Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Untitled (I still cant think of anything) ❯ Chapter 2

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Time for the authoresses rant.(Or...thoughts of a rabid authoress)

Hi there....WOW! 11 reviews already! YAY! Thankyou!!!! I only asked for ten reviews, and I got 11.This story was thanks to a few mountian dews, a conversation at lunch involving, Heero, Duo, a feather boa, whipped cream, Ann Rice vampire novels, and a fic I read about a week ago.(I don't remember the name anymore either! Scuba Steve! Damn you!!* I watched "BIG DADDY" one too many times obviously.*)

I've been really buisy. Moving and switching schools sucks. That's why It's taken me so long to update!!! La sienta, Mi amigas. Don't kill me, Por favor!! Sientate!!! NO put that .22 gauge down...don't shoot me because of my tardiness, I plan on making this a long chapter.....again. Hopefully it wont be too pointless. and by the way, Trieze isn't dead.(Well since this is a 5x13x6 as well as a 1x2, 3x4...he can't very well be dead, now can he?)

Chapter overview.(this is for those of you who are too lazy to actually read the entire thing.* Like me*...only on text books anyway.^_^)

Heero and Duo talk.(Not that way. Hentai's! he's not gonna get changed yet. sorry. There will be a lemon in here somewhere. And That chappie will be labled clearly)Wufei starts rethinking his decision and something happens. Though you gotta read to find out, then Quatre and Trowa have a heart-to-heart, about Trowa's past.

Please R&R I'm once again only asking for ten reviews before I update again. I hope that's not asking too much.......Thank you. And please no flames. Please don't tell me about my's terrible. This is the reason that I got two failing grades in 8th grade english last year. I mean.....who cares about verb congugation.......I know I don't...but really seriously...who does??

P.S. Theres been a 2 day time jump. And Heero is going to seem OOC, but then again, in my stories, he usually is. Oh trust me he'll be back to his stoic unfeeling self...once I'm done with this story and I give him and the other characters back to the owners. This chapter will contain some sexual humour. SO if it sounds's meant to be perverted. Damn Tammi and her Hentai thoughts.( she's my best friend, and she's the one who started the whole Duo/Heero conversation, which was the inspiration for this story.She's my beta reader, and she's a yaoi loving hentai freak, who keeps pestering me to write a lemon in this. I may write one.....depending on how much feedback I get.)

Disclaimer: I really hate writing these things, cause everyone here knows that I sure as hell Don't own gundam Wing or any other anime/ manga, well except for the original story that I'm writing. If I did, I would not be typing away endlessly at this computer(instead of helping my amiga Stacy with her senior project.......ooops.)

~Telepathy~ "speech" 'thought' {dream} [*Flashback*]

Wufei kicked a rock along the sidealley.'Why did I have to open my mouth.' He asked himself. "Me and my big mouth.....ugh....I'm starting to act like Maxwell." He muttered.

Suddenly without warning, something hit him in the back of the head. He whirled around and stared right into a pair of silver colored eyes, and his mind started to fog over. The figure infront of him, pounced on the chinese teen, knocking him over, and started to lean toward his neck. Suddenly it exploded into a pile of ashes. And Wufei fell into unconciousness.

Two figures walked into view, one holding a fencing foil, and another holding a crossbow. The one with the crossbow, bent over and picked up the chinese boy, and they both disappeared into the mist.

(I'll come back to this eventually (probably at the end of the chapter) But I'm going to investigate on Heero and Duo.)

"Duo!" Heero yelled, his voice echoed through the large house as he looked for his koibito.

"What!" The slightly annoyed osage amerikajin[1] asked through a mouthful of toothpaste.

"Have you seen Wufei?" Heero asked, walking into thier shared bathroom.(they had adjoining bedrooms) "He said he was going on a walk. Why, Hee-chan?" Duo asked, spitting into the sink.

"Just out of curiosity. Nandemonai." Heero answered.

"Oh. So what's on your mind? You sound troubled buddy." Duo said. Turning to grab a second towel out of the closet for his hair. Which he quickly wrapped around his head.

"Just thinking about us.........and what were going to do with Solaris. She's been loitering around. I keep sensing her presence around here......I also keep getting this nagging feeling that were constantly being watched."

"Well I keep getting the "being watched" feeling too....Maybe something else is trying to get to us......I wouldn't know." Duo added, digging the blowdryer from a cabinet underneath the sink.

"That's the last thing we need. Litterally. Hunters."


"You know, vampire hunters, people who carry around sharp pointy things, and try to drive them into our chests. And they kill anyone associated with vampires. Human or not."

"Oh........hey...I've been wanting to ask you something Heero?"


Duo took this as a signal to ask.

"Erm...I just wanted to know how much of that B flick/horror book stuff actually applies to you."

"Uh..........well, If I get staked I'm going to die. But so would you if you got impaled in the chest with a pointy piece of wood."

" True..."

"I can touch wood. Silver on the otherhand, burns like a bitch. Why do you think I always use plastic silverware, instead of Quatre's?"

"Oh.....ok continue." Duo said. Turning the blowdryer on.

"Garlic obviously does nothing. Same with crosses and holy water. Unless the holy water happens to have silver nitrate in it. Crosses do nothing. Unless they are silver, and then all they do is leave a burn mark that heals almost instanteneously. Sunlight.... that is a back and forth thing. It teeters on both sides of the line. I can go into it and function. But it just gives me some nausea. But even when I was alive, I never handled sunlight well."

"Human food. I can eat it, though it tastes terrible. Fruits and vegetables are the worst. I don't usually eat them. Because it provides zero sustainance for me to begin with." Heero said, raising his eyebrows at the osage pilot.(Osage means braided, if you haven't guessed by now.)

"Well that sucks, ne?" Duo said, flipping his hair upside down to thoroughly dry it with the hair dryer.

"Yeah. I force myself to eat human food when we attend school. It's not fun, especially when they force you to eat everything you get put on your damned foam tray." Heero grumbled.

(I go to a school like this. It's a catholic high school. And the teachers are pricks, the food sucks,*cause our head honchos are too cheap to get us some decent grub......cheapass bastards.... I should stop now..........this is turning onto a pitch a bitch session.)

"I guess it really sucks to be you then." Duo joked. Earning him a frown from Heero.

"I'm choosing not to answer that." Heero deadpanned.

"Uh huh. Hey, could'ja gimme a hand and grab that brush for me." Duo asked, pointing at a small brush sitting on the counter about five feet out of reach. Heero leaned over and grabbed it.

"I have one more question for you.....all those times you threatened to kill me.......why didn't you?" Duo asked, as Heero handed him the brush.

"Honestly......I don't know. The same thing goes for Relena....all those times I've threatened to kill both of you and I've yet to fulfill that promise." Heero said, sighing. Suddenly he stiffened, and went into a trance like state. Duo saw this through the mirror behind him. Whirling around, he rushed over and started to shake the japanese pilot.

"Heero!!! Heero!! Earth calling Heero, come in Heero! Talk to me here! C'mon buddy, your really starting to scare me now!" he said, trying his best to shake his friend and keep the hotel towel he'd stolen a while ago around his waist. He failed miserably, and gave up on doing both. and let the towel slip from his waist. He was more concerned about Heero.

"Earth to Heero!" Duo said. Heero snapped from wherever he'd been to seem so dead to the world. And got a birds eye view of what exactly Duo kept hidden under those black jeans of his. He felt his cheeks start to burn.......and he couldn't seem to think straight, because all the blood in his head....had rushed to somewhere far southward. Along with any coherent thought that had been forming in his head.

'GET AHOLD OF YOURSELF YUY!!!!!!YOUR THE FUCKING PERFECT SOLDIER, NOT SOME HORMONE STRICKEN TEENAGER!!!!!!!!' The voice in his head, hereafter refered to as 'the voice' screamed.

'I've been sixteen for the past almost two hundred years.........I am a hormone driven teenager.' Heero answered. Duo shook him again.

"Huh?" Heero asked, snapping out of his little world.

"Dude! You scared the hell outta me there! You went all stiff, and rigid, then into some sort of trance!" Duo babbled.

"Something happened to Wufei.........I don't know what...but something happened. Like he was put into some sort of trance......."

"Like you.......Where did he say he was going.....we need to find him." Duo said. Reaching into a nearby drawer and pulling out some boxers.

"I agree." Heero said. Averting his gaze, so he wouldn't get a hard on right there and then.

Duo quickly dressed." There's something you forgot to mention....something I like to call strengths weaknesses and abilities."

"I can communicate strength is about 10x stronger than that of a normal human, and I can use my powers to launch someone/ something across a room. Litterally without touching them."

"I believe the term is called telekinesis." Duo added.


"What about Trowa?"

"Telepathy, pyrokinesis, and mind control. But he's older than me by 7 years."

"So that makes you both really old."

"Not really, concidering that most of the vampires we've ever met are around 700 or 800 years old. Trowa was 17.......exactly the age he looks now when he was embraced. When you become a vampire, you stop aging. Whatever age you were when you were turned, thats the age you look forever, unless your under the age of 15. You continue to age until your late teens to early twenties. And even then, you age very takes about 100 years to age one human year.

"Aa." Duo answered. "We'd better go and find Wufei. I get the feeling that he's in trouble." Duo added. Grabbing Heero's wrist. He was now fully clothed, but had forgotten about his braid.

Heero decided he liked Duo without the braid. But it made the genki teen look more effeminate than he already did.

"Aren't you going to braid that?"

"I'll do it later......I got the feeling by the time we get back were both going to be needing another shower." Duo said, dragging the unruly haired pilot out the door and downstairs where Trowa and Quatre were talking.

"Where are you going?" Quatre asked.

"To find Wufei....we think he's in trouble. We'll be back soon, and we'll call if we find anything." Duo said, dragging Heero out the door before Quatre and Trowa could follow them.

Duo dragged Heero to the garage, and snagged a pair of keys from a key holder on the wall. He walked over to one of the motorbikes and told Heero to get on back. He opened the garage door, and then got on the bike himself. He kickstarted the bike into life. And pulled out screaming "YEEEHAW!! DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME KIDDIES!" While popping a wheelie and accelerating, causing the wheel to spin and rocket them into the night....Heero clutched onto Duo's ribs for dear life.



"Leggo of me."

"I'll fall off."

"If you don't loosen your grip, you'll make my ribs break and you'll puncture a lung. I guess you weren't lying about the strength part." Duo grumbled.

"I can sense him nearby............somethings happening to him." Heero said.'

"Well.....I better speed things up a little, you just tell me where to go." Duo said. Accelerating even more. His loose, metre long chestnutt colored hair, whipping into Heero's face from beneath the helmet he was wearing.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

Quatre stared at the door."Was that Duo?" He asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"It sounded like him......but the hair was down." Trowa answered, taking a sip of the tea he'd been drinking.

"It was Duo......I wonder why they went looking for Wufei...of all people."

"Heero must've sensed something wrong. They'll be back. They can take care of themselves Quatre." Trowa said, wrapping a arm around his smaller lover in a reassuring guesture.

'At least I think they will....' He thought.

"Trowa.......I have a don't have to answer it. If you wish not to." Quatre said, twiddling his thumbs absentmindedly.

(I do this a lot at school, especially when I'm either getting bitched out by a cranky teacher, or if I'm really bored during a lesson...and trust teachers are all old prudes. We don't even have Sex Ed at our school. Well if we did, I'd find a way to twist whatever the teacher was saying, into my own twisted version........Then I would say something really inappropriate. that would make the whole lot of us burst out into uncontrollable laughter.)

"......" Trowa said, looking into his tea.

"Why do you never talk about your past?" Quatre asked, going for the direct approach.

"There's some things in my life, that I choose not to remember. Or to reflect on."

"We all have those can trust me you know.....I would never..."

"I don't wish to reflect onto my wasn't very enjoyable......I was abused and maltreated as a child. Then forced into slavery against my will, then turned into a vampire, and became a pawn in Solaris' twisted games. Then met Heero, who was forced from his family, which was killed, by the bitch herself. And she turned him. He was only ten years old at the time. Because he was so young...I was a big brother to him.....that's why we get along like we do. I protected him, and took his punishments for him. Then we managed to escape from Solaris some 30 years ago, and got split up. Then I became a mercenary. He fell into the hands of Dr.J. He still only looked about 12 or 13. Then J trained him......and made him lose his humanity along the way. " Trowa said, drifting off into a memory.

[*flashback.........500 years earlier. London, England*]

A small boy was ruggedly thrown into Trowa's quarters, and the burly man shut the barred door behind the boy that'd been thrown into the room. The slave keeper growled "This is Solaris' new toy....he'll be sharing quarters with you from now on." And he walked away. Leaving them in the dank one bed dungeon.

The boy crawled into a corner and curling in on himself, drawing his knees to his chest, muttering something in a foreign language...

"Iie.....Kaa-san......Tou-san....Hotaru-chan......Sola subeta....Solaris......Omae o korusu!" He sniffled. Trowa could smell two things on the boy. Recent death, and fear. And he was still human. Trowa bit back the urge to bite the boy, and drain him. Knowing well what would happen if the 17 year old vampire attacked the boy. Solaris would let one of the Dungeon guards violate him.

"Hey...kid. Do you understand me?" Trowa asked. Unsure if the boy even spoke english.

"Hai....I understand.." The boy shakily answered. He looked up at the latin teen, his eyes red rimmed and bloodshot from crying. He looked to be only about 10 or 11 years old.

"What were you saying?" Trowa gingerly asked, slowly approaching the boy.

"Nandemonai." The boy sniffled.

"C'mon........quit can't let the guards see you cry. They'll do things that I don't nescessarily want to happen to you. Do you understand?" Trowa asked the scrawny, innocent boy. He nodded and Trowa wiped the tears from the small boy's face.

"What is your name?" The boy asked, in slow english.

" I go by nanashi.....I don't know what it means....The bitch just calls me that." Trowa sneered.

"I know what the word's in my own tongue, it's the word for "Without a name" or "no name" in Japanese." The boy said.

"So...what's your name little one?" Trowa asked.

"My Heero." End flashback.

Trowa shuddered at the memory. Not even two days after they'd met, the boy had lost his innocence, at the hands of one of the burly hairy guards.

"You ok?" Quatre asked, concern deeply showing in his cerulean blue eyes.

"It's nothing. Just a bad memory. That's all........" Trowa said. Trailing off.

"I'm glad you got away....or I might have never met you." Quatre said, leaning into Trowa's chest and sighing contentedly.

Trowa looked down, and a small smile curled the corners of his mouth. "Me too." He whispered. The bad memory of the past all but forgotten.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

"Where am I??" Wufei moaned. He literally felt like he'd been run over by a semi. A fully loaded semi. He looked around at his surroundings. He was in a ornate, fully decorated bedroom. In a rather large bed.

"I see you finally felt like waking up, Sleeping Beauty." A light voice said. Wufei's eyes narrowed.

"Trieze.......but your dead?" He said.

"Un-dead would be a better term....I faked my own death." Trieze Kushrinada said, setting a tray of rice, meso soup, and tea onto a table next to the bed.

"Why am I here? Are you the one that attacked me last night?" Wufei asked, anger rising in his voice.

"No. Me and Zechs saved you from a rather nasty death. You were attacked by a vampire sent by Solaris."

"I wouldn't suppose you two work for her as well?" Wufei sneered. Trieze rolled his eyes non-chalantly as Zechs came in the room.

"No." Zechs answered flatly. "I wouldn't work for that demon, if my life depended on it."

"Me either. Although I wish I knew where the bitch was, so I can rip her throat out with my hands. And kill her with my foil." Trieze growled.

"We'll get our payback soon enough. I know that she's after three of the gundam pilots. The other two are already turned, and she wants them dead." Zechs said.

"They know. She came to the safe house a few days ago. Trowa and Heero are on high alert." Wufei monotonely added.

"WHAT!!!!" Trieze all but shouted.

"You heard me, and It's only a matter of time before she tries to kill them." wufei grimly added.

"That's definitely not what I expected to hear..." the Ex-Oz general said, digging his fingernails into his palms.

"She's going to be after you too, Koibito." Zechs added.

"I know...but that's not what worries's what she's going to do after she changes the other three....if she gets the chance. We know why she's after them. It's just what she's going to do to them, that worries me." Trieze said. Worry evident on his face, like it was written in magic marker in big black letters across his forehead.

"Why is she after us?" Wufei asked. All former resentment towards either of them forgotten for the moment.

"Together, the five of you possess great power. Power that she wants for herself. But it can only be accessed if you are turned into vampires. That is why she's after you." Trieze said softly. Wufei found himself staring at the sandy haired man. Who was dressed in casual attire. Wufei now found himself in a rather confusing predicament. He was falling for the man he concidered his biggest enemy. Oh the enigmas of life.....and teenage life.

Wufei nodded, his attention only half focused at the moment. Suddenly he heard a loud pounding on the door, then both Heero and Duo burst into the room, Guns at the ready.

"Duo........I do hope you look absolutely rediculous with your hair down like that......" Wufei said, trying his hardest not to snigger at the dark clothed boy, who'd obviously forgotten to braid his hair, because he was in a hurry, and now it was a rats nest.

It didn't work. And the three started to outright guffaw at the ragged looking Duo.

"When was the last time you brushed that rats nest Maxwell?" Wufei managed to choke out between laughs.

Duo scowled."We thought you were in trouble. What happened, and what are you doing with these two clowns?" He asked.

'Jeez......Duo lacks tact.' he thought.

"Idiot. I was attacked by something last night, and they happened to find me. Ok smartass?" Wufei deadpanned. Glaring at the Deathscythe pilot.

"By the way.....the two of you owe me a new door." Trieze said, his expression and tone of voice flat.

"I hear that you have already had a run in with Solaris?" Zechs asked.

"Unfortunately. And we know exactly what she's after. I'm not going to let it happen." Heero said.

"Why don't you leave Wufei with us for a while? It'll make things easier, and the two of us can look after him a lot better, than you can, because your preoccupied all the time." Trieze said. Half jokingly.

"I don't need a baby sitter." Wufei complained.

"Aww......wu-wu needs a sitter.....thats rich." Duo snorted.

"Justice is served, Wufei....justice is served." Duo sniggered.

"I think I'll stay, just to advoid you." Wufei leered.

This was starting to sound like a fight between two siblings.

Duo stuck out his had turned into a childish battle of wits and comebacks.

When Heero finally threatened to shoot both of them they shut up.

"Finally....but, really would he want to stay here?" Zechs asked, rasing his eyebrows at his lover at the moment....who he knew also had his sights set on Wufei.~ Why do you want both of us?~ Zechs asked.

~Because........I want to, besides I have all eternity to be with both of you. You know the minute these two leave, I'm going to turn him. Just like I turned you, and since he has no resistance to mind control, I can roll him under.~

~Be smart about it. Really, do you think he's going to be happy with that if he wakes up in bed. With the both of us, and two puncture marks on his neck. He'd take that sword of yours and shove it up your ass.~ Zechs said coyly.

~ha ha.....that's really funny.~

~I'm serious.~

~Fine....we wait~

"Were gonna go now.....ehe...see ya!" Duo said, dragging Heero out of the room and off of the property. The sound of Squealing motorbike tires filling the silence.

"Now what?"

"I know you two have a reason for wanting me to stay...what is it?" Wufei questioned.

"You could say.....lust is on the list of reasons.....but......we'll save it for I want you to sleep." Trieze said. Looking straight into Wufei's eyes, and the chinese teen immediately fell into a blissfull state of unconciousness.

"Now....we need to formulate a plan to stop Solaris....................." Zechs said, grabbing Trieze by the shirt and dragging him from the room as well.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~

A/N.....This took me four hours to type......*yawns* And It's sunday, and I still have a 42 problem math assignment to do. Hope mum doesn't find out...or I'm not allowed on the computer.....scary thought.

I had the sadistic urge to end the chapter there fingers hurt and it's 11 pages long according to my wordpad. So I figure it's time to stop. Please R&R and no flames. I'm sorry if this seems like it has no plot....i'm rushed for time and have a bazillion things to do. I hate school. Well I hope you liked it. Ill probably update in a week or so. Ok? well I gotta go. Homework calls.

Until next time,
