Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Weak Onna ❯ proposal ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Weak Onna

Disclaimer :- I don’t own Gundam Wing or any of the characters.

“Wufei! Get out of there!” screamed Quatre noticing his fellow pilot was not moving, just hovering there in mid air and was being surrounded by a swarm of aeries suits. They had just completed their mission and were about to get back to the safe house when the aeries suits attacked.

Wufei didn’t answer, he just hung there. Something was wrong. Quatre could sense Wufei’s mind clouding over.

“What’s wrong Wufei?! why won’t you get out of there?!” Quatre yelled over the intercom that just crackled. “Okay! That’s it I’m not going to sit here and watch you get captured! We've blown up the base now we can go!”

Sandrock pelted down and knocked Nataku out of the way.

Wufei felt himself falling into darkness and smiled.

The blond boy had to destroy the aeries suits to be able to go after Nataku, though he hated to have to destroy their innocent lives. He knew that if he was going to find Wufei, he was going to need as much time as possible and the next batch of aeries wouldn’t arrive for about five minutes after he had destroyed these ones.

The Arabian boy finished his massacre and began his search for his Chinese friend.


A faint noise made Wufei open his eyes slightly. Groaning he tried to get up but failed. Light poured into the cockpit of Nataku as it opened up with a hiss.

“Wufei are you all right? What happened back there?” Quatre asked as he climbed into the cockpit.

“Fine.” Wufei mumbled but wouldn’t answer Quatre’s second question.

“What happened back there Wufei?” Quatre repeated but Wufei just looked away. Sighing in annoyance Quatre announced “lets go back to the safe house.”

“Yes, Quatre.” Wufei replied.

The blond boy just looked at the Asian boy for a few seconds. Usually his friend would be rather un co operative or act overly confident but now he was acting so insecure. “Okay then. let’s go.” said Quatre making his way to his own Gundam, ready to go back to the safe house.


It took an hour to arrive at the safe house and hide their Gundams. All the while Quatre was wracking his brains for an answer to Wufei’s odd behaviour.

Entering the almost condemned factory that they had to use as a base, the blond boy

made his way into the kitchen. He was in desperate need for a cup of tea. It was his after mission ritual that no matter how tired he was he would brew his own special blend that he could only get on his colony.

Sipping his hot nectar slowly Quatre made his way into the main room of the factory safe house that they used as a living room. It had a couch, a television, a coffee table and a video-phone. ‘I might as well wait for Wufei’ he thought to himself as he settled his weary body on the battered and worn sofa.

When his cup was empty and the Asian boy hadn’t come by, Quatre began to worry. Out of the Gundam pilots he was the motherly one. He would make sure they ate properly and slept as often as they could and couldn’t help but want to make sure they were all okay. It was in his nature. Not to mention he couldn’t let some of the most beautiful boys he had ever met kill themselves through starvation. Yes Quatre had crushes on his fellow pilots, but who could blame him? They were all so good looking and their personalities were just the icing on the cake.

Quatre couldn’t help but moan at the thought of being taken by one of the pilots and hearing them moan and pant as they found their completion in him.

The small blond pilot squirmed uncomfortably and looked down at the bulge forming in his khaki pants, sighing.

Despite what most people think, Quatre is no innocent. Yes he had compassion for people but that had no effect on his vivid imagination and all of it’s perverted thoughts.

“Well... Nobody’s here...” Quatre gave a sly grin to himself. Unzipping his pants, the Arabian boy slid his hand into his boxers and pulled out his throbbing erection, Then began at the base and slid his hand higher, squeezing lightly at the head and tweaking the very tip. Quatre mewed at the sensation that he had denied himself for two weeks, too busy with missions to even do a rush job. He was going to draw this out, enjoy it as much as possible.

Slowly he stroked the velvety underside and rubbed his thumb over the slit, using his natural fluids to lubricate his need. he closed his eyes and let his mind drift onto his team mates that he lusted after so badly, the thoughts alone made him harder and he began letting out small whimpers and moans.

Heero Yuy. The pilot from zero one. He is the perfect soldier, mind like a robot and body that was so right that Quatre knew that every inch of him was perfect. Mind you the practically see through spandex helped too. The Arabian boy often wondered if he were to fuck Heero would he be shot or would it open up a new side of the perfect soldier that he rarely showed. If he would be interested in dominating the blonde. Quatre had to slow his hand which had obtained a frantic pace that would make him come too soon for his liking.

Duo Maxwell. The guy was as vocal as he was sexy. He would look even more delicious giving a blowjob. He had the mouth for it and probably would be excellent at deep throating someone, braid undone so his hair would spill around him and the person‘s lap to make him look like an erotic angel. Quatre let his free hand leisurely trail up his chest and gently pinch and rub his nipples into little hard nubs, growling at the two wonderful feelings.

Trowa Barton. The boy had no real name, he had taken it from the man that was meant to be the original Heavyarms pilot. Maybe the fact he was nameless added to the fantasy of doing the banged boy up the ass, fucking someone who didn’t truly exist. The emerald eyed boy would look absolutely stunning naked and tied up. The blond boy could feel his cock twitch as the vision of the aforementioned boys going at it together.

Finally he was almost ready to come. Moaning with every stroke that was getting rougher by the second, he let his mind wonder onto his current mission partner. Raven eyes, charcoal hair, well muscled and toned body. Chang Wufei was a wet dream walking. Quatre was so new to the way the Chinese boy acted that he didn’t know what position the boy should be in so he settled for all of the positions he could think of. Wufei was the only person he knew that would get him off by just thinking about them. The way he sensually moved during battle could get anyone hard, that’s why Quatre always loved finishing himself off thinking about his mysterious friend.

The Arabian boy’s moaning turned to whimpering as he neared completion and he couldn’t help calling out has he felt his balls draw up, almost painfully so and his pleasure reached it’s peak.

“OH FUCK! WUFEI! YES! YES! OOOOOOOH, WUFEI! FUCK! I’M GONNA..! GONNA..! AAAAAAAAAHHHHH! WUFEI!!!!!” Quatre squealed as he came, coating himself with the bitter-sweet liquid. As the last spurts dribbled down his slowly softening member, Quatre became aware of someone else in the room.



I want to see how people like this so far, so please review!! xxx It’s going to be in two or three parts and I have the second written up but I can change it if people were not pleased with this chapter.

The sooner you review the sooner I can update for you! Xxx *hugs potential reviewers* xxx

Brought to you by Miku /\_~