who are strong in heart!"
"Strong in heart?" Dais asked.
"Could they be more powerful than the Ronin Warriors?" Cale asked.
"Yes," Talpa replied.
"We will find them" Sekhmet said. "And we will capture them for you."
"Go," Talpa ordered. "And don't come back without them."
"Yes, Master."

"Are we there yet?" Duo whined.
Heero shoved him into the dirt. "Shut up."
Trowa pulled him up. "You deserved it, annoying Heero like that."
Duo pulled away from him and went over to the Ronins. "So, what do you do, exactly?"
Ryo looked at him. "We protect the city."
"Do you get vacations?" Duo asked.
Kento laughed. "I wish. It's like we get rid of one bad guy, another one appears."
Cye smiled. "Sometimes, there is peace. That is when we have a vacation."
Duo whistled. "Man, and I thought my life sucks."
"It isn't that bad," Rowen said.
"It's probably worse," Wufei said flatly.
Kento made a face at him. "No, it's better. Although we still go to school, it isn't bad. At least the cafeteria serves edible food. Usually."
"What else would it serve?" Quatre asked.
"Mystery meat," Rowen said. "I've studied it and confirmed that it has a very unknown origin."
Trowa turned around and walked backwards. "So, if you're in school, how old are you?"
"18," Ryo replied.
"18?" Duo asked. "Really? Then you're older than us."
"Well, then, how old are you guys?" Kento asked.
Quatre smiled. "We're 16."
The Ronins and Mia halted in their steps. "16!?"
Mia looked at them. "You sure look older than that."
Heero looked annoyed with all the talk. He suddenly ran off, leaving everyone behind.
"Heero! Wait!" Relena cried out.
"Leave him," Alla said. "He needs to get away from the noise."
Kell watched as Heero ran down a hill and into a forest. "He needs to be alone."
"We will wait for him in the village," Alla said. "You can see it over there. It's one the other side of the lake. Come on."
Everyone walked towards the village, thinking about Heero.