Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled (I still cant think of anything) ❯ Chapter 1

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I just adding to the slew of Gw vampire fics on this site but, oh well couldn't resist doing at least one. I had to get this out of my system.

I know I should probably be working on my other fic "Saturn's calling"(it's in the sm x-overs section) but er......I posted the fourth chapter the other day, and only three people have I'm gonna give it a week or so until, I update again....

OK I know what you're thinking " Blimey.... what are you thinking?" right? But I really have a whole plot set out for this one. I really do.

Well the hell I like to call school has started and it's only two weeks into the school year, and They've already given us Three pop quizzes and two tests (like five pagers...the ones we hate. Damn history teacher). Oh the horror.

Well now that I'm done rambling incessantly, here's the first chapter. P.s. if the characters are out of character...I'm sorry, I haven't seen Gundam wing in like.... almost a year. Warnings: Yaoi, 1x2, 4x3. eventual 5x13x6. Possible lemon in later chapters.(only if enough people ask for one. And if someone wants to help me write it. For now, the rating is PG-13. It may go up for later chapters. So if your under 17, this is safe for now.)

on with the fic ~telepathy~ 'thought' "Speech" {Dream}

Chapter one.

Heero stared out the window of the sedan he, Duo and Trowa were packed into. He was contemplating how the heck he and trowa were litterally going to get a bite to eat, without Duo noticing. The two of them were very secretive about the fact they were vampires. The others knew nothing about it, and it was getting increasingly harder to hide this fact from the other three pilots, especially when between the two hungry vampires, sat one increasingly appitizing looking human comerade. Why did they have to accept the mission that Une and thepreventers had asked the three of them to do?

'Whatever dieity happens to be listening to me at the moment, please help me to refrain from draining him.' Heero begged mentally.

Trowa hid behind his calm facade, but sent a telepathic message to Heero.

~I don't think I can hold out much longer without a human.~ Trowa said

~Niether can I. At least when J had me in training, he kept me fed. This is getting increasingly harder to hide from the others. Especially when the longer we go without taking blood, the paler we become. It gets hard to hide that. My excuse is lack of sleep.~ Heero answered. Looking at Duo. His canines started to lengthen. Luckily it was dark out, and he quickly turned around.

~Shit! The bloodlust is getting the better of me.~ Heero telepathically growled.

"I think we'd better stop for the night." Trowa suggested.

"Hate to inform you Trowa.....the nearest motel isn't for 50 miles. You have to keep driving." Duo said.

Both pilots inwardly groaned. Heero glared at the braided pilot, who just had to state the obvious. Trowa started thinking about his mortal lover, back at the safehouse....who he was dying to turn, but at the moment didn't have the guts to tell him what he was.

Heero's thoughts were mainly centered on Duo. As were Duo's on him.....niether had the guts to tell the other. And even if Heero did have the guts to tell in the hell, would he explain being a vampire? First of all, even if Duo DID believe him, how would the object of his affections react. Most likely, go off into a yelling rampage. Or do something incredibly cheezy, like Take his cross off and hold it in front of him.

Heero chuckled at the thought. 'Hollywood stereotypes......damn you steven spielburg.'(dont ask ~_~ very lame.)

He ran his toungue over his fangs. Which glinted in the moonlight. Sure.....being a vampire had it's good sides, but being lonely for a very long time was definitely not one of them.

Running a hand through his unruly chocolate colored hair, he said."Stop the car, Trowa."

Duo stared at the boy next to him."Are you crazy, Hee-chan...theres all sorts of wackos out here this late. What do you want to stop for."

"I......I want to tell you something Duo."

" sound like your on death row. What's the matter." Duo said. Trying to lighten the mood.

"Uh Trowa, could you please wait outside the car. You know what I want to do." Heero asked. The tall, unibanged teen silently obliged. And stood directly outside the drivers seat window, with his back to the car to give them some privacy.

"Iv'e been wanting to tell you something for a while now....... Duo, I......I I love...I love you. I have for a while now. I just to know that." Heero said.

"Oh Heero.........." Duo leaned over and hugged the japanese teen.

" you too.....Heero. I was just too chicken to admit it to you, cause I and know."

"You thought me and Relena were together right?"

Duo shook his head. Sitting back up.

"Me....and her? Are you nuts? I can't stand her. I may hold an expressionless facade most of the time, but man....body language says it all. Everyone else seems to notice the fact when I'm forced to be near the pink obsessed pascifist bitch woman, I shift uncomfortably, my eyes usally are darting to the nearest exit, and or i'm off in La la land, thinking of ways to annihalate her."

"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea." Duo said, stroking his chin in mock contemplation.

"Theres something else I have to tell you.......I don't know if you'll believe me or not, but just don't overreact."


"Duo.....i'm a...." Heero said. Faltering at the end of his sentence.

"Your a what, Heero?"


"Your a what?" Duo deadpanned. Blinking.

"I said, I'm a vampire, Duo."

"Your joking right?" Duo asked.

"I'm afraid he's not." Trowa broke in, climbing back inside the car. And turning on the heater.

"Jesus Tro! I hate when you do that, And how would you know?" Duo asked.

"Because, I'm a vampire as well." He said.

"Prove it." Duo said.

They both turned toward him, and bared thier fangs.

"That proof enough for you?" Heero asked. As the blood drained from Duo's face.

"Good lord, Jesus, and Mary...." Duo breathed.

"Relax, Were not going to do anything to you."

"Do you mind speeding it up a little Trowa? You may have gotten something to eat before we left, but I haven't touched anything in about five days." Heero said. His blue eyes flashing with gold flecks appearing in them suddenly.

"If you say so." The normally silent teen said, flattening the accelerator to the floor.

"Jesus! I don't even drive this fast! If your not going to suck me dry, I'll die of a heart attack! Or you'll manage to somehow wrap the car around one of the many trees on this highway. And kill me that way." Duo looked at Trowa wide eyed.

"I didn't mean That fast. I meant, go at least ten miles an hour above the speed limit. Not 50."

Trowa let a small smile quirk the corners of his lips.

Duo stared at his comerades. All thoughts of anything else but the fact of Heero's admissions. Long off of his thoughts.

Heero looked at Duo, noticing the look of mixed emotions swimming through his eyes.

"Duo....I know it's a hard thing to swallow....I'll understand if, well youd rather not work with me anymore." Heero said, lowering his eyes towards the floor.

"It's not that....I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt me. I was just thinking....I mean, I know you love me and all, but Have you ever thought about the inevitible for me?"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Heero....i'm mortal.....i'm a human. I'm going to die sooner or later. you know...kick the bucket." Duo said. Leaning against Heero's arm.

"To be honest.....I have."

"Really?" Duo said, yawning. Lack of sleep, finally catching up to the braided pilot. He leaned further into Heero, and fell asleep.

"Oyasumi nasai, Duo-koi.....Ai'shiteru." Heero whispered. Running his fingers through Duo's hair.

____________________________________________________________ ______

The next morning, Duo found himself stripped to his boxers, laying next to a sleeping Heero. He rolled over, remembering the events of the previous night. It still weighed heavily on his mind. He noticed the time on the alarm clock.

"It's only 6 in the morning.....I have got to be either very paranoid or very insane to be up this early." He muttered. He checked his neck in the mirror for puncture wounds. He sighed in relief when he found none. 'At least he isn't conniving enough to do it while I was asleep.'

He realized that he was in one of Quatre's mansions....obviously this one had become thier safe house for the time being. But the thing was....why had they bunked him and Heero together? Just because they had admitted thier feelings for eachother, did not mean, that they were going to take that big of a leap into the unknown.

Then several reasons made themselves apparent to Duo.

A: They'd arrived sometime between three and four. Meaning, everyone was asleep.

B: Heero had not been in the mood to carry Duo to a room, and toss him into bed then go unpack his own stuff, then go to sleep.

C: They didn't want to go wake up Quatre's tagalongs to help.(A.K.A The bashing intended.)

Sighing, Duo slipped out of the room, and headed downstairs, to where the kitchen was. He walked in, and saw Trowa sitting at the table, looking over some mission reports that Heero had taken the liberty to type up before they'd left the previous safe house.

"Moinin' Trowa." Duo sleepily yawned, passing the latin pilot, and heading for the coffee maker.

"Ohayo Duo." Trowa said, as Duo shuffled past.

Wufei came into the kitchen several seconds later, his normally pony tail bound hair, sticking out in odd angles. He looked like hell warmed over. Duo stifled a snigger.

"Ohayo Barton, Maxwell." The chinese pilot said, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

"What posessed you to get up so early?" Duo asked.

"I get up this early every day, and could you pour me a cup?" Wufei asked.

Duo poured a cup."Sugar, cream...?"

"Black is fine." Wufei said. Duo handed the cup to him.

"What took the three of you so long to get here? We didn't think it'd take you that long to get here." Wufei asked. Staring at his coffee.

"We stopped off for gas, and a few other things..." Trowa said. Trailing off. Wufei luckily didn't press the question any further.

"Why are you still up Trowa, weve been here two hours, and you do need to sleep."

"Just looking over some mission reports from previous missions, also some strategics that Quatre worked out. Heero was tired so he went to bed with you about a half hour after we got here. You fell asleep on his arm, so it went numb, and he couldn't get comfortable. He slept for about an hour in the car. Honestly, you two make a cute scene like that. Not to embarrass you or anything." Trowa said. Duo gaped at the latin vampire. That was possibly the longest paragraph he'd heard him speak since they'd met.

Wufei was thinking the same thing, but his sleep fogged brain, wouldn't register that fact.

Duo didn't say anything. But his face turned a wonderful shade of fire hydrant red. He looked like a sunburnt tomato. Trowa soon stacked all the papers into a neat pile, and said."If you want me, i'll be with Quatre." then headed upstairs to see his lover.

Meanwhile upstairs, bad dreams were plaguing Heero's sleep.

he snapped awake suddenly. A figure next to his bed cackled.

"Nice dreams, Pretty boy?" the figure sneered. It was a woman, wearing quite revealing leather clothing....that left almost nothing to the imagination.

"You! What do you want Solaris?!" Heero sneered. Venom lacing his voice.

"Just to issue a warning. This is my territory. Stay away."

"Ha. There's more than just me here. I'd really love to see you pull anything oni- onna.(devil woman)"

~Trowa! Solaris is here! Get your ass over here!~ Heero called. The unibanged pilot came into the room. Fangs bared, with Quatre right behind him.

"We've laid claim here Solaris. If you do not leave, theres going to be a world of hell for you. You may be immortal, but theres more than one way to kill a vampire. And with three to one odds, the scales are not tipped in your favour." Trowa said. Heero reached under his pillow and grabbed his pistol.

He fired three times. And missed. Solaris was gone. Heero sighed heavily, relieved that the nuciance was gone.

"Trowa.....who was that?" Quatre asked. Coming from behind the taller pilot.

"An enemy. Whatever you do.......if you see her, stay away." Heero said.

"Please explain, what happened.....What are you?" Quatre meekly asked the enraged vampire.

" and Heero are...well were vampires. Theres no reason to deny that. We take life to support our own. That woman, is the bitch that turned us about three hundred years ago." Trowa explained.

"And now she's after the three of you. Were not going to allow that to happen." Heero finished.

"Why is she after us?" he asked. Fear evident in those cornflower blue depths.

"She wants to make us miserable, by taking away the very thing that means everything to us. She wants us to bend to her every whim. And refuse to let that happen to us again......."Trowa fumed.

"Oh." Quatre said.

"Please.....don't worry Quatre.......We'll make sure that she get's nowhere near you. But If I were you...keep your mind blocks up. She wont be able to try to control you that way." Trowa reassured his smaller lover. Hugging him close to his chest.


"What?" Trowa asked.

"I can't believe that your vampires.....I mean....after all this time....why didn't you tell me Trowa. I wouldn't have cared. I still would've loved you, no matter what." Quatre said, his blue eyes meeting with Trowa's visible green one.

"I was afraid of how you would take it. Because A: I know you do not condone killing, for any purpose. And B: Things like that tend to change a persons perception of people."

"Your didn't know, and I don't blame you for it. But...Heero, I know you and Duo both sort of have feelings for eachother. Very strong feelings, actually. Have you told him that yet?" Quatre inquired.

"I told him about both. He doesn't mind, in the slightest. That I know of anyway." Heero said.

"You know. We can't exactly leave Wufei out of this. Solaris has him unknowingly involved. But unfortunately, the only way to get her to leave them alone is to change them, or kill her. But we don't have a clue of where the witch and her coven is hiding." Trowa said.

"I know. That's what scares me. If she gets her hands on them, they're done for." Heero said. Several plans forming in his hand as they talked. But he kept coming back to the same conclusion, turning Duo and the other two into vampires as well. But knowing Wufei, he'd probably not go for that idea. Quatre probably wouldn't agree with that either. Duo.....well, he'd probaby agree to do something like that, but that was Duo. He was an entirely different case entirely.

"Trowa.......if you have to turn me into a vampire, you have my permission to do so. "

"Are you sure, Quatre. It's not the easiest life to live." Trowa asked.

"Yeah. Besides, this way we can be together." Quatre said, his cheerful optimism returning.

"Then....we can beat that bitch back to hell, where she belongs." Quatre finished. Smirking. Both Trowa and Heero stared at the normally polite arabian.

"Did he just say that?" Heero asked.

"I'm not sure." Trowa muttered.

"Hey....I have 29 sisters. What do you expect?" Quatre asked. Sniggering.

"Who wants to break the bad news to wufei."

"I'll do it. I gotta break this to Duo yet. Not the whole vampire thing but Solaris." Heero said.

"No need. We eavesdropped." Duo and Wufei said, stepping out from behind the door across the hall.

"well....that's a lot easier than telling them." Trowa muttered.

"Why didn't you tell us earlier you two?" Wufei questioned. His bright ebony eyes turning to the two vampires.

"To be honest, we don't know." Heero said. ~Right Trowa?~

Trowa nodded.

"And my answer, would be go ahead. Do whatever you need to do and get it over with." Wufei said, a solemn look crossing his face.

"You, Duo?"

"Same thing." Duo said. Not surprising. But Wufei's answer on the other hand, had taken the two of them off guard. They had not expected the chinese pilot to comply so easily.

"Well...that's one problem solved, only a hundred more to go." Trowa muttered.

Well.I don't know...what do you think? Please review. It means a lot to me when you do. Those who review, at the end of the fic, I'll write a chappie with my authors notes devoted to all those who review. I'll update the next chapter if I get ten reviews, that's all I ask. Also, if you have any Ideas for the next chapter, Leave them in your reviews.

If you're a 1x2, 2x1 shipper, and you like country music, and or sappy songfics, please go to my profile and read them. They're titled

"Three Chords and The Truth" which is to an older sara evans song and "The Good Stuff." Which is to Kenny Chesney's latest radio release off of his "No shoes, No shirt, No problems" Cd. I know I sound like I'm trying to promote these songs or something, but I just want you to R&R those for me. Y'know, tell me if I did a good job, you like it, you hate it..whatever! Please tell me."

Please R&R

