Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Warriors of the Elements ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Disclaimer:I do not own Gundam Wing. If I did there would be more episodes and Relena would be dead. There would also be more cool females and the boys wouldn't be the only main characters. But sadly I don't own Gundam Wing... Unfortunately.

AriannaDodge. Roll to the side.' Arianna went through all the manoevers in her head as she fought an invisible opponent. Already a thin sheen of sweat glistened on her body and she was panting heavily. Her sword glistened as it sliced through the air expertly. She did several back flips in a row to dodge different imaginary attacks.

Her training was aruptly cut off as a wave of cold water hit her head, causing her drop her sword. Looking up, she saw Naomi standing above on the catwalk that surrounded the training area, with a water balloon in her hand. She was grinning like a cheshire cat as she aimed her last balloon at Arianna, which unfortunately missed do to Arianna's quick reaction time.

Arianna growled angrily and glared at Naomi who nervously smiled and waved before running off with a very pissed off Arianna following her.

"I swear I didn't mean it!!!" Naomi yelled as she tore through the mansion halls with Arianna hot on her trail. "LIZ SENT ME!!"

"Yeah!?!? And it'll be an accident when my foot finds its way up your ass!! Now get back here and accept your fate!!" Arianna yelled back furiously.They ran into the living room and startled the other 2 occupents. They almost knocked Versie off of her ladder while she was putting up decorations and almost bowled over Raven and Liz a little while later. The other girls just ignored them as they ran in circles around the house.

They finally stopped, however, when Versie took out her gun and fired a warning shot out the open window. This effectively caused everyone to freeze in place. Even the birds outside shut up outside, but Naomi had a sneaking suspicions that had to do with the thump she had heard after the gunshot. Looks like Versie made another easily meal for Hades, Shadow, Artemis, Panzer, or Yamikari, or another thing to roll in for Opal. She shuddered. Lets hope Opal didn't find it. She would never forget that smell. Or the gift that was left for her on her bed.

"Thank you." Versie said with a sigh as she walked out of the room to get the party snacks.

"That was close."Naomi stated with a sigh of relief.

"You tellin' me." Raven said nodding her head. Liz just nodded and Arianna snorted.right everyone to the showers to change we can't smell dirty and look grubby for our party." Liz ushered them all upstairs to clean up. stepped out of the kitchen and into the party room, which was deserted, with several bowls of chips balanced expertly in her hands. She snorted and rolled her eyes.for waiting." She muttered under her breath before heading upstairs to get ready.was the first to get downstairs. Well she more or less slid down the banister of the stairs. She wore a pair of black bellbottom jeans, a black tanktop that cut off before her navel, and a pair of red and black skater shoes. Her hair was left down and had what looked to be glitter dusted throughout it. Her eyes were lined in a smokey gray and she had gold dusted on her forehead and cheeks. was the next to make her way downstairs, in a more graceful matter though. She wore a silvery-blue tanktop that showed all of her curves, a knee length light blue skirt that floated around her body, and a pair of white sandals that strapped around her ankles. She had light blue eyeshadow up to her browbone and a darker blue eyeliner around her eyes that gave her a slight nymph look. Her hair was straightened and pulled back into a french braid with silver and navy blue ribbons twisted in it.arrived moments later, dancing down the stairs, she grinned. Her flaming red hair was left down with a bunch of tiny random braids through it. She wore a gold tanktop that should her navel and curves, a pair of knee high black "hooker" boots, and a silver skort. She didn't appear to have any makeup on except for a light pink lipgloss and her black sunglasses of course.and Versie were the last to begrudgingly make their way downstairs. wore a pair of black lowrise bellbottom jeans, a kimono type silver top with sleeves that were wide after her elbow and flowed down to her knees, and a silver pair of skater shoes. She had black liner outlining her eyes and silver eyeshadow up to browbone. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail with her red bangs framing her face.was wearing a pair of baggy black cargo pants, a black tight muscle shirt and a pair of black army boots. Her hair was pulled in a ponytail with half of her hair wrapping around her ponytail. She wore dark green eyeshadow with a black eyeliner on her bottom lower guys look sexy! We are drop dead gorgeous!" Raven exclaimed with a grin making everyone laugh except for Versie who half smiled in a hiddenly cryptic really think so?" Liz asked shyly while crossing her arms over her stomach. Raven sighed and pulled Liz's arms away from her.Liz. Now quit doing that you are making me self conscious." Liz grinned apologetically and gave a nervous shrug.i'm not used to these types of clothes." of us are really. Except for the clubs Raven drug us to," Naomi cast a meaningful look at Raven who grinned sheepishly," we haven't really worn anything like this."For good reason too. We aren't cheap whores....." Versie grumbled. Come on Versie, you don't really think we look that cheap do you?" Raven said in a slight baby tone. The girls minus Versie casted looks amongst themselves. Versie grunted. "I mean I thought I looked at least like a $50 whore..." This made the girls sigh and shake their heads. Trust Raven to say something like that.the door bell rang making all the girls jump.the party has begun!" Raven exclaimed while rushing to get the door. The other 4 girls shrugged and headed into the party room, leaving Raven to the door....