Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Wedding Vows ❯ In Holy Matrimony ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
LSE // 8-8-02
(Wedding Vows - Chapter Four: In Holy Matrimony)
rated: PG13 - adult language

In Holy Matrimony

//Relena slammed on the brakes, her eyes widening even though she
wished they'd close shut. She didn't want to see the body go flying
over her windshield, nor she want to hear the ominous thump as her
car rolled over the helpless pedestrian...//

//Fortunately for her, and the pedestrian, the car came to a stop
inches from the shadowed form, which turned to stare in disbelief at
the car. Relena relaxed her grip on the wheel and shakily put the car
in park. Her hands trembled as she got out, hunching her shoulders up
as the rain dribbled down the back of her neck.//

//"Are you all right?" she asked fearfully, looking at the person
she'd nearly killed.//


//Relena took a step back, blinking several times in surprise,
"Yes... Do I know you?"//

//"Relena Peacecraft," the person repeated, sounding dazed.//

//"Yes, that's me. Who are you?" Relena demanded, not liking this at
all. Why would someone just step directly into the street like that?//

//"Heero. Heero Yuy... We've met before."//

//"Heero!" Relena quickly rushed around the car, hardly able to
believe her luck. Her high school crush, gone all these years,
suddenly appears at night in front of her car. Luck. Fate. Destiny.
Romance novel material.//

//He nodded slightly, and as she reached his side she could see it
was, indeed, the same Heero from her dreams. Heero suddenly sneezed,
politely turning away as to avoid sending debris into her face.//

//"Oh! You're soaking wet, have you been walking long? And are you
okay? I didn't hit you, right?" Relena was suddenly struck with how
close she had come to killing him... Heero Yuy! Of all people!//

//"Fine," Heero said again with another sneeze.//

//"You'll catch your death out here in the rain. Is your place
nearby? I... I can give you a lift," Relena boldly offered. She
wasn't going to let this once in a lifetime chance walk off into the

//Heero hesitated, looking back at the looming apartments and
darkened alleys. Relena mentally shuddered at the idea of her beloved
Heero living in a low-level place like this. "I. I don't have a
place," Heero said suddenly, looking back at her.//

//Relena stared up into his cobalt eyes, loosing herself in them.
Heero... "You know," Relena said quietly, glad the night would hide
her blush, "you can stay at my place. If you need to. Out of rain.
You might catch a cold. I think you already have," she rambled, "a
cold, that is."//

//To her surprise, a small smile went across Heero's face, "I accept.
Thank you.//

Heero sighed and leaned back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling.
There was a watermark across one of the panels. Relena would have a
fit if something like that was in her room, but Heero found comfort
in it. He'd never liked the ultra-clean or the ultra-perfect.

He found a certain comfort in imperfection. Relena was perfect. Duo
was imperfect. No, Duo was gone, Relena was there, across the hall.

Normal weddings hung on whether or not the bride would appear when
the piano struck the beginnings of her march. This one would hang on
whether or not the groom would be there to meet her.

Heero wanted to go over and see Relena one last time before the
ceremony, just to reassure himself. But, no, luck forbade his seeing
her. They were doing this just to torture him. He wanted to see
Relena, couldn't they just let him peek through the keyhole?

Maybe they'd let him talk to her through the wood. He could hear her
voice, couldn't he? Certainly that wouldn't be bad luck.

But he didn't believe in luck.

------------------------------------------------------------ ----------

Duo looked at his watch one more time. He stared at it, watching the
second hand take an agonizingly long time to move. Tick. Tock. Damn.
Re. Le. Na. Damn. Re. Le. Na.

With a sigh, he forced himself to look elsewhere. The couple on the
bench was gone, hopefully off to buy condoms. Maybe the woman was on
the pill. He wondered if Relena was on the pill. He wondered if she
needed to be.

Quickly, Duo avoided thinking about THAT. The last thing he needed
was the image of Relena and Heero...

Tick. Tock. Damn. Re. Le. Na.

His butt was getting sore from the hard surface of the bench. He
tried to ignore the sleeping old man beside him. Duo looked over and
stared for a while at the man's chest, assuring himself the geezer
still breathed. The last thing he needed was a corpse.

The man snorted, shifted around and kicking at Duo's duffle. Duo
reached down and scooted his bag away from the flailing loafered
feet. He hoped he never bought a pair of loafers, they just screamed
'Lookit me, I'm old!'

Someday, he'd buy them, though. It was unavoidable that he we wear
loafers. Then he'd use them to kick Relena's ass. They couldn't
prosecute an old man in loafers.

Duo stood suddenly, trying to catch the faint noise drifting down the
tracks. Just, there, just barely. A train.

Finally he could escape, getting as much distance between himself and
Heero's wedding as possible. A look to his watch (Damn. Re. Le. Na.)
revealed the time to be six-fifteen. Just in time, now it'd be
impossible for him to make it to the ceremony in time.


And he'd tossed that damn piece of paper with the wedding information
onto the tracks. Soon the train would come and destroy it.

Duo resisted the urge to laugh maniacally like the villains in old
television shows.

//Gripping Heero's hand tightly, Duo carefully led him past the
doorway. "No peeking!"//

//"Honestly, Duo, can't you just tell me what the surprise is?"//

//"Then it wouldn't be a surprise! Okay, Heero, open your eyes," Duo
said gleefully, stepping back as his lover did as told. "Well?"//

//"Duo... How did you fix the television?"//

//"I didn't! It's a new one. Bigger, too, isn't it great?" Duo beamed
proudly, handing over the new remote, "Go head, take it for a spin."//

//Heero looked down at the offered remote, then to the television,
"How did you get a new TV, and where's the old one?"//

//Duo shrugged uncomfortably, "Can't you just be happy that we have a
new one? The old one was busted anyway, remember? The screen was
broken. This one's much better, see? Come on, Heero, don't be like

//"Like what? Wait..." Heero suddenly went from frowning to grinning.
He happily took Duo's hand and rested his chin on it, "You got a job,
right?" Heero beamed.//


//"Oh." Heero let the hand drop, his grin fading away.//

//Duo smiled, trying once more to press the remote into Heero's hand.
"Came with a two-year warranty. So, if it breaks, they'll fix it."//

//"So, if some idiot throws the remote and breaks the screen again?"//

//"That was an accident. I didn't mean to break the TV, I told you
that. And I replaced it, see? No harm done."//

//"Replaced it using the money that just magically appeared in your
pocket. You didn't steal this, did you?" Heero accused, his eyes
narrowing in the patented Yuy glare.//

//"No! It's legit, I swear. They were having a sale, so I used the
credit card. Cheaper than the store's monthly installment plan. Can
you believe they wanted thirty-six months at nearly fifteen percent

//"Duo, the interest on the card is almost twenty."//

//Duo shook his head furiously. "No, it's supposed to be nine point
nine for the first year, and we've only had it for, what, a month?"//

//Heero sat in the nearest chair with a sigh, rubbing his forehead,
"We've had the card for three years, Duo. The new credit card is the
one with the travel miles we use for gasoline."//

//"Oh. Well, we can just pay it off quickly. No harm done."//

//"Duo. Where are we supposed to get that kind of money? No, we're
taking it back," Heero said as he stood once more, looking around.
"Where's the box? You kept the receipt, of course."//


//"God dammit, Duo! Did you keep the receipt or not?"//

//"How was I supposed to know we'd be returning it! I threw it away,
same as the box!"//

//"Fuck!" Heero shouted, glaring up a storm at the braided idiot.
"What the hell were you thinking? This isn't some sort of game, Duo,
this is our fucking lives! What if we can't pay the rent because of
your stupid, fucking television?"//

//"Shut up! I was just trying to do something nice for you!"//

//"With my fucking money! MY money, not yours. You don't do a damn
thing around here, and you can't just go around spending money like

//"Can't you just let it go? So I made a little mistake, but I did it
for you!"//

//"I don't CARE about the fucking television! I don't even watch the
damn thing!"//

//Duo tugged at his braid slightly, resisting the urge to use the
plaited hair as a way to strangle Heero, "Why are you being like this?
Why can't you just be happy?"//

//"Baka! Don't make this out to be MY fault, you're the one who was a
fucking idiot and bought this stupid TV no one but you is ever going
to need! With my money! Mine, not yours, that I, not you, made at my
job, not yours, because you don't have one!"//

//"Shut up!"//


//"Fuck you! FUCK you!" Duo yelled, suddenly letting go of braid and
slapping Heero across the face. The other man's head jerked to the
side as a bright red mark slowly sprung on to the pale cheek Duo had
assaulted. Duo's hands closed into fists. Hitting Heero felt good.//

//Heero slowly turned his head back and stared at Duo, glancing to
the fists raised slightly in a fight position. He violently shoved
Duo backward, righteous anger filling him, "Don't hit me!"//

//"I'll fucking do what I want!" Duo yelled back, taking a swing at

//Heero easily grabbed the fist and shoved Duo to the ground, looming
over the fallen man with a death glare. "Don't. Hit. Me," he growled
between his teeth.//

//"Get the fuck out! Now!" Duo screamed, grabbing the nearest
available object, a pillow, and throwing it at Heero.//

//"What the fuck's your problem? Dammit, Duo!"//

//"Leave! Dammit, fucking leave!"//

//"Go to hell!" Heero screamed, slamming the door closed with all his
might. The walls quivered as the whole house seemed to resonate with

//Duo got up off the floor and kicked at the sofa, his anger slowly
fading with the emptiness that filled the apartment with Heero's
departure. He walked over to the window and peered down at the

//He watched silently as Heero ran out into the rain.//

//"I'm sorry," he whispered, placing a hand on the glass. "Heero, I'm


Author's Notes: Am I pushing my PG13 rating? *debates* I don't think
so, I mean, the profanity isn't that bad, is it? O.o Eh...
Well, technically I finished two chapters on one day. It's 1 in the
morning, eep, I really should go to bed. Only two or three more
chapters and then I'm finished with this 'fic! Yay! This chapter was
heavily influence by Savie crying, "Why is Heero marrying Relena?!
Why?! Why?!" over and over while we were on the phone. :p Savie...
I stuck all my GW 'fics on to just because I could.
Muah... I'm gonna go sleep now...

Baka - idiot
// - marks a flashback sequence

Feedback/reviews are very much appreciated! More chapters soon.
copyright 2002 - Gundam Wing and characters copyright other people.
LSE - "Violet" (
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