Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Universal Clash ❯ Departures ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Disclaimer: Sunrise, Bandai, whoever else. I do, however, own the Palos characters.

Heero looked around and noticed everyone else was with him. They all were standing on a strange floor, and everything was covered in a mist around them.
"Reunion!" Duo cried out happily. "I'm not alone anymore!" He opened his arms and flung forward, hugging the closest person to him.
"Duo, I can't breathe," Rowen gasped. "Get. Off." Ryo and Heero grabbed Duo and pulled him away from Rowen.
"Thanks," Rowen wheezed, rubbing his stomach.
"What did you see?" Kento asked.
"Things," Wufei replied. "Words of wisdom."
Quatre smiled. "I sure thought it was interesting."
"Welcome, pilots and Ronins," Relena/spirit said.
"Things have changed," Mia/spirit stated.
Cye looked at them. "What has changed?"
Mia/spirit looked sad. "Alla and Kell. Orra has come, and he wants revenge on the one with purity."
"Heero?" Ryo asked.
"Well," Sage said. "Purity isn't one of the words I'd use to describe him."
Heero's expression didn't change. "Then I'll leave. If it's a battle he wants, it's a battle he'll get."
Relena/spirit wavered. "You are at a disadvantage. He comes at full strength, with an army at his back. Alla can only heal to a certain degree. Kell cannot fight forever."
"Then I'd better get going," Heero said. "Take me back."
"Is that an order?" Mia/spirit asked smiling. "And I thought you only followed orders."
Duo looked at Heero. "Hey, man, listen. If you're going back, let me come too."
Heero looked at him with a difference in his eyes. It was kindness. Just a teeny tiny little bit. "No, this fight is mine."
"It is a meaningless battle," Wufei stated.
"Yet it is mine," Heero said. "Take me back now. I can't let Alla and Kell die for me. I feel like they are meant for something else."
Mia/spirit nodded. She held out something in her hand, which she gave to Heero. "Good luck," she said and Heero disappeared.

Heero snapped his eyes open. "Alla! Kell! Where are you!?"
"Heero? Heero!" Alla cried out and ran into his lap. "You're back!"
"Yes, what is the situation?" Heero asked as he stood.
Alla dropped to the ground. "Kell is talking to Orra. Trying to delay time so that others can get away. Orra has already killed many."
Heero walked out of the building and into the bright sunshine. "Orra! Come out and face me! Only a coward would kill innocent bystanders while looking for a more than worthy rival."
Orra appeared and slammed his hand into a basket of flowers. "Nobody calls me a coward, human." He suddenly looked surprised as he looked closely at Heero. "What?"
Heero glared at him. "I will call you whatever I think you deserve to be called."
"Why I didn't see it before?" Orra muttered. He suddenly grinned. "When the good fall and the spirits demise."
Heero looked surprised. "Evil will soar and the demon will rise." He backed away from Orra. "What? How did you . . .?"
"Well, I think this is going to get interesting," Orra said and laughed wickedly. "Who would have thought it?"
Heero composed himself. "Orra, I don't know who you are. I don't know how you know me. All I know is I'm going to stop you." He ran forward and attacked.
Orra jumped up and Heero followed, slashing at Orra's exposed underside. He made a gash the size of his hand, and Orra landed hard and struggled to his feet. Heero landed lightly and jumped a safe distance away from Orra.
"Just what I'd expect from you," Orra said, smiling evilly.
"Wait a few seconds," Heero said coldly. "I get better." He ran forward and dodged away from Orra's attack and pressed his dagger into Orra's chest. He felt warm blood run down his hand as he pressed harder.
Orra groaned as he fell on the ground, breathing hard. Heero stood up and walked away from Orra. "See? I do get better."
Kell stepped forward, limping slightly. "Not bad, Heero."
Alla nuzzled Kell and healed him. "What happened to you?"
"Nothing much," Kell said. "I took a flying lesson. I probably should have taken a landing one too."
Heero looked at Orra, who's breathing was slowing. "Tell me what you know."
"You will see," Orra gasped out. "That was a prophecy that was said. Watch, and you will soon know everything." He laughed roughly, and then died.
"You are a true warrior," Kell said an he walked towards Heero. "You have the heart and soul warriors need."
Heero didn't hear him. "How did he know?" Heero thought to himself. "What is going on?" He walked back towards the building where the others were, with Alla and Kell following quietly behind him.

Relena/spirit closed her eyes and a white light surrounded everyone. "Heero has prevailed, yet his heart is heavy."
"We will talk to him when the time comes," Sage said.
"I know what it's like to need to talk about something," Rowen added.
Mia/spirit and Relena/spirit spread their hands, and everyone found themselves back in the temple building.
"Welcome back," Heero greeted. His eyes had an emptiness to them. "You missed all the fun."
Relena shook her head and groaned. "That was spooky. I feel like I've been dreaming."
"I know," Mia agreed, rubbing her neck and standing up. "It's almost like it was an illusion."
The elder looked at them and frowned. "Did you see anything?"
Ryo looked at him. "Yes, didn't you?"
"No," the elder said. "It was only a void."
"Evil is coming," Alla whimpered softly. "We can't stop it."
"But we can help," the elder said. "Kell, go find Igga."
Kell nodded and ran away. Alla looked after him and then back to the elder. "Are you going to give them the stones?"
"Yes," the elder answered. "They will increase their chances of winning."
"What stones?" Kento asked as they walked outside and sat on the temple steps.
The elder sighed. "They are crystals imbedded in gems. They increase those pure in heart."
Everyone looked up as Kell came back with an older Palos.
"Igga, we must give them the stones," the elder said.
Igga sighed and looked down. "They were stolen by Orra's henchmen. Only five remain."
"Then we need to get them back," Quatre said.
Heero looked at everyone in turn. "Ronins, you five will go back to your world. We will stay here to retrieve the missing stones."
Ryo shook his head. "No way."
"I'm not asking you," Heero said. "I'm telling you. Take the five stones. They will increase your power. Us pilots will stay here."
"Why should you stay and we go?" Cye asked.
"Because we are the best hope here," Duo said, catching on to Heero's plan.
Rowen looked at the pilots. "What do you mean?"
"Our skills are stealth," Wufei said. "We can sneak around better than you guys."
"You may be right," Sage said. "But we'll all stay here."
"Then who's going to defeat Talpa?" Kento asked. "Let's trust them. They seem to have a plan going on in their heads."
"Of course Heero's got a plan," Duo said confidently. "He always thinks on his feet."
Quatre nodded. "Our skills are better off here. You go defeat your enemies. We'll defeat Orra's henchmen here."
"The evil will have more power," the elder said. "Are you Ronins up to the challenge?"
The Ronins looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah, we're ready," Ryo said.
"Let's go for it," Kento said.
Sage still looked skeptical. "I'm not sure . . ."
"Come on," Cye coaxed. "We have to trust them."
Rowen closed his eyes and thought hard. "Well, I guess we have no choice. We have to see if Yuli and White Blaze are all right too."
"All right," Sage finally agreed. "But what about Mia?"
"She may stay with us," the elder said. "It is no problem at all."
"Then we have a plan," Quatre said. "The Ronins will go back to their world with the stones, us pilots will go to Orra's fortress, and Relena and Mia will stay here."
The Ronins turned to leave when Rowen stopped and went back to the pilots.
"Hey, um, I have a question," Rowen said. "What's it like in space?"
Kento looked at him. "What do you mean? You've already been up in space."
"In a bubble!" Rowen shot back. "What's it like in a colony?"
"We are not a liberty to say," Trowa said.
"We could totally screw the future," Duo added. "Hell, we already screwed the future up pretty bad."
A sudden blast of light came shooting past the Ronins at the door and slammed into Heero's chest, knocking the wind out of him. It vanished as fast as it appeared, looking like it went into him.
"What in Hades was that!?" Duo yelled.
Heero gasped for air and Trowa and Wufei helped him sit up. Quatre placed his hand on Heero's back and rubbed it. "Are you all right?"
Heero didn't answer. He started coughing up blood and Wufei quickly placed a hand on Heero's stomach and pressed hard. Heero threw up blood and gagged. Wufei kept his hand on Heero's stomach, ignoring the mess until Heero finished.
"Is he all right?" Kell asked.
"No," Heero gasped out. "I can't breathe."
Alla nuzzled him carefully and tried to heal him. Heero just gagged and started dry-heaving. Alla stepped back and looked at him. "I can't heal him. It only makes it worse."
Igga looked at Heero's eyes carefully. "He was hit with a specter."
"Oh, no," Kell moaned.
"What does that mean?" Relena asked.
"Yeah, he's spewing blood. What's up with that?" Duo asked.
The elder looked worried. "He needs a special type of potion."
"Well, can you make it?" Quatre asked.
"We're out of Alpha feathers," the elder replied sadly.
Trowa looked at the elder as Heero coughed up more blood. "Alpha feathers?"
"They are a type of holy birds here," Alla explained. "They are really rare, and those who see them are blessed with good luck. We need them to help heal Heero."
Wufei looked resolved. "Then we have to get some."
"Wait!" Ryo cried out. "You guys are going to be split up!? We can't let you just go running around here like this. Heero's sick, and we should stay here."
Igga handed them chains with a stone embedded in each one. "You are going back to your world. We will take care of things here." Ryo reluctantly took the chains and handed them to the others. "Good luck."
"You too," Quatre said.
The Ronin were transported away in a blinding flash.
"Think they can do it?" Wufei asked.
"Maybe," Duo said.
"Have for faith," Quatre said.
Relena looked at the now unconscious Heero. "We need to decide what to do."
"Yeah," Mia agreed. "Heero could die."
"You may rest at my place," Alla said. "It's big enough, and we can fill you in with what you need to do."
Trowa and Wufei carried Heero between them and they all trekked over the Alla's home.

"Are we back?" Cye asked.
"Yeah," Ryo answered. "We better get going."
Kento examined his pendant. "How do these things work?"
Rowen shrugged. "I dunno, but it looks like we're about to find out. Troops, four o'clock."
"Let's be careful," Sage said. "The elder did say they are stronger now."
"Yeah," Cye agreed. "We really need to be alert now."
"Let's go kick some butt!" Kento yelled.
Ryo grinned. "You're right. Nothing is going to get solved standing around here."
The Ronins armored up and they ran off towards the enemy troops.

"Master, the Ronins have returned."
"Very well Sekhmet. You, Dais, and Cale go after them. Anubis, continue looking for the pure hearts."
"Yes, Master."

Heero moaned and shifted his position. He opened his eyes and looked around. His vision was blurry and he could barely make out shapes. "Where am I?" His speech was slightly slurred. He groaned and tried to sit up. Instantly a wave of nausea swept over him.
A hand reached over and pushed him down. "Stay still. Don't move."
Heero didn't make another move, feeling like he was going to throw up again. He recognized Relena's voice, and realized she had pushed him over like a baby. "Answer me," he said coldly.

Relena sighed at his command. "We're at Alla's house. You're sick, and we need to find a way to cure you." She was perched on the edge of the bed he was resting on.
Duo looked up at Heero from the floor. "Sick as a dog and yet he still has the energy to bark orders."
"Shut up Duo," Heero said unemotionally. "If I could move I'd knock you stupid."
Alla jumped on the bed and moved until she was snuggled under the blankets. She licked his nose and nuzzled his face.
"You're soft," Heero said softly and fell back asleep.
Wufei was leaning against the wall and looked over at Heero. "You'd think Alla was his pet or doll."
Alla's mother came into the room and handed a tray of food and Heero's clothes to Quatre. "Here you go. The food might not taste like you're used to, but it is still good." She turned and went back outside.
"I want some," Alla said. She tried to get away from Heero's grip, but couldn't get away.
"Too bad Alla," Kell teased. "Looks like there's Janky soup here. That's your favorite." He took a bowl and started eating it slowly. "Mmm, this is really good. Your mother makes the best Alla."
Alla made a face at him and snuggled back against Heero. "Who cares, I'm not hungry anyway."
"We need to figure out who's going to go where," Relena said.
"I would like to go searching," Duo said.
"I'll go too," Quatre said. "I'm not the strongest in hand-to-hand combat."
Mia came into the room with the elder. "I also would like to go. I feel very unimportant sitting around here doing nothing."
"We have what you need to get along with the feathers," the elder said. "You will need to obtain several honesty poison blossoms and mourning river stones. They are relatively close to each other, but they are also rather scarce. There are many fakes, and finding the true item is difficult."
"How will we determine the difference?" Duo asked.
The elder shrugged. "You will know. We can send someone with you, if you wish."
"I will go," Kell offered. "I think I can help you better than anyone else."
Heero shifted and opened his eyes again. "I think my head has cleared a little. I still feel like crap though."
"We should get a move on," Wufei said. "Staying here is only wasting time."
"Trowa and Wufei are going to infiltrate Orra's headquarters," Relena explained to Heero. "Duo, Quatre, and Mia are going to find the potion ingredients for the potion you need. I'm going to stay here with you and Alla."
"Alla?" a Palos asked, coming into the room. "Mom wants me to stay with you. She says it will help me grow."
"Oh Terro," Alla sighed. "All right. Just don't bug me."
Kell got up and walked to the door. "Come on. I'll help you with your quest. We must move quickly."
Duo stood up and stretched. "Yes sir. Going to go get things to help my best chum feel better. All in a days work."
Quatre rose and followed Kell, Mia, and Duo out the door. "Take it easy Heero. We wouldn't want you to die here." The four of them walked out the door and towards the wilderness.
Wufei and Trowa went to the door. "We'll see you guys later," Trowa said.
"We are sending with you several of our best soldiers," the elder said. "They are the best at what they do. We pray for your success."
"Thank you," Wufei said. "We will be back as soon as we accomplish our mission. Farewell." And with that, he and Trowa left.
Heero sighed and closed his eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm nothing but trouble to you."
"Yeah, but we all still care," Alla said. "A good friend is someone who is always there for you, no matter what. We'll be there for you, because you will be there for us when we need you."
"Thank you," Heero said softly, his breathing slowing.
Relena stroked his face, and leaned down, kissing his forehead. "Please get better. I don't know what I'll do without you." She got up and walked out the door. "Please watch him, Alla."
Alla nodded. "I'll take care of him. You don't need to worry."
Relena smiled and left to go help clean up the mess that Orra left behind.
"At least, I hope you don't need to worry," Alla said quietly.