Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ Welcomed Invasion ❯ Dinner ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sunrise/SOTSU Agency owns GW and its characters...not me.

Part five of Welcomed Invasion (Subtitled DINNER).

~Heero's POV~

We enter the restaurant. Relena doesn't even need an invitation. The host sees her and shows us to the table immediately. I pull out Relena's chair for her and go to sit down when the man becomes nosey. "And who may I ask is the young gentleman escorting you to night?"

I speak for her. "I'm her new bodyguard. And the least questions you ask the better for you."

I can tell he's taken aback by my abruptness. "Very well sir." He hands us the menus and walks away. Relena is smiling at me an eyebrow cocked, her chin resting on her clasped hand.

"My new bodyguard mmm?" I try to ignore her giggle. "You've saved me enough times to qualify I guess. Are you looking for new work?"

I advert my eyes. I vowed years ago to protect the girl who was now a woman and it had been a promise I'd never broken. But Dr. J didn't seem to need me anymore and I would never be too good at anything manual. "If there's a position open you know, there's nobody better."

"I solely agree." She extends her hand "Welcome aboard soldier." I feel a little stupid shaking her hand but I do.

The host brings out the wine that he insists is vintage; I have him fill my glass. Relena respectively reclines which I find unusual, she loves a good glass of wine. She gives me a line about how she's got to be careful in public so as not to tarnish her image.

~Relena's POV~

"Image is everything." I finish telling him, hoping he bought my excuse for not wanting the alcohol. I'm a horrible liar and Heero can see right through me most times. But he says he understands and I breathe normally. Maybe I got away with this one. Heero tells me to order for him so I summon over the waiter.

~Heero's POV~

I wasn't quite sure if I bought Relena's story about not drinking, but it made perfect sense so I'm not going to think about it. I allow her to order for both of us. I figure she knows the food a lot better than I, besides it gives me a few moments to take her in.

She looks slightly different tonight. As if there's more of rose tint to her skin, an aura or glow of some kind. The live string quartet begins playing a lovely song so I ask her to dance. She accepts graciously and I lead her to the dance floor. My training has been kicked in the entire time and I know the faces of all of those who are staring at her-and the men who are watching her every move and every curve. I draw her closer to me and hold her possessively. No one will make the mistake of thinking we're not together. One gentleman in particular has been glaring at her far to long. I decide I'll take care of him later.

~Relena's POV~

It's been quite some time since me and Heero have danced together, but to me if feels like it was just yesterday. I notice he has a tight hold on me, his body language sending the message to other men that they best not even look at me. I lay my head on his chest and can hear his heart. He's always been my protector, my savior. I suddenly feel his breath tickle my ear.

"Do you know how absolutely breathtaking you are tonight Relena?" My muscles twitch a little as I strengthen my hold on her because it feels like her knees just gave out. "Are you okay?"

She pulls away from me just far enough so she can look up at me. "Compliments from you are just so rare."

I should work on that I tell myself but can say nothing back to her. The music has ended and we see the waiter setting our food on the table so we begin to head back. I suddenly notice that particular gentleman rising up from his table to leave.

"There's something I have to do. Start without me." She looks back at me a little confused but nods her head.

~Relena's POV~

He said I was breathtaking. I feel like my heart's going to jump out of my chest. I place the linen napkin on my lap. The food looks absolutely fabulous and I suddenly realize I've not eaten much that day. A mistake I can't make again in my current will I tell Heero?

~Heero's POV~

I follow the gentleman no more than a block when I see him go into a phone booth. He closes the door and is turned away from me so I can't hear him nor read his lips. I creep a little closer, using the shadows of a tree to conceal me. My eyes can make out the bust of man that is showing up on the view screen of the phone. I memorize every detail of the face. I slink back just a second as the man hangs up the phone and exits the booth. He walks another block when I finally decide to attack and drag him in the nearby alley. I slam him up against the brick wall.

"Who are you and why are you so interested in Miss Dorlian?" I am in my perfect soldier mode so my voice is growling.

"She's go nice t and a."

Obviously the man doesn't seem to realize the immediate danger he is in so I tighten the grip I have around his throat and punch him so hard I think I hear one of his ribs crack. "That answer doesn't satisfy me." His breathing has become more difficult and I can tell he is in pain. Good. "Who was the man on the phone?"

He begins to laugh a little too manically. "You should never have left your girlie alone tough guy." I decide my questioning is over and I break the man's neck and am gone before he finishes slumping down to the ground.

~Relena's POV~

I check my watch again. Only two minutes have passed since I last checked. I've about finished my meal and know Heero's must be ice cold. I bite my lip and begin to worry. Was he ditching me? Now I'm getting angry. I can't take his hot and cold. I wave over the waiter and ask for the check, but he insists I put it on my tab. I feel so embarrassed and humiliated, I agree just wanting to get the hell out of here.

All eyes are on me I can tell. But I gather up all of what's left of my dignity and continue with my holier than thou nose in the air past them all. Once outside I slump against the wall and hang my head. I want to cry. I should have known better than think Heero would actually spend an entire evening out with me. Though I'd probably see him later. Well I won't let him in. I laugh silently to myself. As if I could keep him out. I see a shadow of a man approaching.

~Heero's POV~

I see her before me as I near closer to her. I see a mix of hurt and relief in her eyes. I think briefly about the men I left dead in the alley just a few feet away. They didn't even see me coming and I was able to get the information I needed; I'll contact the Preventers headquarters tomorrow and they can take it from there.

I smirk and start chuckling feeling quite smug with myself. Doctor J. thinks I've lost my edge huh?

"Heero this isn't funny."

I snap back to reality. "I'm sorry. I had something really important to do."

"More important than me of course." She takes a few steps ahead of me as her limo pulls up. I know she's extremely hurt, but she doesn't know my reason and I won't tell her. There's no need to.

She opens door and turns to me. "Are you coming?" I take three quick steps and join her inside.

~Relena's POV~

I'm not quite sure what I want to say to him. He is quiet, which is nothing new, but he continues looking at me. I finally can't take it anymore. "Do I have something in my teeth?"

"You're not smiling so how would I know?"

I want to scream and hit him, which I do. I know he's laughing at me; I turn my head hoping he cannot see the tears welling up in my eyes.

~Heero's POV~

I had a brief fantasy about pinning Relena down in the back of her limo and screwing her brains out, but that disappeared quickly when her mouth got smart. Her punch to my gut didn't even wind me. I look out the window away from her. I know she's trying hard not to cry. Since when did this relationship start becoming so difficult? I know the answer. It was when I first realized I was in love with her. Why do I always have to be a jerk and make her cry? I slide my hand overtop of hers and wrap my fingers around it. She turns her palm up and returns the gesture. The rest of the ride to her house is engulfed by silence, frozen, as we remain hand in hand, looking opposite ways of each other up towards the stars.

To be continued...