Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by kat

Chapter 1

"RENA!" a voice yelled from downstairs. It was obviously my dad. It was also too early to get up. I rolled over and pulled my pillow over my ear so I couldn't hear the noises from downstairs. They'd live. "SERENA!" Ugh, maybe not.

"WHAT?!" I yelled back down.

"IT'S ALMOST TIME TO GO!" my mother yelled. "WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!"

"Ugh... How could we be late?" I mumbled to myself. "It's in our backyard."

I stood up and let my honey blond hair fall down my back. I went and got a shower, then came back to my room and got dressed. I pulled my hair up into a bun and put on that gross pink make-up my mother and Jeanna had gotten the other day. I looked at myself in the mirror.

My honey blond hair which I got from my mother was pulled tightly into a bun, strands falling out here and there. It looked rather messy, I liked it. My long bangs fell to the side of my face. I wore pink eye shadow which, more or less, brought out my green eyes. I scowled. At sixteen, I was shorter than my own mother. It was only a few inches, but it still made me mad. I reached into my closet to grab my high-heeled shoes that matched the dress and ran downstairs.

It was chaotic. Everybody was running back and forth trying to sort things out. Makenzie was beginning to worry, my mother trying to calm her down. Her puffy white dress swayed back and forth as she paced, considering. I could practically see the gears turning in her head. Do I really wanna do this? One man for the rest of my life? If I only had a brain!

"Hey." I greeted them. Makenzie's bridesmaids, her friends from school, giggling slightly as my appearance. I gave them a fake grin. Jerks, they giggle at everything that doesn't look perfect.

"Down at last?" Makenzie snapped. I looked around.

"Mom, where's dad?" I asked.

"Over by the cake, talking to Duo." she told me. Oh, she means policing Uncle Duo so he doesn't eat any of the cake before the wedding. Or does she mean his son Gabriel, nicknamed Duo because of his stupidity? Hmmm....

"If you're going over there, tell them to get in their places. We start in five minutes." she told me. Yes Master.

"Policing the cake?!" I asked happily, walking over to him. Heero Yuy rarely smiles, but I always get one out of him.

"Good Morning." Gabriel and Duo greeted. Oh lookie, it's both of them. Figures. Theirs brains were always in their stomachs... when there was food around anyway.

"Hi." I said dryly, ignoring that famous Maxwell grin on Gabriel's face. That boy made me wanna smack him. "Um, Mom me to tell you guys to get in your places, because we're starting a few minutes." I told them. Gabriel and Duo looked slightly downtrodden. Dad took them away. I felt my depression sink in, extremely quickly. My heart was pounding.

How could this be happening? My sister is marrying the one boy I have ever loved. It figured. My life already stinks, now it's just a lot worse. I scowled as took my place as a bridesmaid. The music was starting up.


The wedding went well. Silas, my one true love, married my sister. Aren't there rules about that?

"How're you taking it?" Addison asked. She walked into my room. I had forgotten I left the door open after I went downstairs and got ice cream, chocolate, soda, and just about every other sweet snack I could find. That including those dumb chocolate bunnies in the freezer left over from last Easter. She smiled slightly, apparently amused. "That good huh?"

"My one true love has left me for my worst enemy." I moped. Geez, I'm so pathetic.

"I know it's hard, but he's obviously not you're one true love." she reasoned, getting a spoon and eating a scoop of my peanut butter ice cream. She scowled. She hates peanut butter ice cream.

"How do you know if he's my one true love or not?" I snapped.

"'Cuz he just married your older sister." she said. I vein popped out on my forehead. She sweat-dropped.

"He's confused. He knows we're meant for eachother. I wouldn't be surprised if he divorces her for me." I said. Addison grinned. She flipped her platinum blond hair behind her shoulder. She was beautiful. She looked a lot like her mother, but she had her father's hair.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he dropped you on your face." Dylan said, walking into the room with his friend (and my arch-enemy), Gabriel Maxwell. They both laughed. I scowled. Addison... she looked.... different... Oh yeah, that's it. She had those stars in her eyes again. I may have had it hot for my sister's husband, but she had it hot for my own brother. Geez, these family relationships were so screwy. All the gundam children always end up together. It was like some unwritten rule: judging by Malcolm and Chloe, and Jayla and Wyatt.

"Ugh, hi Dylan. Hi Gabriel." I said in my father's favorite tone, none.

"Hey squirt." Gabriel said, coming over to sit next to me. He grabbed my spoon and stole some of my ice cream. I used my family death glare on him, and he grinned back. Jackass.

short first chapter, yes? Well, I hope ya guys like it. I'll have a list of who the children are in the next chapter, if ya haven't figured it out already. I mainly just wanna hear what you guys think... so, remember to review! thanx