Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Bells ❯ Break Me & A Little Extra ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Wedding Bells
by kat

Chapter 4 - Break Me & a Little Extra

"I liked today's sermon." Middi said. Blake snorted.

"It sucked. Sometimes I swear the priest's on crack." Blake said.

"Blake, how many times have I told you not to talk about a priest like that?" Middi scolded. Trowa nodded.

"It's true. The priest is crazy." Jayden said.

"This coming from two of the kids who're responsable for an underground gambling ring." Trowa replied.

"Hey, it wasn't our idea!" Jayden defended herself.

"I don't want to hear it. You were helping Bridget with her illegal business, and you were also gambling." Trowa told her.

"But dad!" Jayden pleaded. Trowa shook his head. "It was the priest's idea..." she mumbled to herself.

"What?" Middi asked.

"Nothing." Jayden replied.

"Remember, you two are grounded. If I catch either of you two on the phone, computer, or watching tv, you'll regret it. Tomorrow you'll both clean the basement and attic. Understood?" Trowa said. They nodded. They walked out the door to go the Yuy house for family dinner. It was a tradition that had started their first thanksgiving after the war, and just sort of became a sunday night dinner.

"You're so dead." Devin grinned at his older brother. Gabriel glared at him.

"Shut up half-pint." Gabriel snapped. Devin glared. The one thing Devin could not stand was people who made fun of him because of his height. His father was over six feet, and his mother was at least five feet, two inches... so how'd he end up stuck at four feet, nine inches? Fate was cruel. Devin gave him the finger.

"You two, stop." Hilde said, ending it instantly. Hilde was usually sweet, always in a good mood. The one thing you never really wanted to do was see her bad side. It usually took a lot to bring it out, but they had seen it before and would rather not risk it.

"I'm so dead." Gabriel mumbled to himself as he leaned against the wall.

"Yeah, you probably are." Duo agreed. "But don't worry, he'll make it fast."


"I'm going to break every bone in his puny little body." Heero fumed.

"Heero, calm down." Relena told him.

"Calm? You want me to be calm? That Maxwell was kissing my daughter, and you want me to be calm? YOU BE CALM!" he snapped. Relena frowned. Heero saw her face and sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just mad."

"It's hard not to notice." Relena told him. "And I understand, but you can't kill Duo's son."

"Watch me."


"I'll break every bone in his body. Then I'll rip off his limbs and skin him alive. After that, if he's still breathing, I'll beat him to death with his own limbs." Heero growled. He looked towards Relena, who looked green from the imagery.

"Uh, maybe there's an explanation." she tried to reason.

"Yes.... SERENA!!!!" Heero yelled to his youngest daughter.

"Yes dad?" she asked weakly.


"Umm... it just sort of... happened." Serena replied.


The first thing Gabriel heard when he walked into the Yuy household was Heero yelling at Serena for kissing him. She had just walked off as he walked into the room. Heero glared at him.


"HEERO!" Duo greeted him. He shook Heero's hand. "Nice to see you, how're the fish?" Gabriel grinned. He heard someone strumming on a guitar. He walked into the other room and saw Serena sitting there on the couch.

"Hey." she said.


"Um... how're you doing?" Serena asked, then mentally kicked herself. Why do guys always do this to her?

"Do you play?" Gabriel asked.

"Play what?" she asked. He pointed to the guitar. She looked down at it. "OH! A little. I only really know one song so far, I'm just learning."

"Play it." he said.


"Play it."

"I can't." she said simply.

"Why not?"

"Because... I'm bad at it." Gabriel grinned at her response.

"Please?" he asked. He made a face. She laughed.

"Fine." she said. She started to strum on the guitar and sing.

-I will meet you in some place
where the light lends itself to soft repose-

Gabriel smiled as he watched her play. She was beautiful. Not only that, but her guitar playing was good too.

-I will let you undress me
but I warn you, I have thorns like an rose-

She closed her eyes as she began to play, knowing exactly what to do.

-and you could hurt me with your bare hands
you could hurt me using the sharp end of what you say
but I'm lost to you now
there's no amount of reason to save me-

Heero walked into the room to find Gabriel drooling over his daughter as she played the first song she had ever learned on the guitar, which she knew by heart. She had only been playing for a couple months, but was already extremely good at the guitar. Heero wanted to kill Gabriel on the spot.

-so break me
take me
just let me fill your arms again-

Heero was about to kill Gabriel, but he saw the look on his face. Gabriel looked like a lovesick puppy. The last thing he needed was that boy falling in love with his daughter! He had embaressed in front of everyone! THEY HAD A HISTORY!

-break me
I'll let you make me
just let me feel your love again-

The seconds passed as Serena sang. To Gabriel, it didn't really matter. He didn't know Heero was behind him, glaring at him. He didn't know Duo and Hilde were smiling at him as they watched. He didn't know the world was finding out that he was head over heels in love.

-feels like being underwater
now that I've let go and lsot control
water kisses fill my mouth
water fills my soul-

-so break me
take me
just let me fill your arms again
break me
I'll let you make me
just let me feel your love again-

Gabriel sat down next to her on the couch. He brushed her hair out of her eyes as she played. Serena smiled.

-kiss me once
well, maybe twice
oh, it never felt so nice-

He left his hand on her shoulder as she played. She opened here eyes and looked over at him, smiling.

-so break me
take me
just let me fill your arms again
break me-
Gabriel inched a tiny bit closer.

-I'll let you make me-

Serena smiled as he leaned forward.

-just let me feel your love again-

As Serena finished the song, they both leaned in, and kissed. Heero's jaw dropped in shock.

"SERENA!" he shouted. Gabriel ended the kiss. He looked at Serena, who had her eyes closed and was still smiling.

"Yes daddy?" she asked, in a daze.

"YOU KISSED HIM AGAIN!" Heero shouted. Serena's eyes popped open. Uh-oh. Heero looked over at Gabriel. "YOU'RE DEAD!"

"Oh sh-" Gabriel began. He was cut off by Heero's rock-hard fist connecting with his face. Duo quickly ran over and stopped Heero from hitting his son again.

"What the heck are you doing Heero?" Relena asked.

"Keeping his hands OFF my daughter!" Heero yelled as he lunged towards Gabriel. Duo, Trowa, Wufei, and Zechs all struggled to keep Heero in a hold. It was not easy. Serena looked over at Gabriel, who now had a black eyes, a split lip, and bruise from where Dylan had hit him the other night. He was building quite the collection. She walked over to him and helped him up.

"Are you okay?" she asked. He nodded. She helped him get to the kitchen for an ice pack.

"Geez. You really ought to stop getting the crap beaten out of you." Devin told him.

"Shut up."

"Gabriel.." his mother said in warning.

"Sorry mom."

"Let me have a look." she said. She came over and examined Gabriel. "You might have a concussion, but it's minor if anything at all." she said. Duo came in panting for air.

"Man, next time you two decide to do that, please just get a room so I don't have to hold him back." Duo said. "How're you doing?" he asked his son.

"Peachy keen." he snapped. "How do you think I'm doing?" Duo laughed.

"It's your own fault. If I were you two, I would take things a little slower for a while." Duo said. Serena's eyes widened. Things? Oh no... was what she thought was happening really happening?


Song: break me by Jewel... R&R!