Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ Stealing Glances ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by... new nickname!!

Chapter 6 - Stealing Glances

I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I hadn't seen Gabriel in a week. I hope he's there tonight. I was playing at a club downtown. It was my first time playing ever. I really wanted him to be there. I'd tried calling him, but there was never any answer. Or he was out. I swear, he stopped taking my calls... not that I ever really called him in the first place.... My dark blue blouse was loose enough to be modest, but hinted at curves. My black skirt was long enough to brush my knees. Leave it to mom to pick something both modest AND feminine. I had almost thought that didn't exist as an option anymore.

"You're up!" I heard.

"OKAY!" I yelled back. I took a deep breath and forced myself to relax. No hyperventalating tonight.


"Come on!" Dylan yelled back at Gabriel.

"I told you I don't want to go to a club." Gabriel mumbled.

"And I brought you along anyway!" Dylan said cheerfully.

"What is this place?" Gabriel asked as the building came into view.

"It's where we're going. It's the Twilight Club."

"The Twilight Club?" Gabriel scoffed.

"Yeah yeah yeah." Dylan quickly got out of the car and ran over to make sure Gabriel got out. Boy, this would be good. They ran inside and founds seats.

"It's really quiet. Shouldn't there be music playing?" Gabriel asked.

"Oh, there will be. Just wait for it." Dylan said. Gabriel started to suspect something. He didn't have time to say anything about it however, the singer came out on stage. His jaw dropped. "Serena..." he whispered to himself in awe. She looked beautiful. She began to play her guitar.

the night we first met, you pierced through my skin

Her eyes scanned the audience. She was looking for someone. Dylan waved. She looked over at their table. Her eyes met Gabriel's. She smiled.

had thought i was set and i wasn't letting anyone in
but then there you were standing before me
everyone disappeared and you were all that i could see

Dylan watched his friend. He grinned. Man, they would make the perfect couple. Two crazies.

and i watched you watching me
stealing glances
and i watched you watching me
with your shaky advances

Gabriel stared in wonder. It was almost like she was singing to him. Could she have been singing to him?

i left that night wondering "what the hell was that"
"who was that girl, and did i just imagine that"
that look in your eyes was more than meet & greet
there was something more there, something really sweet

Serena smiled as she sang. She closed her eyes, knowing exactly what to play.

and i watched you watching me
stealing glances
and i watched you watching me
with your shaky advances

She prepared herself for the next verse.

i'll never forget that last night
remember that night when i played my guitar
i sang my heart out, i was singing to you
but i could not find the courage to pursue you

Gabriel smirked.

i wanted to you
but i was too afraid to tell you

i didn't want that night to end, you told me you wished the same
that morning i ran from you, every chance that came
i sat outside your window, and waited for you to wake
i wanted to tell you everything but that's when i ran away

Addison stood off by the bar and listened. The song was beautiful.

and i watched you watching me

Dylan looked around at all the people. His sister's singing was a big hit. His eyes stopped on the girl standing by the bar. It was Addison. She was all alone.

don't think i didn't see all those times you looked at me
when it came to say goodbye, you were suddenly very shy
so i left that night, wondering "what the hell was that"
"who was that girl, and did i just imagine that"
i drove away not knowing what we share
but i think we both know something is there

Addison felt someone tap on her shoulder. She turned to find Dylan standing before her.

"Hey." he said.

"Hi." she replied.

so i watched you watching me
stealing glances
and i watched you watching me
with your shaky advances

"The song's about to end... but, do you want to dance?" he asked her.

"Yes." she said. He led her out to the dance floor. Addison was shocked. Was this really happening? They waited for Serena's song to end. There was only another verse anyway.

i watched you watching me
only time and fate will tell
but i think on that night
we both fell

Serena opened her eyes on the last line. People everywhere were clapping. She saw her brother and Addison on the dance floor. She grinned. But the one person who clapped the loudest for her was Gabriel.

"GABRIEL!" Serena tried to shout over the audience.

"SERENA!" he yelled back. He tried to make his way through the crowd of people.

"SHUT UP!" Addison screamed. It was very quiet all of the sudden. Dylan grinned. Gabriel ran up to the stage. He climbed up before he realized exactly what he was doing. He looked around. He suddenly felt very stupid.

"Something you want?" Gabriel asked.

"Yeah. I want a dance." she replied. Gabriel shook his head.

"I don't dance." he said.

"You could make an exception."

"No, I- I should just go." he said. He turned to leave, but Serena grabbed his arm.

"Please, dance with me." she pleaded.

"What about Silas?" Gabriel asked.

"I don't want Silas. I want a guy who's going to throw his laundry all over his room and not clean it for over five years." she said. Gabriel grinned.

"You're sure?"

"Positive." she told him.

"Good." Gabriel replied. He smiled as he leaned down to kiss her. She closed her eyes and kissed him back, wrapping her arms around his neck. His arms went to her waist. They laughed when they heard the audience start to clap for them.

"I uh, I think I'm done for the night." Serena said into the mic. People were in the audience started screaming for her to play one more song.

"One more song couldn't hurt." Gabriel said. "Besides, we need to get Addison and Dylan dancing." he reasoned.

"Very true." she said. "Fine, but after we're going for ice cream." she said.

"What about dancing?" he asked.

"Oh... good point. Well I cou-"

"NO! It's okay." Gabriel shouted suddenly. Serena grinned. He really doesn't dance.

"Okay, one more song." she said into the mic. Music began to play. Gabriel stepped back a little and listened. Serena began to sing.

From the snows of Mauna Kea to the tropics down below
My love for all these islands runs deeper than you'll know.

Dylan and Addison began to dance.

Your beauty is the diamonds that sparkle on the bays
When rays of golden moonbeams dance upon your waves.

The room was silent. Serena turned to see Gabriel. He was standing off to the side, just watching.

Islands are meant for dreamers and lovers from afar.
Moonlit nights and starry lights to wish upon a star.

He took a few steps towards her.

Tonight I'll hold you in my arms and whisper I love you.
Islands sigh for dreamers and these islands love you too.

Addison smiled as she danced with Dylan. It was great. He was a wonderful dancer.

From the mountains to the valleys and out beyoud the reef
I dream of Hawaii's islands where ohana love runs deep.

A few strands of blond hair fell into Serena's eyes. Gabriel brushed them out of the way.

Your beauty is the people who gathered to these shores
With dreams and love for islands and reef where oceans roar.

Islands are meant for dreamers and lovers from afar.

Serena smiled. Everything was.... just the way it should be.

Moonlit nights and starry lights to wish upon a star.
Tonight I'll hold you in my arms and whisper I love you.

Oh man, she'd definately fallen for Gabriel. And Gabriel fell for her too.

Islands sigh for dreamers and these islands love you too.

As for Addison and Dylan... Well, that's another story.

Islands sigh for dreamers and these islands love you too.

The audience began to clap again. Gabriel and Serena quickly ran backstage and out of the door.

"Finally!" Addison said happily.

"No kidding." Dylan replied.

"Thanks for the dance." she said.

"No problem... Ummm, look, do you want to go out sometime?" Dylan asked, hopeful. Addison smiled.



A/N: Short and sweet. The first song is Stealing Glances by J. Niel. The second is an Island song I found here: Okay, I don't think I'm going to end it here... maybe another chapter which is their first date... I dunno... let me know what you guys think! Thanks to my consistant reviews magical-flyingdragon and F-chan!!! I'll probably have a list of all the G-boys kids with the next chapter... I keep forgetting to put that in.. anyway.. I thought the lyrics to Stealing Glances were perfect... I was like 'ya know, the fanfic ought to be called that...', but I'm stickin' to my original title. I'll also be writing stories about the other kids, so look for those!! KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR CHAPTER 7!!!!