Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Heero stayed for hours, the three of them sitting around the kitchen table, reliving old memories. Duo cooked supper for them, surprising Heero with his culinary skills. Trowa noticed the lingering looks that Heero gave Duo, but acted like he didn't see them. Heero also pointedly ignored the brief touches and long looks that Duo and Trowa gave each other. As soon as Duo had spoke of his feelings to Heero, Trowa could no longer hold himself back from touching the man he wanted so badly.
It seemed to take forever, but Heero finally began making motions to leave. Duo had offered him the spare bedroom for the night, but he had declined, saying that he and Relena had a number of things to discuss before their wedding could continue. Trowa wondered if Heero had stayed the night in the guest room, where had he been supposed to sleep, then didn't voice the thought when he caught the twinkle in the braided man's eyes.
Trowa went to the studio to get the `wedding present' for Heero while the two ex-lovers said their goodbyes at the door. He stood in the room for a few minutes, making sure they had enough time to say what they needed to before the Japanese took his leave. He came back just in time to hear Duo's tell Heero, “No matter what happens, we will always be around for you to talk to, all you have to do is call. If you need to you can even come and crash here every once in a while, just give us some notice before you show up.”
Trowa stood back, not wanting to interrupt, and enjoying the view of Duo's backside at the same time. Heero looked up, meeting his eyes and smiling slightly, knowing that Duo was of the tall mans presence. “I notice you used the word us. So is Trowa going to be staying for a while?” Heero asked, eyes shining with amusement.
The blush that worked it's way up Duo's skin was visible even from where Trowa stood. The redness spread up his neck and his ears faster that he had thought humanly possible. The American shifted a little, putting his head down a little. Trowa knew without having to look that Duo was using his tongue to worry the ring in his lip. He held his breath, waiting for an answer that could either change his whole life, or destroy all the hopes he had.
Duo let out a long, shaky breath, “I hope that he'll be staying for a really long time, but we haven`t really talked about it yet, so I don`t know what he wants.”
“If he's smarter than me, he'll stay and give you everything you need…and want.” The grin that Heero showed was pure evil as he moved his eyes to Trowa. “Can you carry it out to my car for me?”
Duo's head whipped around so fast that he nearly decapitated them both with his braid, violet eyes going wide when he saw Trowa standing there, watching him with a serene smile. Trowa nodded his head to Heero and began to follow the other man out the door. When he drew abreast of Duo, he bent his head down slightly, thinking that Duo's height was going to be a huge advantage, and brushed his lips across the Americans. “I'll be right back,” he whispered, then walked out without waiting for an comment.
They made it all the way to the car before Heero spoke, taking the picture from Trowa, not meeting his eyes. “Do you promise to take care of him, Trowa?”
“Do you really have to ask me that?”
Heero finally looked at him. “You love him.”
“Yes. I have for a long time.” Trowa answered even though it really wasn't a question.
The Japanese nodded, running a hand through his hair, letting out a slow breath. “I screwed things up with him, and I didn't really know what I had in him. It hurts knowing that he doesn't want me anymore, but everything he said was right. I do love him, you know.”
“But not enough,” Trowa stated bluntly. “He was right about everything, Heero. Including the fact that we will always be friends, no matter what.”
Heero let out a doubtful laugh, “The other guys might not feel the same. I really made them mad.”
“It wasn't you, not really. It was a combination of things. Relena saying what she did, finding out Duo had gone missing, finding out how long he had been gone…all of it added up. Quatre and Wufei will get over it in time. It's going to take a while before they get over you betraying Duo, and in extension, all of us. Duo will do what he can to smooth the way, I'm sure. I guess I can help a little, as well.”
“Take care of him, Trowa. Like I wasn't able to,” Heero held out his hand and Trowa ignored it, pulling Heero to him for a quick hug. The look on Heero's face was priceless when he went to get in his car. With a small wave, he pulled away, disappearing down the street.
Trowa said nothing to Duo about what had occurred while Heero had been there. He waited, biding his time until he decided that the moment was about as perfect as it was going to get. When Duo was getting ready to go up the stairs to go to bed, he stopped him with a hand on a slender shoulder. Duo turned, his eyes wary yet hopeful at the same time, his tongue slipping out to slip over that lip ring again. Trowa felt his body react, but pushed that aside, hoping it would be something he could deal with later.
“Did you mean what you said to Heero? About wanting me to stay?”
Duo didn't answer for a moment, his eyes searching Trowa's for something. His face suddenly relaxed, the tension draining, his body leaning toward Trowa. “I did. I'm hoping you stay for a very, very long time.”
“Is forever long enough?”
He got smile that was only for him in answer, pure joy lighting up Duo's features. “That sounds just fine to me. I have to tell you something though.” Trowa held his breath, hoping. Duo touched his face softly, cupping Trowa's cheek and taking the same route with his thumb that Trowa had used on him less that a week before. “I'm really glad Heero decided not to stay.”
“Really? Why's that?”
“Because I have some plans, and they might have made him uncomfortable.” Duo became uncertain, tongue darting out, catching Trowa's attention. “If you don't have any objections, that is.”
Trowa's reply was instant, and kept them both quiet for a long time. He pulled back when they were both gasping for breath, and he couldn't stop himself from nipping at Duo's bottom lip, catching the small ring in his mouth, running his tongue across it. Duo moaned, the sound coming from deep in his chest. Trowa trailed small kisses along his face, neck, and his earlobes, laving each earring separately.
“It's been a long time for me, Duo. I don't know if I can wait much longer,” he breathed into Duo's ear, threading his hand into the thick hair at the base of the braid, pulling Duo's head back and attacking the slender neck. “I've waited so long for you.”
“It's been a long time for me, too. Not since the wars,” the American gasped.
Trowa pulled back, looking at him in disbelief. “Not since the wars? But you were still with Heero…”
Shaking his head , Duo ran his hand under Trowa's shirt, blunt nails scraping the skin and causing Trowa to shiver. “After we stopped fighting, sex wasn't needed anymore. It was mainly just a way to relieve stress and tension. I didn't even think about it much until you showed up. Then I started thinking about it again…a lot.”
“At least I wasn't the only one,” Trowa groused, then buried his mouth in Duo's neck , drawing another moan out of the other man. He stopped his feast long enough to tug Duo up the stairs and into Duo's bedroom, then slowly pulled off the braided mans clothes, worshipping every inch of skin he could find with his hands and tongue.
He pushed Duo onto the bed, reveling in the way the violet eyes watched his every move as he removed his clothes slowly. Duo leaned back on the bed, eyes half lidded with desire. With the last of his clothing gone, Trowa slid up the other mans body, both men groaning when they felt the slide of bare skin to bare skin.
Trowa took Duo's mouth in another kiss, this one fierce and passionate, then moving back to his neck. Duo groaned as he bit down on his shoulder, then soothed the spot with his tongue. Again, he ran his mouth down the lean body bared before him, pausing to tease Duo's nipples and naval. He had to stop and get control of his body more than once, the soft mewling noises Duo was making were driving him crazy.
“Trowa…please…” Duo moaned, not sure what he wanted.
Trowa took pity on his love, finally traveling downward until he reached Duo's erection, standing proud in a nest of chestnut curls. He flicked his tongue across the slit, then blew hot air across it, loving the way Duo moaned, his hips jerking, searching for relief. Without waiting for a plea, he took Duo's length into his mouth, swallowing it whole, holding the slender hips down on the bed. He was rewarded by his name being screamed, Duo burying his hands in Trowa's hair. He swallowed Duo, relishing the sounds that were being made by the man under him.
While he tasted Duo, the other mans hands were never idle, rubbing all over the body parts that he could reach. Trowa was so hard that it hurt, but was loving the fact that he was the one casing Duo to lose control, causing him to pant, making him scream in ecstasy. Duo's hips began to move more jerkily, but Trowa never stopped the torture.
“Trowa…stop…please”, the husky voice met his ears, the words forced out between gasps. He stopped, pulling off the erection with a hard long suck.
“What's wrong, Duo?” his own voice was raspy, harsh with lust.
“Nothing`s wrong…just need you…inside me…please,” Duo murmured. He then leaned over and fumbled briefly in the drawer beside the bed, producing a small tube and handing it to Trowa. At the raised eyebrow he got, Duo smiled sexily, “I was hoping we would get here eventually.”
“If it had been up to me, we would have been here much sooner,” Trowa fussed briefly, then captured Duo's mouth before he changed his mind. He ran his tongue around that small ring again, sucking on it for a second before covering Duo's mouth fully. He swallowed the breathy gasps as he slid one slick finger inside Duo, continuing the assault with his mouth, his tongue mimicking the action his fingers made as he added a second finger, then another, searching for the spot that would drive Duo wild.
The Americans body suddenly snapped taut as the located the small bundles of nerves guaranteed to drive him wild. Trowa drank in the long moan, then coated his own erection with the slippery gel. He broke the kiss, moving to position himself at Duo's entrance. The man beneath him was breathing heavily, watching him with a rapt expression, hands twisted in the sheets.
He pushed in slowly, watching Duo's face for any discomfort. His muscles tensed with the urge to slide in, push forward, but he held himself back, concentrating on not hurting the man beneath him. Finally, after what seemed an eternity, he was all the way inside the warm heat of Duo's body, and it was enough to almost make him lose his mind. The lithe body was so tight and welcoming. Duo was spread under him so wantonly, that beautiful face lost in the throes of passion. Trowa closed his eyes so he could rein in his control, then slowly began to move. Duo's eyes snapped to his at the first long stroke, then threatened to close when he pushed back in, just as slow.
“Keep your eyes open, Duo. Look at me. I want you to see and feel what I'm doing with you. I want you to know that this is me making you feel this way,” he whispered softly, not knowing where the request came from, but voicing it anyway.
“No one else could make me feel like this,” Duo whispered just as passionately, his eyes staying locked with Trowa's.
They moved that way for a long time, slowly, drawing out the experience as long as possible. When Trowa felt the pressure building past the point of no return, he leaned back, pulling Duo up into his lap, holding his hips as the pace became faster, more frantic. Their voices joined together, calling each other's names in passion.
Duo came with a keening wail, his head thrown back, semen spilling between their bodies. His muscles clamped down on Trowa, causing him to surrender to the ecstasy, pumping himself into the willing body, shouting Duo's name.
They collapsed to the bed, not concerned about the mess, just enjoying the feeling of having each other close. Trowa pulled Duo as close as he could get, still connected. Duo was nestled close, a content smile on his face. Trowa lifted Duo's chin so he could place a long, lingering kiss to those beautiful lips, then swiped his tongue over the piercing again. “I love you, Duo. I think I have always loved you.“
The special smile crossed Duo's face as his fingers drifted across Trowa's bare chest. “I love you. I'll stay with you as long as you let me, Trowa.“
Wrapping his arms around Duo, determined to sleep like this every night for the rest of his life, he let out a content sigh and started to slide into sleep. As he began to drift into slumber, he heard Duo whisper softly against his chest, the words following him into his dreams. “Welcome home.”