Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcomed Invasion ❯ Unexpected ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOSTSU Agency etc.

This is actually part 2 of Welcomed Invasion (and is subtitled Unexpected). Still Rlena's POV.

I wake up the next morning, alone, which doesn't really surprise me. This game of Heero and mine's been going on for the five years since after the war. I hate to think what other women would say about me sitting idly by and waiting on a man, letting him come and go as he pleased, with not even one word of commitment from him, not even a tiny promise of fidelity. I shrug my shoulders. Even if this is a one-sided love I'm not ready to let go yet. Besides, there's nothing for me besides work and that doesn't keep one warm at night. I knew the circumstances and the sacrifices when getting involved with the assassin and I accepted them.

I push those thoughts out of my mind and turn on the shower too cold, too hot, ah, just right. I step in carefully the shock of the heated water making me shiver just for a second. But then suddenly it feels absolutely wonderful. I tuck my chin to my chest and allow the water to run over me-the phone? It's always the phone. I hop from the shower and grab my robe taking a quick step-"Ouch!" I begin to cuss as I realize I've stubbed my toe on the door jam. Being ever so graceful I hop on my good foot and about stumble trying to switch on the phone. I leave the view screen off. "What is it?" I know my tone sounds harsh but I'm not really in the mood for idle chitchat.

"Hello. Miss Dorlian? This is your doctor's office reminding you of your home visit at 10:00 am this morning. The doctor shall arrive shortly." "Thank you."

I slam the machine off. I had totally forgotten. I glance at my bedside clock 9:45. "Shit." I race back to the bathroom to finish my shower, but by this time the hot water is gone and I must suffer in the cold.

I can't believe I was able to get showered and dressed in fifteen minutes but somehow I did. I open the door and greet the doctor. He does the same in return. He sits down in the chair that I offer him.

"So you've come back with the results of my tests?"

"Yes Miss Dorland and I must say you are quite a perfect specimen of good health." That is why I feel there is no reason for you not to be able to have a full-term, healthy pregnancy and baby."

My mind clouds over. Did he just say what I thought he said? "Excuse me doctor. There must be some mistake, I can't possibly be, pregnant." I'm almost laughing.

"The test results are very positive. I would say about two months along."

"No, no, no. You don't understand. I've been on birth control for like ever. I've never missed. I rarely have sex* bold-faced lie*. Are you sure my tests didn't get mixed up, or lost or something?" Anything but this."

He looks at me with disappointment and sighs. "If you do not wish to keep the child there are means by which we can alter the situation." He hands me a card. Call this number. They'll have plenty of answers to any questions you might have."

I take the card totally stunned, unsure of what to say or think. I show him to the door and thank him, for totally telling me something that screws up my entire life. I lean against the door and begin to cry. What am I going to do? What will Heero say?" I collapse on top of my bed. It is all coming back to me- the nausea, dizziness and my favorite pair of jeans fitting a little to snug; now it all makes sense. The flue, fatigue, weight gain, anything normal, but this, this was totally unexpected. My tears are beginning to hurt my eyes and I feel so tired, so light-headed. I need to sleep.

To be continued....