Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ What Matters Most ❯ Heero Yuy ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
What Matters Most
By: Lady Sapphire

Chapter 2: Heero Yuy

"Relena! That was awesome! You never told me that you could sing like that!" exclaimed Hilde as soon as they were out of earshot.
"Well, you never asked! And I didn't think it was that good."
"Are you kidding? The other servants loved your voice. Especially the men," said Hilde, giving her a wink. Relena just rolled her eyes. "Seriously, didn't you see the mistress's expression? You can tell that she really enjoyed it and everyone knows that the mistress is a hard person to impress."
Relena simply shrugged. "I used to sing all the time when I was young. It would sometimes ease the pain of my loneliness. I guess I just stopped when I found out I had a brother. Now that he has passed away, I'm all alone again," she said sadly.
"Oh Relena, I'm so sorry. I forgot that you were an orphan. It must have been hard for you to endure your brother's death," apologized Hilde.
"S'okay, what's passed is past, right? Forget it."
"And besides, you'll never be alone because now you got me!" said Hilde, cheerfully.
"That's what I'm afraid of."
"That's okay, I didn't mean it. Actually, it would be kind of nice to have a friend I can always trust." Then grinning, she said, "Now are you going to show me around or are you trying to get me totally lost? God, this house is huge!"
Hilde grinned back. "Stick with me, my friend, and I'll show you the ropes! But first, let's go to my room."
"Well, you don't want to look like something the cat dragged in on your first day of work now, do you?" asked Hilde slyly, as she examined Relena's clothes.
Embarrassed, Relena said shyly, "Oops, I guess I am I little unclean, aren't I?"
"Well, when I'm finished with you, you'll look like the singing superstar you are!" said Hilde, as she grabbed Relena's arm and practically dragged her to her room far away.


The fifteen year-old son of the Yuys' walked solemnly through the corridors, the stern expression still plastered on his face. On the outside, he looked fine. No worries, no cares, just the same old Heero Yuy. But on the inside, his mind was flooding with thoughts. Thoughts that he would /never/ say out loud. Thoughts of Relena Peacecraft. There was something about that girl that he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he was determined to find out. Ever since they had met, he couldn't stop thinking about her. The way their eyes had locked when they first met and the feeling he got whenever that happened! It was a feeling that he had never experienced before and couldn't explain it no matter how hard he tried. Though he wouldn't show it, this new sensation startled him a bit, and he hated it. He hated to show any sign of weaknesses. And her voice! Her voice was so lovely, yet so powerful and strong. She sang with so much passion that it was as if she was singing about her own life.
'Who is she? Who does she think she is? How can one person make me feel so different? I've never felt this way before about anyone. So why her? I hate this!!!' Questions raced through his mind.
"Why must we all conceal, what we think, how we feel?" A line of Relena's song drifted through his head.
'Why does that line keep repeating in my head and why does it sound so familiar? Wait a minute, is she… is she singing about me?' he paused to think of this new connection. 'How could she possibly know what I'm like? How could she know that I hide my feelings?' he frowned in thought.
Then he gasped in realization. 'She must be a spy! That's got to be it! How else could she have found out how I live? She must have been sent to ruin our company by one of our rivals."
He felt relieved that his problem had been solved, the problem of who the new servant was, but he was still lost in thought on how to get rid of her when someone attacked him from behind. Heero tried to dodge it, but he wasn't fast enough. The next thing he knew, he was pinned against the wall by a hand, a fist flying fast towards his face. It stopped midway.
"Whoa, Heero, are you alright?" asked the young man, releasing his grip of his victim, "You're really out of it today, aren't you? I can't believe I beat you! I never beat you!"
"Duo…" growled Heero through clenched teeth, "How many times do I have to tell you, /NEVER/ sneak up on me!!!"
"Hey cool down, Heero! I was only kidding around! Don't be such a sore loser. Let me have some fun with my victory."
"Suit yourself," muttered Heero coldly, still unwilling to admit defeat.
Sir Duo was a fair young man, the same age as Heero, with long chestnut brown hair that he constantly keeps in a braid and striking violet eyes that always seemed to have a humourous glint in them. They met at military school together and were best friends almost instantly. That was also how Duo got his job as captain of the guards and the title, "Sir Duo." That was also why Duo did not have to address Heero with any formalities.
"Anyway, Heero, why are you so off-guard today? You don't seem like yourself," asked Duo, curiously.
"None of your business!" replied Heero stubbornly, giving him a death glare.
"Aww… Why not? Come on, I want to know what your weakness is," persisted Duo.
"If you honestly think that I'm going to tell you, then think again. Besides, I HAVE NO WEAKNESSES!!!" yelled Heero.
"Then why were you beaten by me? Look Heero, I know you say that you do not have weaknesses, but you do. Everybody does, and you should accept that. So, if you don't want to tell me, then fine. I don't care anymore because I can still beat you again," said Duo, chuckling.
"You wish."
"Care to bet on that? Next time we have a fight, the loser has to serve the victor for one week."
"Fine, but you'll regret it."
"We'll just have to see about that," said Duo sneakily. Then, changing the subject, he asked, "Hey, have you met the new servant that just arrived today?"
Heero immediately stopped short and death glared his best friend once again. "Duo, you brought in a spy," he said in a low angry voice.
Duo's face furrowed up in confusion. "What are you talking about? A spy? Relena? You've got to be kidding! Does she look like a spy to you? I've known her for some time and I can assure you that she is no spy. Gee Heero, you've been taking this military stuff to hard. Either that, or you fell and hit your head somewhere."
Heero totally ignored him and continued on to what he was saying; "I'm going to keep a close eye on her. And if she is a spy, then she'll be sorry that she even thought of stepping foot into the Yuy mansion."
"What spy? Is there a spy here? Cool!" exclaimed a cheerful voice from behind, which surprised both of them. The young men turned to see Hilde grinning at them. Standing next to her was a beautiful young lady, whom they had never met, but there was something about her that was so familiar.
"Uh…um… nothing. There are no spies here," Duo quickly recovered.
"Then what were you two just talking about?" asked Hilde, suspiciously.
"Uh…a new book! Yeah, that's it, a new book called "Detectives and Spies." We were just discussing about it, weren't we Heero?" Duo lied nervously. He gently nudged Heero to give a reply.
"Hn? Oh, yeah. Whatever," he replied half-heartedly, for he was intent on staring at the familiar girl beside Hilde.
"Anyway Hilde, who is that beside ya?" asked Duo, changing the subject. He hadn't noticed the figure standing beside her till now.
"Don't tell me you guys already forgot someone as attractive as Relena! Men, they're all the same," said Hilde, exasperatedly.
Relena blushed and curtsied. "Hello, Master Heero, Sir Duo. It's nice to meet you again."
Both Heero and Duo were shocked. That filthy little thing from this morning had somehow transformed into an angel! The dirt on her face was removed to reveal her silky, smooth complexion. Her torn ad tattered clothing were exchanged for new, more appropriate ones for a servant. She had borrowed a few of Hilde's clothes until she had enough money to buy her own. Her dirt-soiled hair was washed and her beautiful honey-blond shade gleamed in the sunlight. She was a whole new different person!
Hilde noticed the two staring guys and waved a hand in front of them. She started giggling when they snapped out of it, dazed and surprised. "It's not nice to stare, you know. You two looked like brainless zombies for a minute back there," said Hilde and she burst out into more laughter. Relena soon joined her.
"Humph! I don't see what's so funny!" grumbled Duo, arms crossed.
Heero just gave them both his best death glare. He didn't like to be embarrassed.
When the laughing ceased, Hilde suddenly let out a gasp. "Damn it! I'm going to be late! It's almost noon, and I haven't got the plates set up for lunch! Gotta go, see ya later, Rel!" said Hilde as she started running towards another hallway.
"Wait! You haven't shown me where the Master Mark's chamber is!" shouted Relena after he friend, but it was too late, Hilde was already out of sight.
"Don't worry, Relena, I'll show you the way," said Duo, but then he slapped his forehead and exclaimed, "Oh shoot! I forgot! I have guard duty today. I'm sorry, but I have to go!" And off he went.
That left Heero and Relena standing alone in the hallway.
"Can you…" started Relena, but couldn't finish because she was once again trapped in those deep, alluring eyes. 'What the /hell/ is wrong with me? Why do I freeze up every time he looks at me? His gaze frightens me, and yet, I can't seem to force myself to look away." She tried pulling away but it was no use.
Meanwhile, in Heero's mind, 'Damn it! Why can't I take my eyes off this new servant? What is it about her that seems so interesting to me? Maybe I'm… No! She's a spy! I don't care what Duo says, I can't lay off my suspicions until I know for sure!' And with that last thought, his stare turned into a death glare, and using all the will power that he possessed ripped his eyes from hers and looked the other way.
Relena, grateful that he had broke away because she knew that she wouldn't have been able to, just stared at the floor, not wanting another confrontation with those hypnotic eyes again.
"Follow me," said Heero in a deep, monotonous voice and started walking in the direction he was facing.
Relena did as she was told. They walked in silence down the seemingly endless hallway. After a few minutes, Relena, wanting to make conversation, asked timidly, "Master Heero? I was just wondering, how many rooms are in this house?"
Heero froze. 'That's exactly the kind of question a spy would ask!' he said to himself. He turned around swiftly and glared daggers at her. "YOU are not to speak unless spoken to. You are now one of the servants in the Yuy mansion, and therefore should abide our rules. If you don't know the rules, then I suggest you /LEARN/!!! Is that understood?" He warned her coldly.
Stunned by his reaction, she managed to stammer out, "Y-y-yes, Sir. B-b-but why is there such a rule?"
"Servants in this household are to serve their masters. They have no other purpose than to do just that, just like a chair would serve only as furniture for sitting on, or a bed would serve as a place to sleep. Servants are regarded as mere objects that can easily be discarded if broken or disagreeable. Objects do not speak nor do they question their orders. /That's/ why," he replied disapprovingly of her question.
That did it. Not only did he look down on her because of her status, he also insulted her too! She too glared dangerously at him. Her anger exploded like a volcano, as she began to shout in fury. "What the /hell/ is wrong with you rich snobs? What kind of rules are those? Tell me, is this fairness? Is this justice? Servants are/NOT/ just "things." They're people. Real, living and breathing people, just like you. We have feelings, just like you. We have mothers and fathers, just like you. The only difference is money, but that shouldn't matter! No one wants to be poor, but they can't help it if they were born into poor families. Nevertheless, we get through life by working hard and serving people like /YOU/! Do you think I /wanted/ to become a servant? To become some rich snob's toy to do as they please? Do you think I had a choice? You wouldn't know, would you?" she spat bitterly at him.
Heero's instinctively brought his hand up and slammed his palm into her left cheek, hard. The force from his hand sent the poor girl crashing to the floor. She quickly put a hand over her stinging cheek that was now red and she could feel the warmth that it was radiating. But no matter how much her tears were urging to pour, her determination forced them to stay back.
"NEVER, EVER speak to me like that again, is that clear?! Punishments for mistakes can be more severe than that," Heero said calmly as he turned around and continued on his way to his brother's room.
Relena just sat there a while longer. Unable to keep in the tears anymore, she let them spill to the floor. "Oh, how am I going to survive this? Please somebody tell me, how…?"

Author's Note: O_o What's going to happen to Relena? Don't you just hate Heero for this? Don't worry; he's not like this throughout the whole story! Anyway, I finally got this chapter out, but it might be another eternity before the next comes out. We'll just wait and see… See ya later!
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em, never will own 'em. Though I wish I did…