Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Vows ❯ Dearly Beloved ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 8-4-02
(Wedding Vows - Chapter One: Dearly Beloved)
rated: PG13 - adult language

Dearly Beloved

"Relena, stop fidgeting!"

"Remember, Milliard, you should let Relena set the pace..."

"My bouquet! Lucrezia, have you seen my..."

"It's right here, Relena, now hold still!"

With a reluctant sigh, the young woman held her peace while her Maid
of Honor busied herself with attaching the delicate veil to the
elaborate hair design Relena had managed to create. Wisps of golden
hair floated elegantly about the young bride's face, but she irritably
knocked them aside.

"Dorothy, do you have my shoes?"

Split eyebrows raised as Dorothy lifted the pair of white high heels
held firmly in her hands, "Of course, Relena."

Lucrezia Noin sighed and firmly jabbed a hair clip into the mass of
blonde locks. "Relena, you have to calm down. No one's forgotten
anything. This is going to be perfect.

Relena bit her lower lip in a slight pout, "I know, but I can't have
anything go wrong. This is the most important day in my life. In
Heero's, too."

"Speaking of the groom, has anyone seen him?"

At Dorothy's wrongly put words, Relena's eyes widened on horror, "You
can't find Heero?"

Seeing his chance to escape the room full of women, Milliard quickly
volunteered to locate the supposedly misplaced groom. Relena shot her
brother a radiant grin and allowed Noin to continue her ministrations.

Safely out in the hallways, Milliard wasted no time gaining as much
distance as he could. Unfortunately, the groom's holding cell was
near the bride's make-shirt boudoir. He rapped upon the oak door and
received a shouted, "Hai!" in return.

The best man, Trowa, stood inside along with Quatre and Wufei. Heero
sat slouched in a chair, face buried in his hands as his friends
attempted to console him.

Milliard cleared his throat. "The bride's party was unsure if the
groom had made it safely to the church."

Translated from politeness, that roughly meant, "Relena's frantic
Heero might have made a run for it."

The hopeless groom in question lifted his head and looked at Milliard
with an almost pleading look. "Your sister's a good girl."

"Yes, one of the best. You'll not find a better wife."

Wufei gave an indifferent sniff, "You can tell the onna Yuy's not
going anywhere."

Quatre knelt beside Heero and gave his shoulder a reassuring pat,
"You'll be happy with Relena. Your just having second thoughts,
that's all. It's perfectly normal."

"For women," Wufei announced. "Showing such weakness! Yuy, I'm
ashamed of you. If you weren't sure, why did you ask her to marry

Slowly, Milliard made his escape, but it went unnoticed by the four
boys inside. At least Relena would be content to know her groom was,
indeed, within the church. And judging by what he'd seen, Heero
wasn't likely to flee.

Inside the small chamber, Trowa had taken up trying to convince Heero
he shouldn't make a mad dash for freedom. "Wufei and Quatre are right.
It's just nerves."

"Relena will be a good wife."

"That's right. None better."

Heero stared at Quatre blankly, "She loves me."

"Yes, she loves you deeply. You can just see the love pouring off of
her. It wasn't bad luck, you could go look at her. She's so happy."
At least, Quatre assumed the mad look Relena had been carrying around
in her eyes was glee. Or insanity, a small part of him muttered.

Heero shook his head, still not fully convinced. Why did he ask
Relena to marry him? If Duo were here, he want to know what the hell
Heero'd been smoking when he had uttered those foolish words. Why he
had asked Relena to marry him.

"You're not going to leave, are you?" Quatre asked suddenly, shaking
Heero free of the memories. Trowa and Wufei leaned in some to hear
the answer.

//"Get the fuck out! Now!" Duo screamed, grabbing the nearest
available object, a pillow, and throwing it at Heero.//

//"What the fuck's your problem? Dammit, Duo!"//

//"Leave! Dammit, fucking leave!"//

//"Go to hell!" Heero screamed, slamming the door closed with all his
might. The walls quivered as the whole house seemed to resonate with

Heero's eyes narrowed, "No. No, I'm not."

They sat in silence for a moment, then Quatre said almost timidly,
"Duo called."

Jerking out of the chair, Heero had the small blonde gripped tightly
by the shoulders, a wild look in his eyes, "What?!"

Trowa stepped forward with a slightly concerned look on his face, but
Heero quickly released the young man and turned away. Pacing along
the edge of the room, he ignored the identically startled stares
Wufei and Quatre were giving him.

"You never sent him an invitation," Quatre accused softly, waving
away Trowa's concern with a slight smile.

"No, I didn't," Heero said slowly, looking over at the Arabian. "You
told him."

"You should have sent him an invitation."

"Hn. Well, he's not going to show up, so why waste paper?"

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Jamming fingers through the tangled mass of chestnut, Duo idly
reached for the brush he knew sat beside the hotel bed. Unfortunately,
it had been jostled from it's usual position by a toothbrush, which
Duo picked up instead.

Paying very little attention to what he was doing, Duo started to go
through the mechanics of brushing his hair. Feeling quite foolish and
glad no one had seen him, Duo shook himself enough into reality to
locate the proper grooming tool.

Laying beside him on the bed was the scrawled information Quatre had
yielded only after frantic begging. He knew the church. He knew the
time. He knew it was today.

The only question was, what would he do? Bring a gift and show up all
Maxwell grins and cheerfully congratulate that blonde bitch of a
bride? Grab his gun and unload it into Relena's fucking slut body?

Okay, he wasn't being fair. It wasn't Relena's fault Heero was an
insensitive jerk. Still, it was easier to blame the young woman than
his belovedly precious fucking Heero.

Or himself.

"Damn you, Heero," he muttered, tugging free a particularly stubborn
knot. With a yelp he all but ripped the brush through the tangle,
angrily attacking his defenseless hair. Wufei would be screaming
injustice. Society for the Prevention of Hair Abuse Among Men.

SPHAAM... Spam. "Spam's disgusting," he informed the nearby lamp.
Naturally, the lamp had nothing to say to that remark.

A snarl jammed through the brush and he winced, stopping the
brutality against the innocent follicles. It wasn't their fault he'd
fucked everything up with Heero. It wasn't their fault the only man
he'd every loved was getting married that day.

//"So, I guess I'll just see you tomorrow, then," Quatre said,
hinting that he needed to get off the phone.//

//Duo switched the phone to his other ear and muted the television,

//"At the wedding. You are coming, aren't you?"//

//"Who's getting married? I wasn't invited." Duo waited for a reply,
but all he got was silence. "Quatre?"//

//"Oh, Duo, I'm so sorry. Didn't anyone tell you? Heero's getting
married to Relena tomorrow. I thought for sure you'd get an
invitation..." Quatre let his voice trail off as shocked silence was
all that came from Duo's end of the conversation. "I'm sorry."//

Duo tossed the hair brush back onto the table and quickly plaited the
tumble of hair into his usual braid. Securing it tightly with a hair
tie, he got off the bed and stared down at the scrap of paper.

What would he say to Heero? Won't you please run away with me and
leave Relena at the alter? No, no, I'm sure Milliard won't kick your
ass. Of course I'm serious. Heero, stop laughing.

Like Heero would laugh. Duo sighed and picked the paper up off the
bed. This was completely not fair.


Author's Notes: This 'fic was inspired by my attendance at a wedding
today. (technically yesterday, since it's 2 in the morning) And by
that one car commercial... Well, if you don't understand, you will.
This started out being a one-shot, but I realized there was just so
much more here for me to write. I honestly was going to concentrate
on "Manifestation of Will" (which is 3+4) honestly I was! -_- Darn
you Duo! Darn you Heero! Stop being so damn write-able!
This 'fic is't eat me. I did the best I could.

Hai - yes
// - marks a flashback sequence

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated! More chapters soon.
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
LSE - "Violet" (
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