Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Unpleasant surprises ❯ Discovey ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry it took so long to get this up but I got banned from the computer for a while, but anyways!! Here it is!!!

A.N. There may be some time overlap here but I'm not sure yet so just bare with me.

Ebony Wing's Unpleasant Surprises Chapter 2


Correction. Wufei thought as he slipped out of the shadows, gun cocked and aimed for their leaders head. Their dead.

He fired two shots, the silencer on his gun making them fire with a soft phsst sound making sure to aim to kill with both bullets. Two officers fell lifeless to the floor. The third stared stupidly at the barrel right in front of him. Then as if realizing what was happening he belatedly tried to reach for his gun.

"I wouldn't if I were you." Wufei commented feeling oddly amused.

Ignoring him, the man tried to pull his gun up to fire. Another shot went off and the man fell lifeless to the ground.

"I told you not to." Wufei informed the lifeless body at his feet. He then pulled the three bodies into the closest empty room he could find. The next few minutes consisted of a systematic search of all the prison cells. Stupid soldiers, He thought as he reached the only locked and guarded door. It was obviously were Duo was located.

Swiftly picking the lock [1]-after killing the guard with his still muffled gun-he eased the door open silently slipped inside, into a nightmare.


Duo bit down on his lip, tasting blood as the Captain pounded into him, refusing to cry out, refusing to let them win. They had their damn records from last time, they knew very well that this couldn't break him, couldn't get him to give them the answers they needed. They were just doing it for their own pleasure now, and he would kill them for it, just like he had killed every other fucking bastard who had dared touch him without his permission. The ones on the street he had spared in a kind of thanks for the money needed to feed the rest of his gang, but all the others met an early grave.

His head spun faster and Duo knew that once again he was on the brink of unconsciousness, he tried to reach for that peaceful oblivion yet it stubbornly evaded him.

Please he wailed silently, piteously, his silent exterior remainin at it as if it were a living thing that would answer his cries, let me leave this harsh place, if only for a little while!!!

He was vaguely aware of the Captain releasing inside of him, of his own body's shudder of revulsion, he reached for the darkness desperately one more time and as the next guard entered him with one quick thrust, he felt it claim him and pull him gently into it's deepest shadows. As he fell Duo pondered the inarticulate cry of rage the followed him down into the comforting darkness.


The smell of blood and sex nearly overwhelmed Wufei as he opened the door. The sounds of muffled grunts reached his ears and Wufei's heart went cold as he took in the seen in the room.

A man with a Captain's insignia pounded into the bruised and bloody figure on the ground, grunting his pleasure. Duo Wufei thought body frozen as the Captain came inside his friend. His mind screamed at him to move to slaughter the beasts that hurt his friend and yet his body stayed numb.

The next man moved to behind the Captain and zipped down his own pants. As the Captain pulled out of Duo the man behind him plunged straight in. At the sudden intrusion Duos already limp body sagged more fading into unconsciousness.

As he watched his friend's body collapse he finally broke out of his paralysis and pulled out both his guns as an inarticulate cry of rage bubbled from his throat.

The men looked up in surprise, then shrank back from the rage shining in his eyes.


Well mina-san hope you like this chapter!!!!

Please review!!

Oh it might take me a while to get the next chapter up, school just started again and I have a TON of homework!!!!!

[1] Come on, if you're…exposed to Duo for as long as he's been your bound to pick up a few tricks.