Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Vows ❯ We Are Gathered Here Today ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 8-5-02
(Wedding Vows - Chapter Two: We Are Gathered Here Today)
rated: PG13 - adult language

We Are Gathered Here Today

//"Duo!" Heero called as he stepped through the front door. Frowning
at the silence that greeted him instead of his lover, he closed the
door behind him and stepped warily into the living room. "Duo?"//

//"KO-EEE!!" shouted Duo as he burst out from behind the sofa.//

//"FUCK!" Heero shrieked, slamming back against the wall with one
hand pressed to his chest as he took great gulps of air. Duo doubled
over in helpless laughter. "Omae o korosu!"//

//Duo came out from around the sofa and grabbed one of Heero's hands,
pleading with the stony cobalt eyes, "Oi, Heero, you don't really
mean that, do you? You should have seen your face..."//

//Shaking his head, Heero relented and relaxed his death glare.
Leaning forward, he shared a quick kiss with Duo before pulling away
and murmuring, "Anyway, it's 'koi' not 'koe'."//

//Duo purred slightly and nuzzled his cheek against Heero's shoulder,
"Did I ever tell you I get a major hard one off you speaking in

//"Baka," Heero said with a slight smile.//

//Duo twisted around in Heero's arms and pressing his back up against
Heero's chest, effectively pinning the other young man to the wall.
"You know it."//

//"Ai shiteru," Heero whispered, circling his arms around Duo's slim

"You know, Heero, you don't have to stay in this room."

Heero shook free the lingering memories and stood, stretching
slightly. He looked over at Quatre and raised one eyebrow, "Where
would I go?"

"You could take a walk around the church, get some fresh air. You've
got at least an hour before anyone needs you."

Glancing to the clock, Heero saw the small blonde did, indeed, have a
point. The service wasn't to start until half past six, and it was
only five. "Maybe I will do that," Heero muttered.

The church was fairly empty, since none of the guests would start
arriving for at least another thirty minutes. Dorothy darted out from
the bridal chamber on a hunt for... The girl latched on to Heero's
arm, gently holding him captive. "Where are you going?"

"On a walk."

Dorothy cast a wary glance to the door he'd come from, mentally
judging the likely hood of this being an escape attempt. "Okay," she
said slowly, "but if you see Trieze arrive, let me know?"

He nodded once and quickly exited the church, standing for a moment
on the steps to gather his thoughts. It was a gorgeous day. Almost as
if Relena had arranged it that way. Relena was a good girl, she'd
make a fine wife. Everyone kept saying that.

Relena loved him, but did he love her? Heero jammed his hands into
his tuxedo's pockets and started making a slow circuit of the church
grounds. He'd asked her to marry him. He must love her, then.

Then why did he dread what the next hour would bring?

He didn't see the wrought-iron fence until he walked straight into
it, knocking his head into one tall pole. Heero stumbled back with an
oath and instinctively raised a hand to press against the injured

His eyes widened when he found himself outside the cemetery, the
stark rows of graves stretching out before him. Heero shuddered at
the sick irony of the situation, but he gently pulled the gate open
and gave himself admittance into the graveyard.

It was serene, oddly calm. Heero strolled among the dead, pausing to
take in a few of the names and dates. He was mindful of the time, and
kept his visit to the dead brief. When he reached the opposite side
of the cemetery he let himself out and started back to the church's
front entrance.

Heero tried to picture himself years from now, living a life with
Relena. They would have children, Relena would insist, and they'd
live comfortably off her estates.

Millard would be an uncle and Relena would shower the children with
gifts. There would be no spankings, for how could a pacifist allow a
hand to be raised to her children's tender posteriors?

Their bedroom would hold the marriage bed and they would fuck like
bunnies, night after savage night as he and Relena did the things
that, up until that point, he only would have done with men.

With Duo.

Heero sighed as all his thoughts came circling back to braided
chestnut hair and sparkling violet eyes so unlike Relena's.
Everything about the two was completely opposing. Two polar opposites.

In Relena he saw steel beneath velvet fluff, a woman who, despite her
flaws and apparent weaknesses, would be loyal. She adored Heero; he
had no doubts of her love. A blind squirrel wouldn't doubt Relena
loved Heero.

In Duo he saw a velvet fluff beneath steel. Whereas Relena was pure,
Duo was tainted, like Heero. He shared so much in common with Duo,
yet, they wouldn't be further from alike.

Heero kicked at a rock in frustration, his eyes looking upward at the
sky. Why did life have to be complicated? Maybe it was just last-
minute jitters like everyone said. Up until today, he'd never doubted
his proposal to Relena.

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------

"I hate you," Duo informed the piece of paper.

When there wasn't a reply, he turned away with a sigh and took one
last look around the room. His bags were packed and the cab would be
arriving downstairs any minute. All that remained was the piece of
paper on the bed.

Duo growled and snatched it up off the comforter, tucking it safely
away inside his jacket pocket beside the train tickets. Even though
his train wouldn't leave for another forty minutes, he wanted to get
there in time to grab a snack.

"Help with your bags, sir?" the impeccably dressed bellhop asked,
springing forward in anticipation of a tip.

Duo shook his head, dismissing the request. "I got it," he muttered,
pushing the revolving door and freeing himself into the street.
Setting his duffle bag on the curb, he peered around for the taxi
he'd called from the room.

Naturally, the cab would be late. As if summoned by such thoughts,
the familiar yellow vehicle entered into the drive and pulled up
beside Duo. "Train station," he announced, climbing into the back and
dragging his bag along with him.

The driver, most likely understanding twenty-three words of the
English language, didn't reply. Duo would just have the assume he'd
be taken to the train station and not somewhere else.

Like the church. With a sigh, Duo reached into his pocket and pulled
free the scrap of paper. Six-thirty. He looked to his watch. Five-oh-
five, wait, six. He wished there was a train going out sooner, so he
wouldn't be tempted to go crash Relena's fucking special day.

//"Now?" Duo asked, grabbing Heero's wrists.//

//"Not yet," the other boy whispered, guiding Duo gently through the
doorway. "Now," he said, removing his hands from over Duo's eyes.//

//"Heero!" Duo breathed, taking in the sight before him.//

//"Do you like it?" Heero asked, a bit self-conscious at his bold

//Duo stared out at the apartment, especially at the banner slung
across one wall. "Love it," he said firmly, wrapping his arms around
Heero's neck. "A place just for us."//

//"The rent's not that bad, nothing we can't afford."//

//"Nothing you can't afford. Don't pretend like there's a we in those
finances," Duo admonished lightly. "But I'll get a job soon, then we
can buy a bigger refrigerator."//

//Heero laughed, "The one we have is big enough for you to get lost
in! Shouldn't we focus on filling it?"//

//"You fill, I'll empty."//

Duo looked up in surprise as the taxi came to stop at the train
station. After paying the driver the right amount, he dragged his
duffle bag out of the vehicle and peered at the schedule outside.

Since it didn't look like the train had derailed further up the line,
he had about thirty minutes before departure. Plenty of time to grab a
quick bite to eat. Shouldering his bag, he went inside and paused for
moment just beyond the entrance.

The heavenly sent of candied almonds lured him deeper inside until he
stumbled across the cart. He willingly parted with a dollar for a
cone of the roasted snack. Duo dragged the heavy duffle with him down
towards the platforms until he found platform seven.

Settled onto a bench, he quickly devoured the meager snack. Not
wanting to fight back through the crowds with the monstrous bag, Duo
ignored the protests of his near-empty stomach.

Looking up at the ceiling, Duo gave a sigh and once again took out
the small scrap of paper from his pocket. "Good-bye, Heero," he
whispered, crumpling the paper up into a small ball and tossing it
out onto the train tracks. It bounced for a moment on the edge, then
plunged into oblivion.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Relena Peacecraft."

----------------------------------------------------- -----------------

"Heero, the guests are going to start coming, you should come inside."

"What sort of guest arrives thirty minutes before it's even supposed
to start?" Heero asked as Trowa took his arm and led in back into the

Marimeia stepped out from her car and peered up at the imposing
cathedral-style church. She turned a her father stepped out of the
car as well, blinking owlishly up at church, "Well, Relena certainly
picked a fine one." Trieze announced, offering his daughter his arm
in escort.

"The church, or the groom?" Marimeia replied, eyeing Heero as he was
all but dragged back inside. Poor bastards, she thought, always
nervous before the wedding.

"My dear, you have no sense of romance," Trieze scolded slightly,
hiding his chuckle from the girl.

"Look, there's Miss Une... Why don't you go say hello?" Marimeia said
as she gave her father a slight push towards the matronly woman
making her way towards the church.

Heero looked over his shoulder in time to catch Marimeia's eyes upon
him. The exchanged a fleeting look of understanding before the door
ominously closed on them.


Author's Notes: I swore I wouldn't do another Chapter-a-day story...
I swore I wouldn't... *sigh* I'm just a slave to my muses.
Thanks everyone for the reviews! I was amazed to find five reviews
within hours of my posting the first chapter, wow! That's why I just
had to get this next part written. Please tell me what you think!
Baka - idiot
Ai shiteru - I love you
// - marks a flashback sequence

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated! More chapters soon.
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
LSE - "Violet" (
Email me to join my Update ML (be alerted when I add new stories)