Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcomed Invasion ❯ A Date With Relena ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

GW and its characters don't belong to me but to Sunrise/SOTSU Agency etc.

Forth part to Welcomed Invasion (Subtitled A DATE WITH RELENA).

~Relena's POV~

"That low-down dirty bastard! How could he?"

"Now Hildie. Calm down. It takes two people for this to happen. Heero's not all to blame." I think she heard my words but there is still smoke coming from her ears.

"How could you let him do this to you Relena? The scandal alone could kill your political career."

I snort out loud. "I can consider that a good thing almost. Besides, who says I can't do both?"

"I didn't say you couldn't do both. I'm glad you've decided to keep the baby." She smiles wickedly. "There's nothing like it. And I know you'll make a terrific mom. Me and Duo will be there for you also."

"Thank you so much Hildie. I just don't know how I'm going to break the news to Heero. I don't think he'll take it well."

"Screw him." Those were Hildie's final words on the subject.

~Heero's POV~

Damn cold burgers. I feel like complaining to the manager but decide not to, considering the type of mood I'm in I may just blow his head off. I throw a small wad of ones on the table. The waiter doesn't deserve a tip. I've been walking around all day and am bored out of my mind. I never told Duo that my missions were getting fewer and farther in-between.

Maybe Dr. J thought I was getting to old. I stop and stare at my twenty-one year old body in the mirrored glass window. Above average height; stronger, more muscular build; more prominent jaw line. That would have to be it. I was no longer small and quick, which makes me a liability. I wondered briefly who it was that was taking my place.

Who the fuck cares? I turn around to walk the other way when I notice something sparkling catch my eye. It's a diamond pendent necklace on a 24-karat cold chain. It was nothing real fancy but beautiful nonetheless. Relena would probably adore it. Nah. I shrug my shoulders. She probably has a dozen just like it. Thinking of Relena, I'll go see her.

~Relena's POV~

I finally made it home and went straight to my room. I was a little tired but felt wonderful after having a talk with Hildie. She helped me a lot and made me even more resolute about keeping the baby. I couldn't resist the urge to rub my tummy. "Tell me sweetheart. Are you as excited as I am?"

"Excited about what?" I look up and see Heero standing in front of me.

"Oh, hi. I didn't hear you come in."

"You never do. Now what am I suppose to be excited about?" My mind races with possible explanations I could give him, but I can't open my mouth. He comes closer to me until I am pinned against the back of the door, his arms caging me in. "If you must know Relena. I am excited about being here. He kisses me with his usual violent passion and begins to unbutton my blouse, pressing his "excitement" against me.

My mind is caught up in the sensations and pure lustful desire of the flesh. I begin to undo his belt. I have to tell him before we go any farther. I have to say something-oh damn this feels good. He has my blouse unbuttoned and the cups of my bra pulled down under my breasts. His teeth and lips suckle my nipples one at a time as his hands are raising my skirt; another pair of panties ripped away.

I throw his belt to the floor and unzip his jeans allowing them to fall down to his ankles. I pull his head away from my breasts as I glide down his body onto my knees. I take his cock in my mouth and begin to suck and blow him. I feel him stiffen as his arms brace his body against the door. After a minute or so I can taste the first trickle of his seaman.

He grabs fistfuls of my hair and jerks me up to my feet and takes me in a hungry kiss before lifting me up. With him holding me pressed against the door he enters me and begins to fuck me. I cling to him and bite into his shoulder, the sensation feeling electric through my body. Between moans and screams of passion we carry each other to total climax. I notice we are both sweating and breathing quite heavily. He places me gently to my feet. I look at the clock behind him. "You're a little early aren't you? It's not even dark yet."

"I had nothing better to do."

It's hard for me to believe that such a man who just seconds earlier lost to his passion now seemed as emotionless and cold as ice.

"So I guess you'll be going?" He pulled up his jeans and adjusted himself. "I actually thought I'd stay for a little while. It's almost dinner time."

I think I'm about ready to faint. Is he purposing we share a meal together? "I can order us in something."

He begins to rummage through my closet. "I actually thought we could go out." He pulls out a little red cocktail dress. "I like this one." He tosses it to me. "Wear it."

I sarcastically salute. "Is there anything else mon Capitan?"

"Wash your hair."

I'm a little offended. "I've washed my hair today."

"But you used that damn vanilla shampoo and I hate the smell of it. I like the one that smells like berries."

"Wild berry blend."

"Yea. That's it."

He just stands there and stares at me. "What are you waiting for?"

~Heero's POV~

I asked her the question and she just stares back at me. I grow a little frustrated. What's with her? I'm going to take her out. Shouldn't she be happy? She tells me at least the word please would be nice before storming off into the bathroom. I open the other side of her closet where I've stashed a few of my things. I dust off a navy blue suit, perfect.

~Relena's POV~

I wrap my wet hair up in a towel, still a little miffed at the way he just ordered me to do this and that, but then of course I did little to protest. You're a wimp Relena I tell my reflection in the mirror. I hastily begin to apply my make-up when he walks in already primped and polished, except for his hair.

"You ready?"

I stare at him wide-eyed. "Sorry but the whole hair-washing thing put me behind a few minutes. And speaking of hair?" I say nothing more and hand him a comb.

He stands beside me in front of the mirror and picks up my hair gel. Squeezing a dab in his palm he begins to run his fingers through his hair. He still has the scruffy doo he's always had. It's almost as if most of him is stuck in the past, unable to move ahead, or unwilling. I finish up my make-up and slip on the dress, grateful that I've not really begun to show yet. The silk material glides down over my body and the hem floats down to stop just above my knees. I adjust the spaghetti straps and bodice area before pulling the towel off my head. I spin around to see he's been watching me, intensely. "What?"

"Come here. Please."

~Heero's POV~

My initial request sounded more like a command and she stood there not moving. So I said please. I know I should try using softer tones, especially with her, but I'm not sure how.

She is standing before me now. "What do you want Heero?"

"Sit down, please."

She gives me sly look as she sits down in front of her vanity. "So since you're telling me how I should look and smell tonight, what should I do with my hair? Up or down? Straight or curled?" Her tone is flip and snobby. She begins to pick up her brush but I take her hand and pry the brush from her fingers.

"I'll do it."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Whatever you want, eh Heero?" Her subtle sharpness is not so subtle.

She closes her eyes and sighs as I begin to brush through her hair. I can smell the sweet, fruity scent, better than that damned vanilla. I notice the curve of her long neck. It sends chills through me. I sweep her hair over to the opposite side and lean forward to nip at the tender spot. She catches her breath and jumps, but is smiling at me. She knows how much desire I have for her, how

"I think I'll wear my hair up tonight Heero."

"That would be nice." I reply simply as I allow her to take the brush from my hands.

"You go out and wait for me. I should only be a few minutes." I only nod.

~Relena's POV~

I wait for him to leave my bedroom before I continue with my hair. My heart is beating a little faster than usual and I feel myself blush. Before I know it I'm pushing the last few pins in my hair. I decided on a simple slicked upsweep with tendrils. I must have jumped up a little to fast because I'm feeling a little dizzy. I look down at my stomach. Give your mother a break will you honey? I shake it off and slip on my heels. Even though Heero's grown quite tall, I've never made it past 5'6" and with heels at least I'll be to his shoulders. I place my hand on the knob of the door and take a deep breath.

~Heero's POV~

I hear the door opening and turn my head towards it. I'm struck a little dumbfounded at the vision of loveliness I see before me. I hold my breath and count to ten. I must regain my control; keep my cool.

"So do I look all right Heero?" She asks the question too innocently and I know she's fishing for a compliment.

"Just fine." I extend my arm to her noticing the disappointment in her eyes. Why couldn't I've said something nicer? We walk out of the door arm in arm. She looks absolutely breath taking tonight and I feel like the luckiest man having her on my arm.

To be continued...