Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Vows ❯ To Join This Man and Woman ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 8-7-02
(Wedding Vows - Chapter Three: To Join This Man and Woman)
rated: PG13 - adult language

To Join This Man and Woman

Heero ran a careful hand over the flower arrangement, noting with
dismay that even his gentle movements caused petals to fall free. He
had given flowers to Duo, once, for his birthday. Unfortunately, Duo
turned out to be allergic to them. Stubborn fool refused to admit it,
though, and kept the flowers displayed proudly in the living room.

Relena liked flowers. Se almost expected Heero to present them to her
on a regular basis. He cheated and simply snipped a rose off the bush
in the garden, presenting that to Relena whenever she got that look
in her eyes.

With a sigh, he turned from the flowers and quickly ducked back into
his assigned chamber before anyone saw him. Already the guests were
streaming in, pausing to sign the register and admire the fabulous
job Relena had done decorating.

//"Heero, don't you think white cream is more attractive than
eggshell white?" Relena asked, turning away from the florist to face
her fiancee, who blinked owlishly in return.//

//Looking at the two strips of ribbon, Heero invoked the almighty,
"Hn," which Relena took as agreement.//

White cream ribbons were gleefully strung across the dresser and
mirror that occupied Heero's small holding cell. White cream, not
eggshell. Heero never knew there was a difference.

//"Heero, which is sexier, blue or red?" Duo asked, holding the ties
up to him and looking critically at both.//

//"Purple. Matches your eyes."//

//"Heero, that's not an option."//


The next day, Duo had gone out and bought a purple tie. Heero frowned
and angrily shoved aside the memories of his ex-lover. He felt guilty
for thinking so much about Duo on his wedding day. It didn't seem
fair to Relena.

Sitting in his chair and ignoring the looks he received from Quatre
and Wufei, Heero struggled free of the tuxedo's jacket. "How much
longer?" he asked Quatre, peering up at the wall clock.

"At least thirty. Careful you don't get your pants wrinkled."

"Hn," Heero said, carefully folding the jacket into his lap.

His first impression of Relena wasn't very impressive at all. She
seemed like spoiled rich girl, lost without a grain of sense to her
at all. He'd already been involved with Duo then, unofficially, and
had lost interest in the entire female gender.

Relena had always seemed smitten with him, and even now it seemed
more and more like he was being smothered by her love. Was it
possible to love someone too much? Heero shook his head. Of course

It would all be better once they were married. Relena would no longer
have to worry about Heero leaving, because he was never one to break
an oath. She could relax more and they could settle down in a normal
life. Like other people.

Heero didn't like the idea of never seeing Duo again. For all their
difficulties and ultimate ending, they were friends before they were
lovers. Heero looked at Trowa, his best man, for a moment. He would
rather have Duo in that spot.

Dammit Duo, he thought to himself, why couldn't you have been happy
for me?

//Relena suddenly pulled herself closer to Heero, possessively
looping her arm through his. Heero looked away from the store window
and at the girl quizzically, wondering why she suddenly looked so
tense. Following her eyes through the shopping center, he found
himself staring into the back of Duo's head.//

//"Relena," he said, giving her arm a little tug, "let's go look at
lamps. You wanted a lamp."//

//Too late. Duo turned away from the display and his eyes slowly
locked on to Relena and Heero. Relena seemed to glow with untold
triumph as she gloriously showed off her prize to Duo. Look here, she
seemed to say, recognize THIS?//

//Heero avoided Duo's shocked stare, instead choosing to carefully
study the lamps on display. "Do you like the pink one, Relena?"//

//"Duo!" Relena called, cheerfully waving. Duo slowly walked over,
his face set in a cold look Heero'd never seen before. Heero wanted
to melt into the floor.//

//"Hello, Relena...Heero," Duo hissed out, shifting his weight from
one foot to the other.//

//Relena beamed and clutched Heero even closer to her. "How are you?"
she asked politely, flashing Duo a dazzling smile.//

//"Fine," Duo said, looking over at Heero, "you?"//

//"Oh, just fine," Relena said with another grin, practically melding
herself into Heero as she continued to glow like a sunbeam under the
weight of Duo's death glare.//

//"Duo..." Heero started to explain, but the other boy merely shrugged

//"I have to be going," Duo said suddenly, jamming his hands into his
pockets and quickly walking away, his long braid swinging from side
to side.//

//Heero watched the departing boy with a heavy heart, then looked to
the girl at his side, "You didn't have to do that."//

//"Do what, Heero, dear?"//

//Heero sighed, "Nothing ... nothing."//

Where did Duo get off being angry like that? What did Heero do that
was so horrible? Was he not entitled to love again after Duo and him

Love. Did he love Relena? He felt something for the radiant young
woman, certainly affection. Certainly he enjoyed her company. There
just didn't seem to be that hot flame he'd had with Duo. When he
looked at Relena there wasn't a burning desire in him, or a cloaked
fear that someday it would all end.

Heero sighed. I guess my fears where justified, he thought to himself,
looking down at his tuxedo. Duo's the past. Relena's the future.

---------------------------------------------------------- ------------

Kicking his feet up on to the bench, Duo observed the other commuters
with mild curiosity. Anything to keep his mind off the crumpled piece
of paper laying across the tracks...

With a growl, Duo forced himself to look elsewhere. For some reason,
all he could seem to see were happy couples. A girl and boy nestled
on a bench across the way. The boy leaned down and whispered into the
girl's ear, causing her to blush and giggle.

Looking away from the couple, his eyes rested on a homeless man
concealed away in the corner. Everyone avoided the man and his
petitions for money. Duo frowned, torn between disgust and sympathy.

Maybe he should become a hobo. He could eat Mulligan stew with the
rest of them and live in a shack made of old newspapers. Oh, how the
mighty have fallen.

At least he had a job. Ironically, he had a job.

//"Duo, they're hiring down at the supermarket."//

//"Heero, only losers and old men work at supermarkets."//

//Heero sighed, "You're impossible. You know that, don't you?"//

//Duo turned from the television and gave Heero a big Maxwell grin,
"Yup! Don't worry, Heero, I've been looking in the newspapers."//

//One eyebrow raised doubtfully, Heero walked over and picked up a
discarded section of the classifieds. He flipped through it, glancing
at the doodles and circles Duo had made with a red pen. "For sale,
complete set of 'Handyman Tim's Wild Adventures' in perfect
condition. One hundred twelve or best offer..." Heero looked to Duo,
who blushed. "I never knew you were into home improvements."//

//"I'm not. It's porn."//


The couple were practically conceiving children over on the bench,
Duo noted with disgust. He was halfway tempted to walk over and offer
them a condom, but he realized he didn't have one on him.

Maybe Duo could understand if Heero had hooked up with another man,
Trowa, maybe. He had to avoid giggling when thinking about Heero and
Trowa on a date. Silence and 'Hn's all over the place.

But, no, Heero had gone with that spoiled brat Relena. Fucking
Relena. Relena the bitch. Damn Relena. All right, that was being
harsh, but still...

He looked down to his watch, twisted the face around so he could read
the time. It was past five-forty, where was the train? Forcing
himself off the bench, Duo hauled his duffle onto his shoulder and
made his way through the crowd towards the arrivals/departures board.

Shifting his weight in impatience, he glared up at the flashing
'delayed' beside his train. HIS train. Damn public transportation!

He imagined Relena was laughing at him right now. Look at me, she
said, twirling around in the flowing white wedding gown, I'm marrying
Heero. He'll be mine forever. Because Heero doesn't break his
promises. Heero would never leave Relena.

"Unless I kill you..." Duo muttered, aloud on accident. Those nearest
him moved aside with worried looks, much to Duo's charging. "Darn
cockroaches," he explained with a smile, stomping on to the nearest
bug with another grin.

Those around him nodded slightly in relief. Duo shouldered his bag
and shuffled back to his bench, only to find it occupied. Shooting
death glares at the back of the old man's head, he relented to
leaning against a nearby pillar.

Someday, he'd buy a car an eliminate the need for his traveling on
public transportation. Then he'd take his car and run over Relena
with it. Okay, maybe not, but the thought sure felt good.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------

//The door behind him swung as Heero ran out into the rain, his
footsteps pounding through the puddles as he blindly ran from the
tower apartment building. The shouts still ran through his head,
those hurtful words he'd screamed and had screamed at him.//


//Heero ran nearly three blocks before realizing he didn't know where
he was going, or even what he was doing. He needed a place to get out
of the rain and think. With dismay, he noted his clothes were soaked
through. He'd need a place to stay.//

//He raked his brain trying to think of anyone nearby he knew, but
came up with nothing. Heero sighed and stepped off the sidewalk, not
realizing there was a car barreling down on him.//


Author's Notes: Why did I put off my summer homework until the last
minute?! *cries* School starts the fifteenth, which means I won't
have as much time for writing. Unfortunately, my muses refuse to
listen to me and keep pouring out inspiration like crazy. Now why
can't they do this for my reports?
I'm hoping to get chapter four written before the end of the day
(it's only one in the afternoon right now) Then I have to write
chapter two for Nutmeg Dreams and Manifestation of Will needs work
and... Damn you muses, damn you!

// - marks a flashback sequence

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated! More chapters soon.
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
LSE - "Violet" (
Email me to join my Update ML (be alerted when I add new stories)