Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ Do You Love Me? ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by.... guys, I need a new nickname! seriously! please post some ideas in reviews...

Chapter 5 - Do You Love Me?

"Things?" I asked numbly. What had happened? How had this turned into a 'thing'? Gabriel looked at me with a strange expression on his face. I couldn't read it. His cobalt blue eyes seemed to mask whatever it was he was thinking.

"Serena, that was some awesome playing." Addison said. I looked towards her and nodded my head. I was in shock, plain and simple. It had turned into a thing? That can't happen. I'm.... grieving the loss of my eternal love. I'm.... moping. I'm... so incredibly, deeply, plain and simply screwed. I started taking deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

"Serena, are you alright?" Gabriel asked me. I looked towards him and tried to say yes, but found I couldn't speak. What began as breathing quickly turned into hyperventalating. Man, this was definately not my day... Not that it was Gabriel's either... I felt him put his arm on my shoulder. I looked up at him, into those deep blue eyes of his. "Calm down." he said. I did. As I was looking into his eyes, I saw something... I just knew.

"Do you love me?" I asked. He looked shocked.


"Do you love me?" I asked again. It's not a hard question to answer... What if he did love me? HA! That wasn't possible, practically everyone knew about my love for Silas. Everyone knew about all the times Gabriel had teased me. They all remembered the time he got drunk, hit on me, and then pulled my pants down in front of the entire school. They remember me coming home and sobbing. They remember how I wouldn't leave my room or so much as talk to anyone for two weeks. Gabriel Maxwell. In love with me... nah... I think. "Do you love me?"


"I- I need to-" was all I got out before I ran. I turned around and just ran. Up the stairs. To my room. I locked my bedroom door. Wait, what am I running for? Because I'm in love with Silas. Silas? But Silas just got married. To my own sister. It doesn't change the fact I'm in love with him. Wait, I'm in love with Silas? Yes, you moron, you're in love with Silas. Hey, don't call me a moron. You are one. Am I getting into an argument with myself? In my own head? Yes. Wow, that's really dumb. Well, nobody said you were bright. Am I really in love with Silas? I mean, granted he's cute, and brilliant, and handsome, and sweet, and perfect, and strong, and athletic, and... but, he's never noticed me back. He's noticed my sister. And he's just soo... perfect.

And Gabriel? Gabriel always comes over every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday. He always looks like he has bedhead. He never wears his shoes in a building, not even at church or school. Not to mention I'm not sure if he cleans his socks. I bet they could walk on their own. And they all have at least five holes in them. You'd think he hadn't gotten new ones within the last ten years. His clothes are always wrinkled. He has that stupid braid. He wears his pajamas to school instead of his uniform. He thinks he's so great. He gets drunk. He hits on girls he doesn't even know.

Where as even Silas's faults are perfect. He's obsessive. He's a neat freak. Every night, when he writes in his journal, he writes exactly two pages. He always buys the same brand of soda each time, and won't get any soda at all if the store doesn't have the one he wants, which never happens because he only goes to one store. His clothes are always pressed. Every hair is place.

I can't be in love with Silas. He's too... perfect. But... could I have feelings for Gabriel? No, duh. But he embaresses me every chance he gets. So? He pulled my pants down in front of the entire school. Way back when. He's always teasing me. You tease him back.... and he was my first kiss. And you fell for him.

I don't like the voices in my head. They always seem to want to contradict me. This time though, the voices seemed to have a point. I thought I loved Silas, but in the end, I don't. He's so perfect, he's nauseating. How could I not have noticed that before? I think what I really want is a guy who may be grown up, but still blows bubbles in his chocolate milk. I want a guy who'll listen to me play guitar and not twitch every time I hit a wrong note. I want a guy who'll get into a fight just to me to notice him. A guy who'll brush the hair out of my face with gentle hands just so he can see me smile. I want a guy who'll invade my life each time I decide to mope and pig out on ice cream and chocolate. I don't want perfect, what I really want is Gabriel.


"What do you think she's doing up there?" Gabriel asked sadly.

"I don't know." Addison said. "Are you gonna be okay?" she asked. Gabriel looked at her and nodded.

"Yes. I suppose. I guess it just wasn't meant to be."


I ought to go back down there. I want to see Gabriel again. I jumped as a I heard a door close. I walked over to my window and looked out. Gabriel was leaving. Oh no.

A/N: Awww.... don't worry, there's more to come!