Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcome Home ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Trowa remained in the studio, Duo telling him to watch the monitors. Another push of a button and Duo was going to the front door, where the Japanese man was apparently trying to beat it down. The braided man yanked the door open, glaring at Heero. Instead of the usual hello, he practically snarled at the other man, “You never change, Heero. What if I hadn't been home? Gonna break the door down to get in?”
The former Wing pilot froze, obviously not expecting that kind of a greeting. He continued to stare at Duo, not knowing what to say. Trowa had to suppress a laugh from the studio at the shocked expression Duo was receiving. He realized that Duo had fixed the system so Trowa could hear what was happening as well as seeing it. He could have read their lips, but this would make things easier, or harder depending on what occurred between the two former lovers.
“Well, come in already or my neighbors are gonna start to wonder about me,” Duo snorted, turning and walking away from the door, assuming he would be followed. He sat down on the couch and waited. It was mere seconds when Heero sat down beside him.
Trowa sneered at the man on the screen, realizing that Heero was oblivious to the fact that Duo moved in order to put more space between them.
Heero stared at the American for a long time, more emotions on his face than Duo had ever seen. Finally tired of waiting, he leaned back and rested his elbow on the arm of the couch. “So, Heero, What brings you all this way to see me?”
“I- the others told me they didn't know where you were and I- got worried, I guess,” Heero ran a hand through his hair, trying to get Duo to meet his eyes. He hadn't really ever realized how attractive his former lover was and now- he could feel all that attraction growing all over again, stronger than it had been before, “Relena had said some things about you, and I started wondering why-” he broke off, not really knowing how to explain, his eyes pleading with Duo to understand.
“And you started wondering why you let me for her? Or did you wonder what caused you to cheat on me with her?” Duo's voice was oddly unemotional, and Trowa felt a twinge in his heart for the pain that Heero had caused by being oblivious.
The Japanese looked away, nodding slightly, “So you did know.”
“Of course I knew, Heero. I knew the first time you spent with her that wasn't for work. I knew the first time you slept with her. I also knew about all the work trips that were really a cover so you could spend time with her, behind my back, because I wasn`t worth talking to,” Duo hissed angrily.
Heero's anger rose to the surface as well, and he stood up, pacing as he spat words at Duo. “You lied to me too. You never told me that you were working for the Preventers, not once. You can't make this all my fault.”
Duo remained seated, but shook his head slowly, “I never said it was all your fault. Did you ever actually want to know?”
The soft question made Heero freeze in his tracks. He looked and found those eyes focused on him. “What do you mean?”
“I would leave wearing all black, Heero, with weapons visible, something I did when I knew I was going to be on a mission. You knew what I was doing, you just didn't care enough to ask what was going on. You were already too wrapped in your fantasies with Relena. You pushed it all out of your head.” He shook his head again, tired of the argument. “It doesn't even matter anymore.” He started to stand, but Heero was in front of him, not allowing him to leave the couch.
“Duo, I came back for a second chance. I want to see if we can work everything out, maybe I can do better this time. I have been able to understand what I feel, I finally know what to do with them, I finally know what it is that I want,” Heero pleaded, his hand stretched out to the American in invitation.
Trowa could only watch and listen as the scene unfolded on the small screen. His heart was in his throat as he waited for a reply. His heartbeat so loud in his ears that he was surprised they couldn't hear it in the other room. He held his breath, wishing for the chance to have a life with Duo. He wanted to stay with the American so badly, he wasn't sure what would happen to him if he didn't get the chance.
Duo`s eyes were kind but sad as he sat back in his seat, moving away as far as he was able to get from Heero, “Heero, I don't want another chance with you. I'm sorry, but you hurt me very badly, and the same thing would just happen all over again. I believe that Relena is the right person for you, even if you don't believe it at the moment. We could be friends, with time, but I could never trust you with my heart after what you did to me.” Duo smiled, the soft smile that Trowa had got to know so well, and Trowa knew that the braided man was thinking of him. “Besides, I already belong to someone else, heart and soul. I just didn't want to admit it until after I saw you again.”
Heero could only stare at the other man for a moment, frowning, then his eyes darkened in anger. His hands fisted and dropped to his side. “So you met someone new. How long before they leave you, too?”
Duo jerked from the insult, pain flaring in his eyes. When Trowa had heard Duo's confession about how he felt, he had left the studio, to let Duo know he felt the same way. From the doorway, Trowa had heard the remark that the Japanese made and saw the Americans reaction. Hoping to ease the hurt in those violet orbs and reassure Duo at the same time, he spoke just loud enough to be heard, “He has nothing to worry about. I've waited for Duo for far too long to let him go now, if he will allow me to stay by his side.”
Heero focused on Trowa, eyes narrowing. “How long have you been here?”
Duo was finally able o get off the couch, moving to stand beside the green eyed man. He smiled at Heero, and there was no ill toward the Japanese, “He's been here for a while. I actually let Howard tell him where I was.”
“I didn't need Howard,” Heero sneered, “I found it in his files.”
Duo began to laugh, Trowa also smiling at the Japanese mans arrogance. “Do you really believe that Howard would be foolish enough to leave my address in a file? I have to many enemies to do such a thing. I told him to put it there. I've known you were coming since before you left the Sweepers HQ. If you had just called, I believe I could've saved you a trip. We could have worked this out with a call. I had actually been afraid of seeing you again, thinking that I would still care about you as a lover, but I don't. I miss you as a friend, but we will never be lovers again, Heero.”
All the fight seemed to leave the Japanese and he sat on the couch hard, cradling his head in his hands. Duo gave Trowa a smile and went to sit beside his ex-lover, placing a hand on his knee. Heero looked up at him, the pain showing clearly on his exotic features. “I really screwed us up, didn't I, Duo? You gave me everything, and then I turned my back on you, like you meant nothing and had no feelings. I should have known that you would say what you thought I needed to hear in order to be happy.” He took a deep breath and continued. “I guess I did know you were working with the Preventers, I just ignored it, not wanting to be pulled back into the fighting. I didn't see what I was doing to you- I wouldn't let myself see that I was hurting you. I didn't want to see it, so I didn't.”
Duo reached out, pulling one of Heero's hands into his own. Trowa felt his throat close, the Americans compassion was only one reason that he fell for him in the first place. The violet eyes were calm as he began to speak, voice soft. “You need to forgive yourself, Heero. I forgave you a long time ago, I just didn't realize it until recently,“ he said with a pointed look at Trowa. “We were never meant to stay together. We needed each other for a time, but I could never give you what she does and I wouldn't want to. I want to be able to be myself, and I cant be that with you anymore, if I ever could. We both needed something…someone…different. I think you have what you need with Relena. I know that I have what I need…and want… with Trowa.”
Trowa could feel the weight of Duo's stare as those eyes captured his own. He knew in that second that he could never leave unless Duo forced him to go, but didn't think that was going to happen. He could see the emotions whirling in the violet depths, could see the love and passion directed at him that had been hidden until now, and he felt tears burning his eyes. To know Duo felt the same was the best gift he had ever been given.
Heero looked back and forth between the other men, his eyes narrowing in contemplation, then he sighed, his eyes training on Duo again. “You've changed,” he stated, glancing at Trowa quickly in question.
Trowa pulled his eyes away from Duo's with an effort and shook his head, visible green eye glowing softly with amusement at Heero's not so subtle prying. “It wasn't anything that I've done. He has changed a lot over the years, and none of us ever knew. Since we didn`t see him for so long, it just comes as a bit of a shock to see the hyper active person we once knew being so self contained.” He smiled when Duo snorted at the explanation.
Heero nodded, eyes briefly scanning the piercing, and the rings, then to what was visible of the tattoo. “You have added a large amount of jewelry,” he said, raising one eyebrow, “but that's not it. Not why I say you changed. You're so much …calmer. Just like he said,” Heero pointed at Trowa.
“You should show him, Duo. I don't think he would tell anyone.”
The American stood, pulling Heero to his feet. “I think you're right, Tro. Besides, I have something to give you as a wedding present. I was gonna ship it, but since you're here and all…” he broke off, leaving Heero's side and moving to Trowa when entering the studio.
Heero stood in the middle of the room, turning slowly, eyes wide. His cobalt gaze fell to a completed painting, focusing on the small autograph in the corner. His mouth worked soundlessly a few times before he managed to make his voice work. “You're the painter Solo?” He stared at Duo, blinking when he got a nod in response. “Relena has wanted a Solo painting for years, always complaining because they are so hard to get. A person that owns one is in a small exclusive group.”
“Maybe she'll have to change her opinion of me,” Duo chuckled.
Heero frowned, reminded of the things that Relena had said about Duo. “I don't know if I can forgive her for the things she said about you, Duo. I never knew that she felt that way about you. I should have, I guess. Every time I wanted to call or send you mail, she would get angry with me and not speak to me for a while. I just didn't understand why. I don't know if I can marry someone that is so condescending to my best friend.”
Duo moved to a canvas in the corner of the room, picking it up but holding it so Heero couldn't see what it was. He met the confused cobalt eyes with his own, and spoke very seriously. “She is what you need, Heero. The time that you have spent with her has changed you, for the better. I have seen more emotion from you in the last hour than I saw the whole time we were together. She was able to do that for you, not me. You never would have started to show your emotions if we had stayed together. You need her. You love her.” He waited, seeing Heero work it out in his mind, then got a small nod and an equally small smile.
“I guess I do,” Heero snorted, causing Trowa to snicker.
“Well, you can tell her that this is a wedding present from Trowa and I. I'm not real sure she's gonna like it, but it is one of Solo's paintings. There aren't that many that are portraits,” Duo mused, “I'm not sure this counts as a portrait, but she's in it. Actually, we are all in it. Don't know how she's going to feel about having it in her home,” he snorted in amusement.
Duo turned the painting so Heero could see it, and Trowa had to fight a smile. The picture was amazingly done, featuring Relena in the center of a ballroom, dressed in a beautiful gown, a jeweled tiara topping her hair. She was surrounded by people, all of their features blurry and obscured. Even though the ballroom was beautifully decorated, her face was tormented, her arm outstretched, reaching for a figure that was on the other side of the room, back turned to her. The person she was reaching for, as she had always been, was Heero. He was dressed in a flight suit, ignoring her. He was also surrounded by a group of people, but they had features and were well known to Heero. Trowa could see himself, Duo, Quatre, Wufei, Zechs, Sally, and Noin, plus a few others that had been involved with the many battles they had taken part in. All of the people were beckoning to the Japanese, with smiles and weapons in their hands. “What do you call it, Duo?”
“War and peace,” Duo replied, looking at Trowa with that smile he loved, then turning his eyes to Heero. “This is what we all have together, Heero. A friendship built on blood, pain, nightmares we will never be able to forget and war. No matter what Relena says about me, or us, will never change the fact that she will never understand what we all went through together. Nothing can ever take that away from you, unless you let her. We will always, always, have this.”