Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ untitled ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter One
sat inside the school office, waiting to see the counselor. Lately he had been having some "issues" with a certian girl in all of his classes by the name of Tauru Yasha. They were always fighting over anything. He had to admit, it was kind of fun. It was a lot more amusing then listening to Ms. Waldren, the current Advanced Calculus teacher, banter on about how he should keep hisself busy after he finished his work insted of tormenting other, less fortunate students. He couldn't help it if Duo Maxwell was a little bit slower then he was! And the prized student , Tauru did the same and never once got sent out. It was, in Wufei Chang's words, INJUSTICE! The bell rang signaling 3rd period. Advanced Technology PHS ( Post High school. An: They are all in 11 grade in one of thoese preppy Advanced Education school.)
minutes later..........................marched into the office storming. Trowa smirked. She was so preety when she was mad, even if she was a prissy bitch wannabe skater. Actualy, he'd never seen her skate before,so he really didn't know if his words were true. But it was nice to think he was right.Tauru caught him staring at her and whirled around with a great fury.LOOK! If you enjoy looking at me so much,take a goddamned picture!"just smirked more."I was hoping you would do a trick."He paused and his smirk turned into an evil grin, then he added"Poser"rage multiplied 10 fold. She had just got kicked out of Tech because Heero Yuy threw a fit about her beating him in a "friendly" boarding compition and she was rubbing it in a little too much. Now this loser as the idea to call her a POSER! Hell,no.lunged at him, about to take a swing, when someone grabbed the collar of her uniform, pulling her back just 2 inches before her fist met his preety boy face. She whirled around to see the culprit was the principal, Mr.Beaton. He looked down at her and she loosened up, not wanting to get in anymore troble then she already was in.I've been wating Miss Yasha." he said ledding twards his office.she followed, she turned back at Trowa and wispered harshly "Prick"Bitch " He replied with an innocent smirk. Oh, yes. This was much more amusing.