Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ chappie 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by kat

Chapter 2

Let's talk this over
it's not like we're dead
was it something I did?
was it something you said?

I sat in my room letting the music blare. The house had been quiet all morning with Makenzie and all the legals recovering from their hangovers. Silas, Malcolm, and Makenzie were probably all sleeping it off, including my parents and Uncle Zechs and Aunt Noin. Silas..... Poor poor Silas. He's been led so astray. How could he have fallen into the clutches of my evil sister?

Well, I must not let it get me down. After all, all hope is not lost. I could still win him over. Poor Makenzie. She just doesn't understand he's in love with me. Poor fool. The phone began to ring. I picked it up.

"Hey." I heard Addison say on the other end.

"Hey Addy. What's up?" I asked, taking a bite out of my apple pie. Yum...

"Well, are you busy Friday?" she asked. Gee Addison, you're not my type.

"Depends. What for?" I asked.

"Nothing. There's a really good club in town that's just opening. I thought you might like to go. It'll get you out of the house, and maybe you'll stop thinking about you-know-who." she said. I smelled a plot.

"Okay, so what are you not telling me?" I asked. She was up to something.

"Nothing." she replied.

don't leave me hangin'
in a city so dead
held up so high
on such a breakable thread

"Yeah, last time you said that my teeth were black for a month because of that ink you put in my tea." I said, remembering the incident. Ahhh, pranks are fun.

"Okay, so maybe I haven't always been completely trustworthy, but you'll have fun. And you need to get out of the house." she reasoned. I glared at the stero which was still playing the music.

you were all the things I thought I knew
and I thought we could be

you were everything, everything
that I wanted
we were meant to be, supposed to be
but we lost it
all of the memories so close to me
just fade away
all this time you were pretending
so much for my happy ending

"Fine." I sighed into the phone. "But I hope you realize I'm only doing this because I'm getting pale from sitting here watching television." I said stubbornly. I could tell she was grinning on the other end.

"Good, come to my house around seven o'clock, and we'll go." she told me. I nodded my head, then remembered she couldn't see me.

"Okay, whatever." I replied. We hung up. I picked up the phone and threw it at the stero.


I arrived at Addison's house around 6:59, just when she said. I yawned. I went and knocked on the huge door to the Winner mansion. It took about three seconds before someone answered it. I walked inside and waited for Addison to finish getting ready. I should've known she'd be late. I sood for about twenty minutes before she came rushing down the stairs in a dark red dress and high heels.

"Hey, ya ready!?" Addison asked, cheerfully. Been ready!

"Sure." I said. And so we ventured forth into the abyss. When we got the club, there were two guys waiting outside. I had a sneaking suspicion that Addison had set me up on a blind date.

"Hey Addy!" one of the guys said. She smiled. I recognized one as her sometimes-boyfriend Connor. The other one smiled at me sweetly. Goody-two shoes...

"Serena, this" she began, looking at the second guy who I didn't know. "This is Ty." she said, introducing me.

"Hi." I said in a sweet-sounding voice which hid my inner-anger. I knew there was something she wasn't telling me. There's always something she doesn't tell me.

"Hi." he said, coming over and taking my arm to escort me into the club. Addison grinned at me. I had overwhelming desire to give her the finger. The only thing that stopped was the fact that I knew she would come up with some lame remark like 'you really want to? here, now?'. I wasn't exactly in the mood to get into some witty banter while I was being forced to go on some blind date that could only result in my misery.


"You're just going to let her go out on some blind date?" Gabriel asked. Dylan shrugged.

"Her life, not mine. Why should it bother me?" Dylan asked, trying to control the butterflies in his stomach. He was going to have to go down to that club and rescue her out of something, he just knew it.

"Because, more than likely, some guy's gonna hit on her, and if she doesn't deck him, she's going to have a nervous breakdown because the guy she's been longing for ever since she turned seven has just married her sister." Gabriel snapped, trying to knock some sense into his bestfriend.

"You're just jealous." Dylan grinned. Gabriel tried to use the Heero Yuy death glare on him, and failed.

"I am not jealous!" Gabriel snapped.

"You are too."

"Why would I be jealous?" Gabriel asked, knowing the answer was obvious.

"Because you're in love with her." Dylan replied. Gabriel gave Dylan the finger. "And you're only proving it."

"Screw you." Gabriel mumbled. Dylan stifled a laugh.

"Why don't you just ask her out?" Dylan asked.

"Because, she'd just say no."

"It's better to ask. I'd bet she wouldn't say no." Dylan said. Gabriel looked over at Dylan curiously.

"Why do you say that?" he asked. "She's still in love with Silas."

"HA! I wouldn't use the word 'love', I would go with 'infatuated'. He's just the only guy who could beat her at cards when she was eight." Dylan replied.

"She's a darn good poker player." Gabriel said. "But that still doesn't explain why she would say yes."

"Think about it like this: Silas has just gotten married, to her sister and mortal enemy. She's depressed, angry, and vulnerable. She lets down all her defenses. Give her a few days to mull it over, she'll decide it's time to get over Silas, and then you make your move." Dylan explained.

"You're forgetting one vital part of that equation." Gabriel told him. Dylan raised an eyebrow.

"And what would that be?"

"She hates my guts." Gabriel moped.

"Eh, she'll get over that. Besides, you deserve to have her hate your guts after what you did to her in seventh grade." Dylan shrugged.

"What did I do that was so horrible?" Gabriel asked.

"You got drunk and puked on her, for one."

"Oh please, it only happened once."

"Then, you pulled her pants down in front of the entire school when you tried to hit on her, just before you puked on her." Dylan glared over at Gabriel, remembering. His sister had a long list of reasons to never date any guy, this happened to be at the top of it.

"Oh, that was me?" Gabriel asked. He also remembered it.

"Yes, that was you."

"Hmmm... no wonder she hates my guts."

"I have a warning for you though." Dylan said.


"If you ever hurt her, I'll rip your testicles off and make you eat them." Dylan told him. Gabriel grinned slightly.

"I'll keep that in mind." Gabriel said, going pale.

"You do that."


"Would you like to dance?" he asked me. I grinned. No, I would NOT like to dance. I wanna go home.

"Sure." I said in my not-so-much voice.

We went out on the dance floor and danced around a little bit. Ty turned out to be a really good dancer. He told a couple jokes that made me laugh. He reminded me of Silas. Only, he wasn't Silas. He was boring really... Dull... and boring.... Grrrrrrrrr...... And no one could dance better than Silas. No one except Gabriel that is, and the day I date Gabriel is the day I climb into a gundam and fight off a war. Hmm, not a bad idea. It'd have to be Wing Zero though... Yes, Wing Zero definately. Ya know, it could use a few modifications...


Gabriel was now pacing, and had just about worn a trial into the floor when the phone rang. Both Gabriel and Dylan jumped, for pretty much the same reason.

"Hello?" Dylan answered.

"Hey. What's up?" he heard Erik ask.

"Nothng really. Serena's out on a blind date." Dylan said. He looked over at Gabriel. His hair was a wreak. Of course, his hair always looked terrible.

"Oh right, Addison told me about that." Erik said.

"You know the guy?" Dylan asked. Gabriel jumped at the phone.

"WHO IS HE?" Gabriel shouted. Dylan grabbed the phone back. They fell on the floor wrestling over the phone. Erik heard them yelling at eachother. Finally, they decided to put it on speaker phone.

"WHO IS HE?" Gabriel and Dylan asked at the same time.

"Relax. is name's Ty. He's a nice guy, leave it alone."

"What's he like?" Gabriel asked.

"So perfect he's dull." Erik said.

"What do you mean?" Dylan asked.

"Well, he dances, he jokes, he's got the perfect track record. Never did anything that made him look like a fool, not that I know of. Clothes are always pressed, no wrinkles. Hair's perfect."

"Sounds suspicious." Gabriel said.

"Oh yeah, I'm sure he's a crazed ax-murdering circus freak out to destroy everything good and pure in the world." Dylan said sarcastically. Gabriel nodded his head.

"You're probably right." Erik said.

"WHAT?" Gabriel and Dylan asked at the same time. Erik started laughing.

"HAHA! I'm just kidding. Geez, you guys are uptight. What's the matter? Break up with your girlfriend?"

"More like Serena just broke up with hers." Dylan mumbled.

"Serena had a girlfriend? Dude, why didn't you tell me?" Erik asked.


"So who's the lucky ex?" Erik asked. "I didn't know she was dating anybody. I always thought she was available. No one she keeps turning me down."

"Nobody." Dylan said.

"HA! Like I'm gonna fall for that one. I can tell when you're holding back Dylan. You're a terrible liar." Erik said.

"You mean don't know?" Gabriel asked. "I thought every one knew."

"Knew what?"

"Serena's been head over heels in love with Silas since she was eight." Dylan said. They heard Erik spit out his soda.


"Yeah. Dylan's got this theory about him being the only guy she couldn't beat at poker." Gabriel said. He fell down into his chair, making a loud thumping noise.

"Well, that explains a lot." Erik said. Dylan glared at the phone.

"Like what?"

"Like how she always followed him around like a lost puppy when she was little." Erik said. He laughed. "I mean, who would follow him around when I'm there?" Dylan and Gabriel sweatdropped.

( //_o'' )

"So, she'll be okay on the date then?" Dylan asked.

"Yeah, she'll be fine. Most likely, he'll bore her to death!"


No, no... Why can't they make a version of Wing Zero in baby blue? I mean, all those colors contrast eachother! Maybe if they used a really light version of turquise. Naw, that'd clash with the blue. Well, Wing Zero might stop being feared if people saw it in baby blue. We'd better put some pink in their too. OOOH! ADD SOME FLOWERS! Well.... What kind of flower?

"Um, Serena?"

"Oh, what?" I said, jmuping out of my thoughts.

"Are you alright?"

"Sure, why wouldn't I be?" I asked curiously. But I do wanna kick your butt... I was designing my gundam!

"I dunno. It just seems like you've been somewhere else all night." Ty told her.

"Oh. It's nothing." I said. "I was just thinking about my gundam."

"You have a gundam?" Ty asked, slightly shocked.

"Well, not yet. But I will once the war starts." I said, nodding stupidly.

"The war?" Ty asked.

"Yeah, in a few years there'll be a war, and they'll have to bring back the gundams. I'll be getting Wing Zero." I said. Ty's jaw dropped. I ignored it and continued to tell him about my plans for Wing Zero.
"I was thinking the paint job is really ugly, so what they ought to do is make it baby blue. Turquise might be good too. But then, ya know, I thought people might stop being afraid of Wing Zero if it was baby blue, so I thought some light pink might work better." I continued. Ty stared at me in wonder, sweat dropping. "But the problem with that is, they might clash. Well then we'd have gotten nowhere. So, what do you think about polka dots?" I asked. Ty looked shocked beyond all reason. That's the problem with being the daughter of a gundam pilot, everyone thinks you're loon.

"I, uh..." Ty began... Yes? "It would look... nice..." he said. I examined his face for a moment. He may still be in shock, but he's a BAD liar. Or maybe I'm bad at reading faces..?

"Gee, thanks. I thought so too. Well, actually, those stripes on the old prison uniforms? Those might look cool too, but I'm not entirely sure about that. I mean, I don't want people to think I'm a convict or I'm one of the bad guys. And then there's also this whole thing about how plain it looks. Maybe if we painted some kind of design on it. I don't know what though. Now that I think about it, I'm not a flowers and hearts kinda girl.... What do you think about stars and cresent moons? I think that'd look really cute."

"Heh, how.. nice..." he told me.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Hey, I think it's working!

"Actually... I think my beeper just went off." he said. Yep, bad liar.

"I didn't hear anything." I said. Here it comes.

"It's set to vibrate." he nodded. I smiled and shook my head. What a loser.


"I have to go and take this. Uh, it was nice to meet you." he said. I nodded stupidly and watched him wander off. Over all, I give this blind date a star and a half. Geez, how boring was that. I looked around the room for my friend Addison. She was still dancing with Connor. I walked over to her.

"Hey Addy, I'm gonna go." I simply said.

"What happened to Ty?" she asked, frowning.

"Oh, his beeper went off, urgent business." I replied, trying not to smirk. She raised at eyebrow and looked at me suspiciously. "What?" I asked. She sighed.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow." she said, shaking her head.

"Bye!" I replied. And with that, I leave this awful club with the crappy music to go home and relax... or so I thought.


When I got home, I wasn't at all surprised to find Gabriel's car in the driveway. Great, just what I need. Another visit from that jerk who likes to steal my ice cream... How... not fun. It's too bad he's a jerk drunk, he's kinda cute. Although, I really shouldn't think that after what happened in seventh grade. I've almost gotten rid of that nickname entirely. I walked inside.

"Hello!?" I asked.

"Serena? How was your blind date?" I heard Dylan ask from the living room. I walked into the living to find he and Gabriel lounging around the television watching a sci-fi b-movie, as they channel to prone to play. Gabriel's hair was falling out of the neat braid it was usually in, like he had constantly been running his hands through his hair. The carpet looked worn and scuffed up. Their clothes were all wrinkled. Oh man, who died this time?

"Oh, it was good. I came up with my own design for a gundam, I decided I want to redo my a room with a kind of lighthouse motif, and this dress: so not my style." I told them. Gabriel grinned and Dylan laughed slightly. I examined Gabriel's face closely. He looked like he might be slightly pained, but his eyes showed no real emotion, and he was grinning. It was not at all, I think, a bad smile...

"And what actually happened on the date?" Dylan asked. He looked dangerous.

"Don't worry." I told him. "You don't have to break anybody's legs. I didn't like the guy. Too sweet, not at all my type. I danced with him, and I guess his beeper, which was set on vibrate, went off and he had to leave." I shrugged and sat down on the couch a few seats over from Gabriel. It was as far away as I could get from him without having to sit on the floor.

"I'm sorry it didn't work out." Dylan said.

"Oh yeah, ya look it too. What have you two been up to?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Gabriel asked.

"The floor looks like someone wore a hole in it. Your clothes are all wrinkled. And why does Gabriel look like a truck ran over him?"

"We were just.. thinking about school." they said. Oh yeah, they look like they're talking about school, maybe flunking a class or seven.

"Whatever." I shrugged and stood up to get some ice cream.

"BRING A COUPLE EXTRA SPOONS!" Dylan yelled. I scowled. They're invading my mope again. I leaned back against the wall.

How could Silas do this to me?