Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What I Really Meant to Say ❯ I Need You ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: For the love of God people do you think that if I owned Gundam Wing Heero would have ended up with Relena?????????? Well I don't own it so he his, and there aint anything I can do about it.

Author's Notes: I've decided to write this from what happened from Duo's point of view. So as to try to make up for killing Heero… I swear I really didn't mean it… *sob* it just happened. Oh Heero I'm sooooo sorry… Please take not this fic is duo's point of view and not a total continuation of the first part, so there will be parts in the to stories that are almost completely the same.

I Need You

For the fifth time in an hour Duo looked at his watch. "Dammit where the hell is he? The chick I talked to said he came here after work every Friday at six." Duo huffed in iritation, he began pushing the food around on his plate. He looked towards the door and caught his breath, as his angel walked through the doors. The sight of Heero standing there waiting to be seated reminded Duo excatly why he'd been in this town for over a week.

//I don't need a lot of things

I can get by with nothing

But all the blessings life can bring

I've always needed something

But I've got all I want

and it comes from loving you

You're my only reason

you're my only truth//

He watched as a waiter showed Heero to a table close to his. He waited until Heero had picked up his menu before he spoke out loud. "Heero is that you?" He asked in a surprised voice. When Heero turned to look at him he smiled. "It is you Heero! I'd regognize your face anywhere." He said as he took a seat at Heero's table. God, he's so beautiful. He smile widened. "How've ya been Heero, and what are you doing here?" He asked Heero.

Heero smiled at his unexpected guest. "Hi Duo. I'm doing just fine. I've been keeping busy you know getting an apartment, working, dating, and all that. As to why I'm here I live here in fact I work just across the street. What about you?"

//I need you like water,

like breath, like rain

I need you like mercy

from heaven's game

There's a freedom in your arms

that carries me through I need you//

Duo was surprised at this and a little hurt. His beloved angel was seeing someone else. But then again that was his fault wasn' it? He had been the one to break his angel's heart by running off with that bitch Relena. He quickly covered up his hurt with a smile. "Wow! That's great Heero; sounds like you've got a great life going here. Me, well I've been working as a politician for the last year, it's a really hectic job I tell ya. As to why I'm here, I just came in to town picking up some important stuff for Relena…" Duo didn't pay attention to what he was saying but watched as Heero's eyes got all misty.

//You're the hope that moves me

to courage again Oh yeah

You're the love that rescues me

when the cold winds rage

And it's so amazing

cause that's just how you are

and I can't turn back now

cause you've brought me too far//

~"Heero you know you're a great friend and all and I really care about you but… but there's someone else. Someone I really love. I hope you'll understand and forgive me." Duo said as he turned to leave.

"Duo!" Heero called to him desperately. "Will you at least tell me who it is? That's all I'm asking of you. Can you tell me for old times sake?"

Duo turned to face him, "Heero I'm in love with Relena." Then he turned and walked out the door leaving a stunned and heartbroken Heero behind. ~

`God I can't stand seeing at him like this I have to leave' Duo thought as he got up and said. "Well Heero it's time I go, you know how Lena can get when she doesn't get what she wants." He shrugged his shoulders in defeated manner. "Well see ya later buddy, keep in touch will ya?" With that he left the restaurant after paying his bill.

//I need you like water,

like breath, like rain

I need you like mercy

from heaven's game

There's a freedom in your arms

that carries me through I need you//

He made it as far as the end of the building before he had to stop, to hold in the sobs threatening to come out. He stood their leanin against the building for five minutes, trying to get a hold of himself. When he stood up he was surprised to see a familiar person run by tears streaming down their face. `Oh God Heero!' Duo thought as he raced after his obviously distresed angel. He followed him until the arrived at a shabby looking apartment. He didn't have time to really examine it before Heero raced in side, Duo hot on his heels. He followed him all the way up the stairs and to his door but couldn't bring himself to enter.

He stood there for what seemed like eternity before he couldn't take hearing his angel's pain any longer. He entered the apartment and heard sounds from down the hall. He felt his heart shatter as hewalked in just in time to hear Heero say, "Duo I'll always love you." And watch him begin to pull the trigger of the gun pressed to his head.

//I need you ohhh yes I do

I need you like water,

like breath, like rain

I need you like mercy

from heaven's game

There's a freedom in your arms

that carries me through I need you//

Something sanpped in him and he ran for Heero. "Heero don't do it." His angel jerked in surprise just as he squezed the trigger. Time stood as the bullet just missed Heero's head and hit the wall beside him. Duo gave a sigh of relief and aproached his distressed love. "Heero, please don't kill yourself. I'm sorry this is all my fault, it's because I left you for her isn't it." Duo approached Heero and took the gun from hi lax fingures. "God, Heero I should have come back sooner. I didn't mean for you too go through all this pain. I-I love you so much Heero."

Heero looked at him with teary blue eyes. "If you love me so much then why did you leave?" He asked as pulled away from Duo's touch. "Why Duo? Why did you leave me for her? That's all something that I always wanted to know." Heero eyes boared into his, demanding and answer.

Duo sighed and sat down beside Heero and pulled the other close to him. "I left because I wanted my control back. Whenever I'm near you I lose all my control and I feel like a mindless doll that just wants to follow you around everywhere. God, I need to be able to think, so I left, I went the only place I knew I could." He looked down at Heero and put a hand under his angel's chin to make him look at him. "Heero I've regreted that dession every wake… no I've regreted it every hour of every day since I left. And today… today I came here to ask for your forgiveness, if you can ever forgive me. "

His angel looked into his eyes, those blue orbs searching the far recesses of his soul. "Duo do really love?" Duo could only nod. "Then make it up to me, stay here with me. So that we can learn who we both have become, so that we can both heal together." Heero gave Duo a shy smile. "Lets forget the mistakes made in the past and work on building a new future together."

Stunned Duo stared at Heero for a moment before he smiled brightly and bent down to capture Heero's lips with his. The kiss semed to last forever, when they parted they where both out of breath. "I love you Heero, now and till the end of time." Heero smiled lovingly at Duo. "Ai shiteru koi." They kissed again and forgot everything except what was ahpenning here and now.

//I need youuuu ohhhhhh//

Notes: Are you guys all happy now? You wanted a sequel and you got it. I even got to fix my almost killing Heero. Tell me if you think I should do another part or write on e like this for another pilot please. So everyone review and tell me how you liked it please?????