Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Weak Onna ❯ slave ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer:- I do not own the Gundam Wing characters.

Well it’s up now, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it! It’s not bad for my first lemon ever, I’m well proud!! (yes I do talk like that, awful isn’t it?) So read on!!


Chapter 2

Wufei had been watching him more or less from the moment the scrumptious blonde boy began his sweet torture. It was absolutely fascinating to watch the smaller boy bring himself off with such reckless abandon.

“Care to join me, Wufei?” purred Quatre, not giving a damn if the vision in front of him was gay. He thought that the Asian boy could like it or lump it.

Wufei looked absolutely shocked. Quatre felt rather disappointment when he saw that Wufei seemed to be having doubts so he closed his eyes and let the aftermath of his climax sink in.

Nothing prepared the young blonde for the feeling of a rough tongue against his stomach, collecting some of the seed and a satisfied moan which was not his own.

“Wufei... Mmm. That feels good.” Quatre purred as the Asian boy licked the warm cum from his stomach much like a kitten would lap up milk. When finished Wufei looked up at Quatre with a dazed expression. He had never done anything so intimate in his life and especially not with another boy. Although there was another reason for him to be so dazed in this situation, another reason that almost got him captured earlier, another reason that he felt he couldn’t’t cope with anymore.

“Quatre... Earlier on... Back during the mission...” Wufei looked away, blushing furiously and feeling burning tears form in his eyes. “I’m sorry but it’s so hard... I just want to give up, surrender to something... It’s stupid... I’m sorry I shouldn’t’t have bothered you...”

“I know it’s hard Wufei, but we have to fight in this war, we have to! We have to save the people of the colonies and the Earth Sphere! I mean... If we don’t... Then who will?”

“Quatre... You’ve got it wrong. Like I said it’s stupid...” Wufei began to stand up, tears running down his cheeks.

“Then explain it to me.” the blond stated in a firm manner. He did not want the coal haired beauty to have a mental breakdown. He knew it would be best to let the Asian boy get everything off his chest.

“Yes Master.” Whispered Wufei in a defeatist tone of voice as he sank down on his knees beside the blonde boy. “All my life I have been forced to be dominant, by my colony, in battle, hell even in my relationships. I was brought up to become the fierce warrior you usually see. I never wanted to be in charge of so much. I’ve done so much and I can‘t take it, it‘s not in my real nature to be so strong, but I did it for the good of the colonies. For my deceased wife, Meiran, who only died because I wasn‘t strong enough. I have been pretending to be strong and someone I’m not for too long. But to tell the truth, I only wanted to be one of the people who were weak. I only make snide comments about the weak because I envy them.”

“What do you mean, Wufei?” Asked Quatre, getting the concept, yet not quite mastering it’s full meaning.

“I mean that I want someone to take over, make me feel weak, helpless, like I want to be. That is why I was trying to get caught, I’ve had enough of being strong. Master! Please stop me feeling like this! I need you to make me feel helpless! Please! I won’t be able to concentrate in battle if you don’t give me this!” Wufei was sobbing into Quatre’s thigh at the end of his little speech. He knew he wasn’t making too much sense but he knew Quatre wanted him and would get the gist of it. It was true. He wanted to submit to someone for so long that he almost lost it during today's battle. It was pathetic, but he hoped someone from OZ would take a liking to him and want him even if it was just sexually but deep down he knew he would just get tortured until he gave information about the Gundams. But that was life. It was only when he saw Quatre pleasuring himself, did he get an idea that may have fate just working out in his favour as Quatre was an ally and that would mean Quatre would treat him with at least some respect. Not only that but he had harboured a crush on the blonde since he had first met the Arabian beauty.

“How long have you felt like this Wufei? how much do you want it, my pet?” Asked Quatre as a sign that he would go along with Wufei ‘s wishes and also to let him know he had no problem being the boss.

“Master.. Gods, so long... Ever since I was little... Nobody could know or I would be rejected and become an outcast... So I pretended to be someone I’m not. I just wanted to be normal but it was not my destiny... but now I've decided that I don’t care about destiny... I just want to be weak... Weak as a woman.” It was only now that Wufei had the courage to look the 04 pilot in the eyes. “Quatre let me be your onna. Oh gods please let me be your bitch! please! even if it is just for tonight! please!”

“Hmm. you have such an appetising proposition, it goes well with your scrumptious body. There is a simple way to show you how I feel about your little outburst.” With that Quatre pulled Wufei over his lap and spanked his bottom hard. “You will address me as master when you want to speak to me and if you fail to comply with any orders I give you, you will be severally...” Quatre stroked the divine curve of the Asian boy’s ass and then smacked his hand down again and pinching the hurt area with great strength, making Wufei wail with pain and start whimpering about the perverse friction that it caused his needy member to make with the blonde’s well toned thigh through their clothing. while he dimly heard Quatre hiss out the word “...punished”

“As you wish Master. I will obey your every command.” Wufei managed to pant out, dizzy with the pleasure that he was finally being granted. He had waited too long to care how far Quatre was willing to go into the pain factor. He could endure a lot anyway, being trained to be a Gundam pilot and all.

“Follow me, slave. Stay at my heals or you shall be punished.” Quatre saw that Wufei was getting up onto his feet and slapped him across the face, not hard enough to bruise but to make the Asian boy flinch. “Wufei, I did not say you could walk. Crawl on your hands and knees like a good dog. If your fast enough, you may even receive a treat. You would like a treat, wouldn’t you, Fei Fei?” Wufei nodded ‘yes’ and scrabbled to catch up with his master who was already half way across the room. He caught up with Quatre just before the blonde entered the spacious bedroom that they had to share until their next mission, rubbing his cheek against the blonde’s moving leg. It just felt so good to finally look up to someone so completely.

“Clever boy Wufei. Hop up on the bed now. Don’t keep me waiting” Wufei did so and looked up at Quatre with wide innocent eyes. Quatre gasped at the sight. He never knew that Wufei could look so innocent. There was only one thing that could make this perfect.

“Stay.” The Arabian boy commanded as he went to the cupboard that contained his things that he had brought in a day in advance, to save the hassle of doing it after the mission. Clothes and other miscellaneous items were piled onto the floor at the bottom of the cupboard as Quatre desperately was digging through the cupboard’s contents.

“Master?” Wufei more or less whispered, unsure if Quatre would still allow him to speak or not in this game that was being played.

“Yes ‘Fei?” Quatre’s voice was muffled by the thin wood of the wardrobe, still searching for something.

“what are you-” Wufei was cut off.

“Ah hah!” The blonde crowed happily, having found his treasure. “I knew it was here some where. Having a lot of sisters can help out sometimes. This is what I was looking for my pet.” Quatre held up black a leather collar with a metal ring in the centre which a leash was attached to. Wufei’s jaw dropped. Little innocent Quatre owned a leash?! no Quatre wasn’t innocent at all. He had just proved that point a short while ago.

“Oh Master, is that for me?” Whispered Wufei still unsure about talking in front of Quatre.

“Yes, Wufei. It’s yours. Are you going to thank your master? Or are you going to be insolent and not thank me, if that is the case you will be receiving no more from me.” Quatre smiled at the fact he had so much control over the other boy.

“I’m very grateful master. I love everything you give to me. Could you please put it on for me?” He tipped his head invitingly bearing his neck to Quatre. Wufei was enjoying the way Quatre was doing his best to make things more interesting and role playing with him to make his pleasure higher.

“Of course, Fei Fei. Your being extra good today, good boy. I want you to untie your hair for me, Baby.” Quatre was grinning like a manic and was so hard it hurt. This was so erotic and as he watched *his* Wufei take out his hair tie and shake his hair so it fell around his face he learned that there was a whole new meaning to pain. He moved his hand down and stroked himself with a few short jerks of his hand to relieve a tiny fraction of the pain so that he could focus on the task at hand more easily.

“Lift up your hair. Hurry or I’ll get upset. Trust me, Wu-bitch, you don’t want me to be upset.”

Wufei complied with the request easily and almost purred when the collar was put on.

“Now hurry up already and take off my pants!” Wufei complied with the order as fast as he could, panting in need. A need that only Quatre could fulfil.

Quatre sighed in relief as his pants were unzipped and his erection slapped it’s self against Wufei’s cheek. He saw Wufei lick his lips at the sight and grinned.

“Want a taste Wu? Ask nice and I may even let you suck me.” Quatre whispered.

“Master…” Wufei whimpered as he rubbed his cheek against Quatre’s thigh near the hip near and his dick. “Gods, please master Quatre. Let me taste you, need it, Master… Please!”

“Ok, whore. You can have some of me. Open up.” He slid his hard length into the Chinese boy’s mouth. It was better than he imagined! “Suck me harder! I’m not going to waste my time on an easy whore that won’t suck me like he means it!” That was a lie, Quatre would have Wufei anyway if he didn’t but this was what he wanted in one if his common fantasies of Wufei. And besides, this was part of the game he was asked to play so should he deny himself any of the pleasure if it was there to be taken? Gods, and what pleasure! Wufei was *very* gifted with His mouth.

Wufei happily suckled on Quatre. God Quatre tasted bitter musky and salty all at the same time. It was an immense combination that made Wufei hunger for more. He whimpered softly as Quatre brought his pale hands to the back of his head and stilled his bobbing motions. Wufei then mewed in pleasure when Quatre began pumping his hips into his mouth, filling him with cock and pre-cum. Bliss, even the basest form of control had been taken from him and Wufei was in heaven. This was that he craved, what he needed.

Suddenly Quatre withdrew from Wufei’s tight mouth. Wufei whimpered and tried to follow the sweet cock in it’s retreat only to be slapped across the face with enough force to make him fall off the single bed.

“Wufei, I didn’t’t tell you to continue, you little slut. Get back on the bed before I lose my patience with you.” Quatre’s cold voice was like silk to Wufei’s ears. He complied with the order straight away and knelt on the duvet with his legs spread open an his head bowed. Wufei’s eyes opened in surprise as he was pushed backwards until he lay down and was flipped onto his stomach.

“You want this don’t you Wu-bitch.” Quatre panted into Wufei’s ear as he circled the Chinese boy’s tight ring with a lubed finger, having fetched the lubricant while Wufei was on the floor. He slowly pushed a finger inside the other boy and whispered into his ear. “Want to feel at the mercy of me? Want to be a whore for the cute innocent Gundam pilot?” He thrust another finger in, less gently, scissoring them and adding a third. “People think I’m the weakest of the Gundam pilots because I have compassion for other people. Well I’m about to prove everyone wrong” Quatre lubed himself up “It’s ok if you scream this time, Wu-whore. I want you to” With that he pulled up Wufei’s hips and thrust into the slick channel as hard as he could. He wanted to show Wufei that he was serious and that he was strong enough to handle him.

Wufei let out a wail of pleasure and pain combined. He arched his back to get further away from the pain and closer to Quatre, only to have a hand circle the back of his neck and push his head back down onto the duvet. He thrashed around trying to rid himself of the uncomfortable feeling of Quatre’s hard length up his ass. Wufei literally squealed when Quatre then pinned his arms behind his back to stop him from thrashing about. Wufei began to sob softly into the pillow as the Arabian boy feathered kisses and small nips along his back. He couldn’t move and it was slightly distressing to the small part of his mind that was telling him to take control of the situation.

Quatre could sense the internal battle of the submissive boy and decided to help him out with his decision. He immediately angled his thrusts to hit Wufei’s prostate full on and the result was amazing. The Chinese boy arched his back so violently that Quatre’s hand couldn’t hold his head down against the pillow, while yelling and begging desperately for more at the top of his lungs. Quatre grinned and bit down sharply on Wufei’s shoulder, marking him and making The boy beneath him cry out louder.

The feelings that both boys were experiencing were immense, Wufei was whimpering and begging constantly and squealing every time Quatre brushed against his sweet spot. Quatre was in heaven, the noises Wufei made were driving him insane! He thrust harder trying to see if the Chinese boy could scream louder and got his wish as Wufei began a string of unintelligible wails and yells, causing Quatre to thrust harder. It was getting too much for Quatre so he used his free hand that was previously holding Wufei’s neck and curled it around Wufei’s waist taking hold of Wufei’s cock and jerking it in a violent frenzy, matching the thrusts of his hips.

Wufei couldn’t take any more of the pleasure Quatre was giving him, he felt so weak for not being the dominant and that Quatre was not even letting him have the control of jerk himself off, it was exhilarating and just what he needed. It was this feeling that made Wufei jerk twice and squeal louder yet as he finally found release, his silky cum splattering hard out of the small slit at the tip of his cock that was still being relentlessly pumped by Quatre’s sinfully talented hand. H panted hard as his vision became blurred and was vaguely amazed by the fact his knees hadn’t given out yet under Quatre’s violent trusts.

‘SO GOOD!! MORE!!! ALMOST… THERE!!’ were the thoughts running through Quatre’s head as he trust desperately now into Wufei’s pliant body that was now strangling his dick with a delicious death hold. Quatre didn’t know how much more of this torture he could take, with the sweet whimpers Wufei made and the tremors of the Chinese boy’s body, it was too much! With his final thrusts, Quatre clasped Wufei’s body tightly to his and thrust as deep as humanly possible into the other boy and yelled “FUCK!! OH GODS!!! WUFEEEEI!!!!!” into raven hair. Bliss…

Quatre slumped into the Chinese boy who made no attempt to push him off.. When his senses from his beyond mind blowing orgasm, he panted as he pulled out of the Chinese boy and pulled him into a sweet embrace.

“Please, promise me you will come to me if you ever have a problem like this again Wufei. I don‘t want anyone else to have you this way.” Quatre murmured as he nuzzled Wufei’s hair gently and tightened the embrace he had around him.

“Yes master. Only you. It was only ever you. Thank you for letting me show my unforgivable secret with you.” Wufei whispered into Quatre’s chest while trying to get closer to the blond.

“Good…” Quatre sighed and kissed Wufei on the forehead gently. He smiled. “I hope you liked today, It was all I could do at short notice and, well Wufei… I feel like you are the only one too. ”

Soft snoring was the only sound filling the room and Wufei grinned. He mentally hoped that Quatre could keep up with his demanding needs, he was a very demanding person and strong willed but deep down he knew Quatre wouldn’t let him down. That today was only the tip of the iceberg.

End xxx

If you see any spelling mistakes, please tell me. I am terrible at spelling, I truly am. I hope you enjoyed this, I’m a big fan of untraditional pairings and I couldn’t resist this! Oh! And please review, it will make me do my happy dance! *grins*

By Mikuplantman